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Comments that this user has made.
Commented on: August Site Update page
One thing I'd like to see would be a page commenting on various synergies between classes, as well as different combos of 8 classes for sts.
Commented on: Class Art #6 - Dracolyte page
Commented on: Etaewday Celebrations page
Commented on: Avarem Trovesaurus Gamescom Interview page
Commented on: Avarem Trovesaurus Gamescom Interview page
Commented on: Gems! How do they work?! page
Commented on: Modding Experiences Promotion page
I found out about mods right here on Trovesaurus.
I manually put the file in my trove overide folder.
My favorite mods are the one that makes Martial and Arcane emblems make a firey particle effect around you, as the normal particles are hard to see, and the one that sends up a beam above dungeons when shadow equipment drops, though I repurposed it for stellars and radiants.
Commented on: Guide Creation Contest page
Here is my guide for Troxel and item creation!
I hope this makes Trove a better place.
Commented on: Class Art #5 - Candy Barbarian page
I like how you took a good piece of original work and made it better. The doughnut makes it perfect.
Commented on: Gold Feedback page
Commented on: August Site Goals page
I'd really like to see guides on how to do Trove-related stuff outside of Trove, they are either not on Trovesaurus or really out of date (setting up stream, etc.) I am making a guide to Troxel item creation right now to help with this.
Commented on: What class do you want drawn next? Class #6 poll