For this promotion we'd love to hear about your experiences as a Modder and using mods. Modders we'd love to know what inspires you, what tools you use, and how you do what you do. Users we'd love to know how you found out about modding, how you apply them, and which are your favourites.
Mod Creators
- Please create a Guide with the Modding Experiences tag and include information about:
- Your background and how you discovered Trove Modding, what you have created or are working on so far
- What tools you use, and the methods you use to create mods - THE IMPORTANT BIT - PLEASE TREAT THIS SECTION AS A GUIDE, GET SPECIFIC
- How you deploy and draw attention to your mods and what features would you love to have available to you from the developers to help you create or improve your mods
Mod Users
- Please comment on this article with:
- How you found out about modding
- How you install the mods
- What are your favourites and what you would like to see modders create next
NOTE: You can be both a Creator and a User, and enter into both draws
- Tuesday, August 9 to Tuesday, August 16
- At least 10 Winners will be selected at random from the Mod Creators group provided their Guide has enough information to help future and current modders.
- At least 3 Winners will be selected at random from the Mod Users group provided their Comment on this page is on topic and meets the criteria

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I found out about mods watching syctheplays
i download the mods file directly from this site and put it in an override folder in trove. i don't really know any other way .-.
My favourite Mod is the one that makes the Shadow items stand out, like with a brilliant white light but the new ones are better as they actually look like a Shadow drop and they go though walls.
i wanna see a Mod that can change flying ally into a tiny flying hippo xD
I found out about Trove mods via the Trove forums
I installed mods via the modloader awhile back yet switched to manual nstallation which takes a lil bit more time finding and updating copared to the autmagically method.
My favorite mods are
- Remove Unnecessary Effects - So long /fxenable
- No More Bright/Dark Biomes - No More Eye Strain
- I used to use the Chat Mod Enhaned which is still a favorite. Is there a bug with trying to open the drop-down menu on Trove's chat sometimes?
I found out about mods on Trove foruns and quickly learned about Trovesaurus. I like to manually put the file in my trove overide folder since its quick and easy. I'm particularly fond of mods that give in-game quality of live like the one that affects tha particles when you drop shadow/radiant/stellar gear, or show when arcane/martial emblem are active, and the one that reduces particles gunslingers ultimate (head up to Novuhz for creating all three).
I would like to see a mod where a beacon would appear showing a gear that you have not collected the style, making it easier to collect styles you don't have.
I leave here my gratitude to all those modders that spend time to make trove a better game.
I found out about modding here in Trovesaurus. Then I am using TroveTools.NET for the mods that I use. I'd like to see modders create something that can be used by all class. Like, a pack of costumes for all the class because some mods are applied to the item like shadome(because most hat mods are using this) so when you use it to your other class it doesn't goes well . Also mods for mounts that can be used for beginner mounts like Corgi, Meownt not just for the mounts that you need to buy with credits or mounts that are expensive(flux) the same goes to allies. I would like to also see more "COMPLETE" mods XD I mean there's alot of mods there but mostly are currently in progress or stopped.
I found about mods when my friend told me of it.
To install mods just download ModLoader its not hard to use and you can download here on trovesaurus, download it open the folder then open the file search the mod on the site view thumbnail or look for the kind of mod you want and there exists.
My favorite mods of all is changed VFX for shadow, stellars and radiant even though i haven't got any stellars or radiant,it's such a simple thing that can help you so much while farming.
I found out about mods right here on Trovesaurus.
I manually put the file in my trove overide folder.
My favorite mods are the one that makes Martial and Arcane emblems make a firey particle effect around you, as the normal particles are hard to see, and the one that sends up a beam above dungeons when shadow equipment drops, though I repurposed it for stellars and radiants.
I found out about mods, after the first dev stream i saw, i think it was the 1st or 2nd week after the steam release, after some time, maybe 3 months after i began using mods, cant really remember the first mod i used was.
i used to use the trovesaurus mod loader, but since it dont work for me anymore for some wierd reason, i use the trovetools mod loader.
My favourite mod is: project boomer by Bananaboms.
would like to see some more costume.
I become a Mod User after YouTube reccomended a video from ScythePlays (I think) talking about modding. He reccomended TroveTools.Net as an installer so I used that.
I only use No VFX mod and No Clouds to help me maintain great FPS during hourly challenges and huge pinata parties and it works very well. I'm only really interested in utility mods and I'd love to see timestamps in chat mod or a minimap.
I got so much magic find that getting a shadow item is something common, because of that when someone killed a monster and i was not looking at it and it dropped a shadow gear since it could be something worth and i was afraid of losing it, i needed something to help me.
Them i searched for something and fould about the VFX mod's.
Tried one of them and worked very well for me.
Them i started using others some cool things like costumes, effects like goku.
They are all awesome thanks for who made them.
I found out that there are existing mods in the forums and I quickly search for helpful ones. The mod tools that I use is the TroveTools.Net and I can say that it is very userfriendly. One of the mods that I really like is a cosmetic mod for equipment drops (Fancy Drops -Thanks Lugia!). Lastly, I wish that there will be a mod like a helpful UI or indicator for Spit Fire (Draco's skill) or maybe for Pirate's First mate skill (number indicator mod).
1 i found out about modding from a twitch streamer
2 i use trove tools.net i love the mods there
3 my faveriot mod(s) is pinata ranger mod and the pinata fhising pole mod i would recomend the pinata ranger mod. the only proplem i have is that alot of the mods i download dpnt work for some reason i dont know why. other than that i love using the dragon and costum mods!!!
1. I found out that this game supports mods mainly from watching Videos/Streams.
2. I currently install mods with TroveTools.net (TroveToolbox and Trove Mod Manager before but the 1st got replaced and the 2nd had a problem on installing the custom VFX, probably i did something wrong).
3. Having a favourite among all these amazing creations is a difficult task but i'd say my most used category is VFX and Reskins. For Future creations i would suggest some Dragon/Wings Reskins.
I found out about mods while searching for a guide to make styles. What I love about them is how fast and easy they can be installed into the game and the amount of detail some people put in them. I prefer gameplay/performance mods, but also love to just look at what people have made and apreciate the high quality ones.
I found out about modding after seeing a few players talking about it in game, which lead me to the forums to find out more.
I use the Trove Modloader but also tend to install them manually since I mod a lot myself.
Some of my favourite mods come from Aviarei, particularly her Aurim Dragon mod. I'm also rather fond of Zelda related mods.
I would love to see some more candy themed costumes and mounts!
I've known about mods for a long time, and have always been intruiged by them, but it was only after the old mod loader died and two new ones spawned that i finally decided to delve into the whole thing.
I have tried both the new loaders and from testing out both of them, i find TroveTools to be the most accessible one, and thus it is my preffered one.
For the most part i only use graphical mods, things like Novuhz's drop VFX mod and Martial/Arcane VFX mod, No clouds, etc.
If i could pick something i wanted to see someone make, it would have to either be new VFX for the shadow hunter's class gem, or a dragon that fits with the Dub-o-Mancer costume.
i became a mod user after i saw a video by underrated and tried automatic install but it did not work so i tried manual install and had few problems but was fairly simple
i have the no cluds and better shadow/radiant / stellar mods
would be cool if there was a lego modpack that can be installed like a resource pack on minecraft
I become a Mod User after YouTube reccomended a video from ScythePlays (I think) talking about modding. He reccomended TroveTools.Net as an installer so I used that.
I only use No VFX mod and No Clouds to help me maintain great FPS during hourly challenges and huge pinata parties and it works very well. I'm only really interested in utility mods and I'd love to see timestamps in chat mod or a minimap.