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Comments that this user has made.
Commented on: Country Communities page
What I like most is that I can see the general specialties of each country, and they really aren't too different. A good reminder that all countries are talented and can create amazing things.
Commented on: Positivity Fortnight page
What do I enjoy about Trove the most? Easy, the community of a good club, where people help each other out and have fun Troving together.
Commented on: Valentines Contests page
go to trovesaurus.com/rewards. I highly doubt you already have everything on there
Commented on: Two Years of Trovesaurus page
Trovesaurus is incredible! The mod database is honestly one of the best things about Trove as a whole. I love the incredible art and it is nice being able to check CC rotation.
Commented on: Bouncy Baconator mod
Commented on: Translation Promotion November Request page
Commented on: Translation Promotion November Request page
The guides section, in my opinion, would be most useful. Obviously this is not a small undertaking. https://www.trovesaurus.com/guides
Commented on: What class do you want drawn next? Class #9 poll
Commented on: Class Art #7 - Dino Tamer page
Commented on: What class do you want drawn next? (Class #8) poll
Voted: Gunslinger
Gotta say, Gunslinger has always been my favorite class. Please immortalize him with your amazing art skills!
Commented on: Trove Trailer Contest Results page
Etaew, would you like me to edit my video to help it fit your commentary? I can do so.
Commented on: Dino Tamer Story Contest page
100 Words!
One day, Tomb Raiser and Chromatic Qubesly were unexpectedly attacked by a giant lizard. They blasted the lizard, but in their haste they crossed their magical blasts of Time and Undeath. The lizard grew until a giant T-Rex stared down at them. It roared, and Tomb Raiser ran. When all seemed lost, the T-Rex fell, a dart protruding from its side. "Who saved me?" he wondered out loud. "My brother," said Gunslinger, the had just arrived and seen the dart strike. "The one Trovian who is a faster draw than even me, and the bravest of us all: Dino Tamer.
Commented on: Trove Trailer Contest page
Commented on: Unhandled special / albairn special
Commented on: Trove Trailer Contest page