We've updated the Trovesaurus database to the More Boots More Fun edition patch.
CollectionsTop ^
- Chaos Rod file updated from '' to 'Fishing Poles'
Hidden Mounts
- Crazy Busy Caterpillar - Always racing to and fro, getting people places on time
- Polar Caterkiller - Someone managed to domesticate one of Permafrost's most ferocious predators somehow
Store Mounts
- Overlord Omniseat - Survey your domain from this force-projecting mobile seat of power
- Love Seat - Held aloft by the mightiest power
- Uni-Cycle - A sleek riding machine inspired by the most coveted mythological mount
- Ancient Cubits - These five cubits are so ancient, they have a mind of their own
Crafted Mounts
- Moulder - The strength of its belief is the only thing that keeps it going
Shadow Arena Mounts
Other Mounts
- Neon Ray
- Ari Gato - This robotic retainer to the Daimeownt specializes in covert ops and surgical strikes.
- Daimeownt - Supreme overlord of feline fighting forces.
- Domo Gato - This robotic retainer to the Daimeownt bears the blades that win his battles.
Fishing Allies
- Bounding Boot file updated from '' to 'Pets'
Crafted Allies
- Steely Sabaton - Completely placeholder
- Sorcerous Shoe - Every little step it takes is magic
- Cardio Companion - A friend and rival, always pushing you to go further
- Foreman Footwear - This diggsly is definitely going places
- Bloodseeker Wings name changed from Bloodsucker Wings
StylesTop ^
Melee Weapon
- Cloud Cleaver description changed from 'One might swing of this weapon clears the skies' to 'One mighty swing of this weapon clears the skies'
Bow Weapon
- Precision Plantain by Arradir - It will invariably ripen and its effectiveness will suffer
- Straight-Shooting Sling by Niestrat99 - It makes hitting your target's child's play
- Precarious Projector by Eriri - It takes some skill and a lot of luck to handle it without harming oneself
- Twin Tuners by DestinyCutter - These tuning forks imbue fired arrows with harmonic vibrations, improving flight
- Thornbush Branch by Thijsss - Each arrow is accompanied by a spray of sharp barbs
- Water Melancer by Arradir - Spits out swarms of shrapnel-like seeds alongside your arrows
- Skirting Bow by Aodahn - Follows classical lines for a timeless look
- Convection Compound by LaFreakki - Takes advantage of air currents to empower its arrows
- Springsect Interceptor by Ixion - Perfect for taking out biting bugs of all sizes
- Ballistic Bladeslinger by BrianVI - Launches dagger-sized blades instead of arrows
- Starsilver Seeker by TNT_101 - Crafted from a rare metal from beyond the Sky Realms
- Gothic Guardian by ParagonHawk - The iconic namesake of a night-prowling vigilante
- Flameprong Propagator by colabubble - Wherever it goes, it stokes the fires of war
- Balanced Bow by Buff_Mantuff - It rests equidistance to radiance and shadow
- Growling Grotesque by billybeatable - Gazing upon the distorted faces that adorn it is most unsettling
- Skyblossom Striker by Minecraftian - A peculiar enchantment on it leaves trails of petals in your arrows' wake
- Loophole Exploiter by TeeKayM - Sniffs out enemy weaknesses and attacks them with pinpoint accuracy
- Eldritch Effigy by ShadowF1ghter - The likeness of a shadowy entity is carved onto its surface
- Heart String by MamaGabby - It triggers all manner of feelings in those struck by its arrows
- Autumn Yata Yustice by FriedSushi - Implement of vengeance for the seasonal slaughter
- Timeless Ocarina by TigerLove - This wind instrument makes dispatching foes from afar a breeze
- Bladed Bow by Tribe - This design is popular among front-line archers, who often find themselves in melee combat
- Apex Predator by Aey - The Shadow Hunters of yore perfected and mastered these weapons over the course of many generations
- Curse Cleanser by jolsensei - Employed in the exorcism of curses and haunting spirits
- Clockwork Compound by Khali - Enhanced by artisanal mechanism fashioned with infinite patience
- Bison Bicorn by Jallafish - Crafted from a full set of mature male horns, this heavy bow packs considerable power
- Dusk Raptor by se7en - Augments your accuracy in near-darkness
- Bound Bone Bow by Lurax - Made of bone and wrapped in sinew, likely from the same source
- Crystallized Compound by 5p3x - Painstakingly coaxed into shape from a single glacial shard
- Ice Spider by Madlyaza - Excellent for ambushes in glacial locales
- Golden Stag by homeofmew - This gold-plated antler bow was a wedding gift to an early Fae chieftain
- Sentry Seedling by Aey - Wild Fae plant these profusely in their forests as protection from trespassers
- Fae Bramblebranch by Palurian - This thorny bush grows prolifically in the forests of the Fae
- Wildwood Windhunter by chocobag - Of ancient Fae construction, this bow is blessed by dozens of spirits
- Glimmering Glamor by Fiscon - Enchanted with fae magics to confound your foes
- Incandescent Core Slice by Zeeg - Crafted from a sliver of the rock surrounding a Magman's core
- Quad-Beam Compound Bow by Zeeg - Highly advanced technology enhances this bow's power, range, and accuracy
- Blacklight Bow by Soulrenor - Reveals imperfections in your targets defenses
- Route Mask by Fiscon - Emits dazzling light to mask the trajectory of its projectiles
- Compact Catalyst by Daeminos - Favored by on-the-go archers for its small size and self-generated ammunition
- Multi-Pronged Menace by Yuyukey - Calculates and executes attacks from multiple synergistic vectors
- Toasty Treat by Arradir - Forged in fire to exquisite perfection
- All-Sort Assault Bow by PinkiePie - Put together from a variegated assortment of Candorian materials
- Radiant Recurve by MonsterAnt - Its form is rather unusual for weapons crafted in the Sky Realms
- Golden V-Wing by Maneledo - Its construction is unlike any seen in the Prime Realms
- Sky Sentinel by MotzerellaSauce - A common weapon carried by patrolling Sky Realmers
- Auric Aileron by 5p3x - Its hinged body facilitates drawing for those of lesser stature
- Rock Prawn Recurve by Pwego - These paired crustaceans really put their backs into propelling your projectiles
- Fanged Fletcherfish by InfineonJ - It may be out of its element, but its accuracy is unhindered
- Immortal Aevis by Popez - Thought to have been fashion in the likeness of a greater sea spirit
- Propeller Polyps by Megabash - This coral formation appears to have been carefully cultivated
- Firegale Feather by Aey - Used to provide covering fire for boarders and skirmishers
- Dark Hood by Trove Team - No one will know
- LaGrasta's Legacy by McSauce - Scotty, we hardly knew ye...
DecoTop ^
- Blue Crab Wall Trophy
- Desert Crab Wall Trophy
- Radiant Sentry Wall Trophy
- Radiant Watcher Wall Trophy
- Spring Beetle Wall Trophy
- Pirate Captain Wall Trophy
- Undead Pirate Cannoneer Wall Trophy
- Undead Pirate Sailor Wall Trophy
- Giant Brown Tortoise Wall Trophy
- Brown Tortoise Wall Trophy
- Radiant Guardian Wall Trophy
- Pirate Cannoneer Wall Trophy
- Emerald Iguana Wall Trophy
- Golden Sea Idol Wall Trophy
- Undead Pirate Captain Wall Trophy
- Pirate Sailor Wall Trophy
- Radiant Giant Wall Trophy
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