Geode Tutorial
The Geode Tutorial starts automatically when entering the Geode Hub for the first time. It will guide you through the new features with this update.
Tutorial text and rewards are taken from pts, these might have changed in the later builds, if there are changes, please leave a comment below.
[01/36] Go to Moonglow Grotto
Welcome to Geode, Trovian! I'm Amberine.
Sunseeker Rowan - you helped him build the ship to Geode, right? - he says you're not ready to face the UBER-strong Shadows yet.
First, you've gotta collect resources to upgrade your gear. That means you're headed to the caves beneath Geode! They're too dangerous for most Geodians, but the Sunseekers opened portals for you.
Take an airavator down to the Mining Facility and use the purple portal to Moonglow Grotto.
[02/36] Use Your Climbing Claw
The main parts of your discovery suit are the GAS, or Geodian Acclimation System, and N-Charge. The GAS allows you to withstand the caves' atmosphere longer, while the N-Charge powers the rest of your modules.
My favorite module is the Climbing Claw! It can grapple onto higher ledges or knock back critters - without injury, of course. We Geodians would never harm a thing!
Use your Climbing Claw and latch onto a wall or ledge.
[03/36] Use Your Omni-Tool
For all your gathering needs, you've got the Omni-Tool.
It's short-range for now, but you can upgrade that later at the Module Forge.
Use your Omni-Tool.
[04/36] Help 3 Cave Critters
YOU THERE! If you MUST invade the home of the creatures who live in these caves, I insist you help them.
I had Amberine give you Critter Treats, Curing Kits, and Comfort Blankets to tend to the cave critters you find. They should already be equipped to your hotkey bar. If you run out, make more at our sanctuary's Crystallogy Center using materials from the caves.
Help 3 cave critters. Use Critter Treats on hungry critters, Curing Kits on injured critters, and Comfort Blankets on cold critters.
[05/36] Gather in Moonglow Grotto
Oof. Did Sunseeker Gabbro yell at you? Our Companion Master's frazzled after caring for all the creatures being hurt by Shadows... He doesn't mean anything by it.
Why don't you go gather some materials for us? That would get you in Gabbro's good graces for sure.
Use your Omni-Tool to gather 40 Gleamstone,
Day Drop, or
Dream Dew in Moonglow Grotto.
[06/36] Run out of GAS
Travel through the caves as far as you can!
Once your GAS (the red meter on your toolbar) runs out, one of our trained adventurers will come fetch you.
Explore the area until you run out of GAS. You can also return to the Geode Sanctuary at any time by pressing [HK:Homeworld].
[07/36] Craft Critter Treats
YOU are the Trovian come to save us? Hm.
I am Sunseeker Lazul. First, you will save more cave creatures - and save
Gabbro some heartache. Then, we will see about saving us.
Come! Crystallogy awaits. Crystallogy fortifies. Crystallogy will make you bolder yet.
Craft 1 Critter Treat at the Crystallogy Workbench located to the west.
Reward: Reliquary Token 1
[08/36] Redeem Reliquary Token
Nice! Lazul gave you a Reliquary Token. Redeem it at the Reliquary Research Lab - and don't be alarmed by Sunseeker
Sunseeker Th'lan, if you see her. She's on our side.
Take an airavator up one floor and head west to redeem your token with Reliquary Merchant Thundros.
[09/36] Go to Sunken Sunvault
You are strong... Sunseeker Th'lan sees.
Carry the Reliquary! Remnants of Ancients lie inside. Down, deep, magic sleeps. Sunken Sunvault calls... Return the reliquary... return the Ancient to its home...
Take an airavator down to the Mining Facility and use the orange portal to go to Sunken Sunvault.
[10/36] Charge Your Reliquary
Ancient power locked inside... Sunseeker Th'lan knows. Reliquary hungry for magic. Magic flows through caves... Feed reliquary. Let Th'lan break it open!
Equip the Token Reliquary in your discovery suit loadout. Heal, feed, or comfort critters in the caves to charge your reliquary.
Task: Make sure you have the right reliquary equipped. Fill the relinquary it by helping critters or collecting resources.
[11/36] Open Your Reliquary
The reliquary is ready... Sunseeker Th'lan hears. It hums. It sings. With gifts Ancients bring. Power from eons ago. It must be revealed.
Bring it to the revealer... Th'lan will crack it open!
Return to the Sanctuary by running out of GAS or pressing the Hub key. Take an airavator up one floor and place your reliquary into the revealer located on the west side of Sunseeker Square.
