News articles that this user has created.
Pirates Versus Ninjas Face-off Until Sept. 22
The final sun down of summer is approaching with an epic showdown to close out the season!
Avast ye Trovians! The Pirate Captains are claiming they are the best treasure plunderers, but the sneaky stealing Neon Ninjas have something to say about it.
Head to the hub and visit Saltwater Sam if you’re up for a challenge!
Log in each day during the event and complete adventures to claim your Captains Quarry ally! This epic event will last from 4:00am PST / 1:00 p.m. CEST on Tuesday, September 8, 2020 until Tuesday, September 22, 2020!
The pirates and ninjas have come away with a valuable pack for this occasion, so check out the store and snag these incredible items from both!
Pirate’s Pack of Ninja Treasures
Trove Blog September 7, 2020 0 0
Luxion Stops by until September 7
Luxion first stop after summer and spends time in the hub this September.
Trove Blog September 5, 2020 0 0
Club Leader Spotlight - Debitron (PC/Saphilia)
This time on Club Leader Spotlight we talk to Debitron who leads Saphilia on PC.
Etaew September 5, 2020 0 4
Heart of Battle Sale until September 7
The heart of battle is on!
Spread the love or burst some bubbles this season with a little flair in the air! Are you more of a fun loving Trovian, or do you have more of a booming personality?
Trove Blog September 4, 2020 0 0
Trove Survey – Fill Out For A Chance To Win
Trovians, we’re counting on you to share your thoughts and help shape the future of Trove!
Trove Blog September 3, 2020 0 0
New Hubdate Opens on PTS (PC only)
An incoming Hub update, or Hubdate as we call it, hits PTS for the PC platform! The Hub opens up like never before and this latest test enivornment is buzzing with new changes, bosses, dungeons, styles, fixes, and more. Take a look at the Hubdate patch notes and be sure to share your feedback on the PTS section of the forums.
Trove Blog September 3, 2020 1 1
PTS Patch Notes - Hubdate - 9/2/2020
Trove Forums September 2, 2020 0 0
Trovesaurus Development Updates - August 2020
We finish our catchup for the Trovesaurus Development updates articles, here are the changes that we made to the Trovesaurus site during the month of August 2020. We've been a bit bad about posting the changes in article format during the past few months, but you can always view up to date changes in the #changes channel of the Trovesaurus Discord.
Etaew September 1, 2020 0 2
New Prepared Adventurer’s Pack is available until October 30!
Are you a great adventurer and love to travel the world of Trove in search of a new adventure?
Then our new “Prepared Adventurer’s Pack” is just the right thing for you!
Trove Blog September 1, 2020 0 0
Trovesaurus Development Updates - July 2020
We continue our catchup for the Trovesaurus Development updates articles, here are the changes that we made to the Trovesaurus site during the month of July 2020. We've been a bit bad about posting the changes in article format during the past few months, but you can always view up to date changes in the #changes channel of the Trovesaurus Discord.
Etaew August 31, 2020 0 1