This month you guys voted to have Alycia draw the Dracolyte. She has sent over the completed work and we can present the image and timelapse to you.

You can find more work by Alycia at the following:

To download a full size copy of the image, save the link below. You are permitted to re-use the image to create posters or wallpapers but not to re-sell. 

About the projectTop ^

The aim of the class art project is to create high quality art of a similar style for all the classes in the game. For this we had to choose a single artist, but that doesn't mean we don't love and want to support all the others.

Alycia's NoteTop ^

The Dracolyte is based on an revamp of her older design:

This piece was interesting; I liked a lot of my old design but it was lacking a lot of the fantasy-style elements that you'd expect from a fire mage.

I also wanted to show the dragon side of him, so I decided to draw him as he's transforming back, with half of his face still in a kind of dragon form.

I'm really happy with this one; I definitely think its one of my better designs. On to the Dino Tamer!

TimelapseTop ^

Class #7Top ^

We aren't voting for this one folks, guess what? It's the Dino Tamer!

GiveawayTop ^

Let us know what you thought about this latest piece, in comparison to the other Class Art creations. As well as the development from the original Candy Barbarian to this one.

A random on-top commenter by 3PM UTC Monday, September 5 will receive a Trove Pack.

Winner by Vamps

Comments and Likes Comments 48

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The cute little familiar is what took her art to whole new level. Seriously though, even if you take it out, it's still amazing!

When i look at this picture, i see a dark side. btw, this art is fabulous

Honestly great art. Nice, smooth airbrushed style. I showed these to a Trove playing friend and he loved them all, but didn't read them as Trove as all, even next to each other. So, something to keep in mind? Drawing more concepts from the game and incorporating them into your original designs. Keep up the great work!

ohhh. I just love the Belt, the mask, and the dragon. I just dont like the tail and the back ground. but overall. it looks cool. 7.5/10

I love the goofy look of the familiar, it serves as a great counterpoint to the seriousness of the Dracolyte. I'm glad that stayed the same between the two versions!

I also like the symbol in the stone on his belt, although it's driving me nuts because it reminds me very strongly of a fire symbol from something else and I just can't place it. (I looked at a whole bunch of images through Google trying to figure it out too!)

I didn't realize that the face represented the end of his change back from dragon form--I just thought it was a cool looking half-mask. Either way works for me!

Looks nice , but where the hell does his giant tail stuck to ? XD


This is one of my favorite revamps of yours, but my only criticism is that the mini cute dragon pet doesn't fit with the whole darkness feeling. I love him, but if the dragon was a bit more into the theme this would make the piece even better.

This one looks great.

Great art, but not too fond of half-scaley face and no cloak. His tail also looks like it's ejecting out of his spine like some kind of malformation.

I can't find any words that fit the awesomeness of that I personally find it the best yet from all the others 


Wow. This is absolutely gorgeous. I do have to agree that the tail looks out of place though. The jump from human skin to reptilian scales looks kinda odd. Maybe add in a basic transition or something? Other than that, it's flawless. The tiny dragon is adorable.

This is better than i imagined it to be. mabey you can work more on the tail because it dosent really fit in. 

Wow, very impressive. 100 times better than anything I could do. My drawings would look like stick figures next to that.... because they would be stick figures.

Amazing, how could a person draw like this??, Each month surprisse us with his drawings. :)

I like the addition of the mask.  Along with the shoulder design they look amazing!

Honestly, that mini dracolyte is so cute... xD

Really like the detail put into the muscles, but the Tails seem a bit plain and almost blend into the belts and make them look like detachable tails instead of a piece of his body. Just my Take on it. Looks really good though as a whole.

I really like the cracked shoulder plate and the outfit overall.. Can't wait to see more classes.

chlorormancer should be next tbh



Another cool work. I just hope that Alycia will always draw female version of the classes (Cause theyre beautiful. Hahaha.). :)))) XD

I love the contrast between the derpyness of that little buddy dragonling and the fearsome look of the actual Dracolyte.

Amazing job Alycia, as always

I really like this artwork, that is, besides the tail, just seems to "heavy", "clunky" or simply big. The cute lil' Dragon companion meltet my heart tho <3

Id just really like to see more artworks in these contests featuring costumes.

I really like the aspect of the transforming back. It makes him look so much more menacing. Aside from his minion...

This is really cool looking.

id prefer it fully clothed but this is hella dope, continue drawing greater artworks like this


Looks very good and gets better with each art.

cool but the lil dragon is not so cool as him

This one has better detail than the old one and I love the cute dragonling, it kinda balances with the bloody gore of the background and class itself 

This has a lot more detail than almost all of the other class art creations. The drawing is also better and the shading is better as well.

So what do I think about this. Heh, all I can say is that we stand no chance against artworks like these in the giveaways. Yeah, for me people like this are freaking ART GODS. I never understood how is a human being able to draw a fantasie like this. Really, it's amazing - all the shaders, all the glow, how he can really capture every single detail. WOW, that's the word that explains what I fell about these dracos. OwO

Definitely liking the revamped design choices in comparison to the old piece. Armor choice is fitting, and I like the changes to his pauldron. The split look really works best for the Dracolyte, and keeping the funny looking dragon helps lighten the tone.

My only minor change would be the background. In comparison to the previous works (Candy Barb, Tomb Raiser) the backgrounds seem to be more detailed than this one. Maybe a cave or structure styled from the Dragonfire Peaks could prove to be a better fit while maintaining the fire aura. If using a dark area like a cave, there could be an interesting contrast with how the fire aura lights up parts of the cave or even have the shadow of the Dracolyte reflect his Avatar of Flame form.

All and all, great job! Always nice to see how an artist constantly improves throughout their various works.

The revamped version of the Dracolyte class looks very detailed. I like the shading and the background in this one, it describes the power of this class.


Your style is really excellent in the artwork and your previous ones, it feels so realistic, colorful and detailed.


Also, I love how the Dracolyte is serious and strong, while his tiny dragon is derpy and chubby.

That is amazing! 

I loved the contrast between the epic draco and the derpy dragon :)

I liked this art because it is much more realistic than the rest. I just confused about the background, it seems that the light is coming in the deep sea.

It looks great but for me this Draco still missing his Dark aura what will really make that picture much more characteristic.

Really, really like the style that you have for all of the class art drawings, this one being my favorite so far.


Oh That's sound good


I REALLY Adore the coloring and the shading style for this art piece!

I really liked the half evil-ish face and also that derpy little dragon xD 

Oh very good


that picture,i love that <3

Red theme picture <3

this looks sick i really like the face

I really liked the speed art 

Veryyy good