Mods (Allies)
These mods change the look of your Pets that you equip in Ally slot on character tab. Geode Companions included.
Viewing all mods with the type set as "Allies" sorted by the most recent first.
Amperium KiteAllies

Resistor KiteAllies


Rolling gearsAllies

Mystical Heckbug MimicAllies

Faerie DustAllies

Alpha AncestorAllies

Ashen FernAllies

Purranosaurus RexAllies


Worlds Best BusinessmanAllies

Ashen FlowerAllies

Surprised PowercellAllies

Ashen ProtesterAllies
Accepted 6 months ago

Junmate CaptainAllies


Balefire ChameleonAllies

Guud GoatAllies
Accepted 6 months ago
Little Little YuragumiAllies