Task: Place the filled
[12/36] Gather in Sunken Sunvault
You're allowed to touch the reliquaries!? Sunseeker Sunseeker Th'lan must like you. Hehe.
Would ya mind popping back down to Sunken Sunvault and grabbing more materials for us? I'm looking for 75 Sun Sap,
Day Drop,
Gleamstone, or
Oh, and if you're going down there anyway, you should craft more critter treats and stuff to help out the creatures! Gabbro would be thrilled.
[13/36] Go to Verdant Veins
Sunseeker Sunseeker Th'lan passed along another task for you. Evidently she needs resources from Verdant Veins and would like you to get them for her.
Next time you're in the sanctuary, take an airavator down to the Mining Facility and use the green portal to go to Verdant Veins.
[14/36] Gather in Verdant Veins
Twin stone... geminite... and greens from the deep... Wavy kelp... back and forth... Th'lan needs!
Gather these for Sunseeker Th'lan... and receive... the Ancients' gift...
Gather 75 Cave Kelp,
Gleamstone, or
Day Drop from Verdant Veins.
[15/36] Check out the Module Forge
Want to increase your N-Charge capacity or power-up your Omni-Tool? With the right crafting materials, you can upgrade all of your equipment at the Module Forge!
See your available upgrades at the Module Forge, located on the bottom floor of the sanctuary.
Reward: GAS Enhancer 1
[16/36] Upgrade Your GAS
If you want to travel deeper into the caves, you've got to upgrade your GAS!
So far you've mostly explored Tier 1 of the caves. This next GAS upgrade will allow you to withstand the intense atmosphere of Tier 2 - for a while, at least.
Upgrade your GAS capacity at the Module Forge.
Reward: Thumper Core 1
[17/36] Use a Thumper
You earned a Thumper Core! Now you can make a Thumper at the Module Workbench, next to the Module Forge.
The Thumper reveals hidden crystals and shows you the full depth of ore veins!
Craft a Thumper and use it in the caves. As a reward, I picked up some reliquaries from Sunseeker Th'lan! Funny, she only let me have 'em once she found out they were for you. Hehe.
[18/36] Gather Plants in Moonglow Grotto
Our Companion Master - do you remember him? Sunseeker Gabbro? He's been really worried about the cave critters lately. The Shadows outside have them all scared...
He needs some plants to help the creatures under his care. Would you go get some for him?
Gather 35 pieces of Dream Dew,
Day Drop,
Acrobat Bark, and
Moonlit Moss from Moonglow Grotto. Dream Dew and day drops grow in Tier 1 and Tier 2. Acrobat bark and moonlit moss only grow in Tier 2.
[19/36] Help 20 Cave Critters
Be the light! I apologize for my rudeness the last time we spoke. Shadows have hurt quite a lot of Geodian creatures... and it, well, it's been difficult.
I am Sunseeker Gabbro. I wrote the book on Geodian creatures - several books, in fact! They're such fascinating creatures.
Could you go and soothe 20 creatures in the caves with Critter Treats, Comfort Blankets, and Curing Kits? I, and they, would be grateful.
[20/36] Mine Geminite
Gabbro told me to pass along his thanks!
Anyway, I wanted to tell you that I'm almost done with an invention that'll really knock your socks off! Go grab me some materials from Verdant Veins so I can finish it.
Mine 75 geminite from Verdant Veins.
Reward: Rocket Thrusters 1
[21/36] Craft Rocket Boots
With those Thrusters I gave you, you can make Rocket Boots! You can outrun anything with these - even Sunseeker Rowan! Unless he's wearing them too. Hehe.
Craft Rocket Boots at the Module Workbench in the Mining Facility.
[22/36] Mine Ores
The materials you've collected have helped us out so much. Now we might actually stand a chance against... you know.
The Sunseekers say that they've nearly depleted our ore supplies defending this place already. Would you mind getting more for us?
Mine 150 ore from caves of your choice.
[23/36] Gather Uncommon Plants
Hello again, young Trovian. The creatures under my care have bewildered my assistants by consuming every scrap of organic matter they could sink their little teeth into!
Unusual behavior, isn't it? Utterly fascinating! In the meantime, would you go and gather more plants for us?
Gather 20 Moonlit Moss,
Acrobat Bark, or
Cave Birds. These plants can only be found in Tier 2 of the caves.
[24/36] Mine Blazine
Exciting news! I'm ready to put the finishing touch on my latest invention: the Barrier Generator. I just need a few more materials from Sunken Sunvault.
Would you go to the Sunken Sunvault and mine 75 Blazine for me?
