Mods (Boats and Sails)
These mods change the look of Boats and Sails that you equip in Ship and Sail slots on character tab. Floating mounts not included.
Viewing all mods with the type set as "Boats and Sails" sorted by the most recent first.
SS SnowfestBoats and Sails

SS Snowfest EveBoats and Sails
Accepted 8 years ago
LafayetteBoats and Sails
Blocky ShipsBoats and Sails
Accepted 8 years ago
Cygnus' SkyshipBoats and Sails
Accepted 8 years ago
Heazox Crew Sail !Boats and Sails

Cretaceous clipperBoats and Sails
Accepted 8 years ago
CasabiancaBoats and Sails

Tug BoatBoats and Sails

DanceboatBoats and Sails

Neon city stealth boatBoats and Sails

Fishing BargeBoats and Sails
Accepted 8 years ago
Clipper of the deep seasBoats and Sails

Candorian GalleonBoats and Sails

Pin-yacht-aBoats and Sails

DestroyerBoats and Sails

SS DynastyBoats and Sails
Accepted 8 years ago
Pentedrakon of WarBoats and Sails

Oakminati SailBoats and Sails

Candorian SailBoats and Sails

Candy ClipperBoats and Sails