We've updated the Trovesaurus database for the Dancing Allies and Server Capacity Edition.
- Neon Fledgling - Unlocked through consumption of 5 Neon Dragon Souls, earned by opening Neon Dragon Caches.
- Neon Dragon - Unlocked through consumption of 15 Neon Dragon Souls, earned by opening Neon Dragon Caches.
- N the Illuminate - Unlocked through consumption of 30 Neon Dragon Souls, earned by opening Neon Dragon Caches.
- Neon Dragonling - Unlocked through consumption of 1 Neon Dragon Soul, earned by opening Neon Dragon Caches.
- Neon Dragon Soul - Consume multiple Neon Dragon Souls to unlock Neon Dragon mounts! Found rarely in Neon Dragon Caches, which are obtained through Challenges or at the In Game Store -
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