Reward: Shield Sparker 1
[25/36] Use Barrier Generator
You can build the Barrier Generator now! The Barrier Generator shields you from environmental hazards in the caves and boosts your speed!
Sunseekers say that the deepest parts of the cave can be dangerous, so you'll definitely want to have this one in your back pocket.
Craft the Barrier Generator at the Module Workbench on the bottom floor of the Sanctuary and use it on your next adventure!
[26/36] Gather Cave Kelp and Cogwine
Amberine says you collect things well. You are useful.
Do more of this. We require 40 Cave Kelp and
Cogwine at the Crystallogy Center. The depths of Verdant Veins flows with it.
Go. Fetch. Do! Be bolder, small one. Build well.
Cave Kelp grows in Tier 1 and Tier 2.
Cogwine only grows in Tier 2.
[27/36] Gather Sun Sap and Cave Birds
Blazing and chirping... blooming and flying... Sunseeker Th'lan needs. Bring them for
Sunseeker Th'lan! Down dark... sunken deep... much power. Must be unlocked!
Gather 40 Sun Sap and
Cave Birds in Sunken Sunvault. Sun Sap grows in Tier 1 and Tier 2. Cave Birds only grow in Tier 2.
[28/36] Gather Day Drops and Moonlit Moss
Hehe. The other Sunseekers are all lining up to get your help next, now. But don't forget about me! I was your first fan. I get dibs.
Today, I'm looking for 40 Day Drop and
Moonlit Moss. They grow in all of the caves. In exchange, I'll tell ya how to make something awesome.
Reward: Chromacycler 1
[29/36] Use Path Painter
You can now craft the Path Painter! The Path Painter allows you to you to paint blocks in the caves and can keep track of where you've been. Stepping on the painted blocks will also give you and Trovians following you a speed boost.
Craft one at the Module Workbench and try it out for yourself!
Reward: GAS Enhancer 1
[30/36] Upgrade Your GAS
That was the last new module I had for you! You are becoming a cave-diving pro. You've already traveled as far in as I've ever been! I think you might even be able to travel as far as the Sunseekers soon!
This next upgrade will increase your GAS capacity and let you stay in the caves for longer.
Use the Module Forge on the bottom floor of the sanctuary to upgrade your GAS.
[31/36] Gather Cave Birds
AHA! Just the Trovian I was looking for.
A once-buoyant little Howlug under my care has been ill lately. To cheer her up, I'd like to surround her with her favorite plants - cave birds! Twenty beautiful, bountiful cave birds will brighten her spirits in no time.
Gather 20 Cave Birds from Sunken Sunvault. Cave birds only grow in Tier 2 and beyond.
[32/36] Gather Acrobat Bark
The Cave Birds weren't enough! This sweet Howlug has lost nearly all her bounce. She was so bouncy before! It saddens me to see her this way. I've written it all down in my latest book if you care to read more.
In any case, I believe what'll really put some bounce in her step is some acrobat bark.
Gather 20 Acrobat Bark from the ceilings of Moonglow Grotto. Acrobat bark only grows in Tier 2 and beyond.
Reward: Howlug Egg 1
[33/36] Check out the Egg Incubator
What a day! It turns out this Howlug wasn't ill at all – only pregnant! They're quite skilled at hiding it, you see, even from me! And I've written thirty books on it!
The Howlug was so grateful for your assistance, she insisted that you have one of her eggs.
Come have a look at the Egg Incubator at the Companion Ranch to the east and I'll show you how to use it.
[34/36] Hatch Your Howlug
Place your egg inside the Egg Incubator and watch it hatch!
I have a feeling this one will hatch quickly. It must be excited to meet its proud new caretaker!
Task: Place your egg in the Egg Incubator and wait for it to hatch.
[35/36] Bring Howlug into the Caves
Wow! You really have your own companion? Gabbro says it takes a LOT for cave creatures to trust you. I'm almost jealous.
Gabbro told me that these creatures help you out as you explore. You can even level them up at the Companion Trainer if you have Bond Crystallizer! You should bring this one with you to the caves and see what it can do!
Reward: GAS Enhancer 1
[36/36] Upgrade Your GAS
Your howlug looks happy to be with you! Hehe. I can understand why.
Feel free to explore as you like.
Once you get enough resources for your next GAS upgrade, you'll be able to go into Tier 3! That's further than I've ever gone. I'm impressed!
One more thing, while I've still got you: Thank you for coming to Geode. I was skeptical when Rowan told us that you might be able to save us. But after meeting you... I've never been so happy to be wrong.
Gather materials to upgrade your GAS to explore Tier 3 and beyond.

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