For the next two weeks we are offering you guys a chance at a Trove Pack of your choice for creating Trove Guides.
- Create a Trove guide
- Submit it to the Guides section
Suggested Topics
- Setting up a Trove livestream
- Creating a Trove GIF
- Modding (Basics)
- Modding (Advanced)
- Dungeon Creation
- Item Creation
- Class Strategy Guides
- Mechanics Guides
- Tuesday 19, July 2016 to Tuesday 2, August 2016
- 10 guides selected by Trovesaurus Staff will receive a Trove Pack of their choice
- 2 guides will be selected at random to receive a Trove Pack of their choice
- You may create more than one guide, however, your best guide will only be considered for winn
- All guides MUST be your own guides

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I'm working on a guide now, but just had the idea last night and obviously I'm running out of time! My question right now: does the guide have to be made visible before the deadline to qualify for the contest, or would you be willing to judge it on its merits even in an incomplete state?
I went ahead and made my guide visible just in case; I'd still like to add more images and content but need to sleep now and may not be awake before the contest closes!
Here is my guide for Troxel and item creation!
I hope this makes Trove a better place.
I have created a quick guide for anyone to learn about the Leaderboard and Contests. Sorry if there are grammatical errors.
Hope this helps people out some.
Oh dang, I did the same type of guide--prompted by your comment on the August goals post. (I even thanked you at the end, it was a great idea!) Better to have two guides than none, though!
Well Im glad you were inspired. But now after looking yours over I feel quite inadequite. Still not bad for it to exist and possibly earn a pack.
Just finished my guide on VFX for modding :) https://www.trovesaurus.com/page=1634/vfx-editing
Its a 1800 word (totally not wall of text) guide and sadly its not even that much in-depth... atleast it kinda explains some of the basics.
Just finished my guide on dragons enjoy
Here's my sheepish attempt at making a video guide explaining how to create items using material maps.
VIDEO: Item Creation Using Material Maps
I'm quite confused between the difference of Mechanics from Basics and Gameplay.. (Heck now I feel I like I don't even know the definition of Mechanics) I know, I'm such a noob.
So many Class guides already . But can you really considere these as guides ?
Because i looked at them and they basicly show you which stats are good and thats it .
I think there is a class build section somewhere on trovesaurus for this XD
I think I uploaded my guide too early, can you please check if I got an entry? The guide name is "Upgrading gear from Radiant to Stellar".
It was really fun to do a guide once again, I have done tons of guides over the years for all kind of games, wish I had the time to make more and better quality guides. Also I think you should limit the tags to be only predefined so most of the guides don't show at the others section.
III thinkI think you can update the date on your guide, if im not mistaken. If not then ust reupload it man