
Showing pages that match the terms collections/skin/chloromancer_chronomancer, ChronoMancer.
Dear Trovians,We are glad to announce the introduction of Twitch Drops for Trove! In anticipation of the brand new upcoming Bard class, Twitch Drops will be available for Trove – starting June 10, 2021. Prepare yourself for th...
June 10, 2021 Blog
PTS has been updated with additional updates to Leviathans, adventures, and more....
Here is a way to make a Sire GlowDonkia Build if you wanna be like the creator of the GlowDonkian Realms himself...
November 25, 2018
In this guide, I will describe how to decide which stats to focus on to optimize your damage per second. I will also provide tables showing the best choices for gems to optimize dps for each class....
To celebrate St. Qubeslick's Day in Trove we are encouraging the Trove modders for the duration of the event to submit Qubesly related mods....
March 14, 2017 Giveaway Mod Contest
To celebrate St. Qubeslick's Day in Trove we are encouraging the Trove artists for the duration of the event to submit Qubesly related art....
March 14, 2017 Art Contest Giveaway
A simple guide for Trove's Pirate Captain class users to make their Roger so proud jolly. ...
July 30, 2016 CLASS GUIDE
The Dracolyte can be played one of three main ways; either as a pure damage dealer, tank, or somewhere in between.While most will play inbetween (perhaps not knowing, and thinking they're playing as a tank) there are other ways. ...
July 11, 2016
The Gunslinger is often an overlooked class when considering damage output and overall ability in PvE, most probably due to an unclear meta and relatively poor stat scaling. However, there are solutions that can be easily used when playing as the Gunsli...
July 11, 2016
Everything you could ever hope to know about the Pirate Captain class. Proper use of skills, positioning, allies, flasks, emblems, all of the above!...
August 10, 2015 Pirate Captain
"The unlife of the party! Animate minions, then heal them and damage enemies with your basic attack's piercing beam. Enhance your attack and defence with Banshee's Boon, and combine your Bonetourage into a Grave Goliath!" - In-Game Description So if you'...
August 7, 2015 Tomb Raiser
This guide will be an in-depth analysis of the Tomb Raiser's abilities and most effective uses....
August 7, 2015 Tomb Raiser
This guide will assist you in choosing the best ally for your adventures....
August 5, 2015 Allies
Oh! How Ice to see you here! The Ice Sage is the sort of class where in you can both play Offensive at the same time as being a good Support. I wish to Snow the ropes and I hope that this guide will give Ice Sage players the Edge and maybe...
August 5, 2015 Ice Sage
We've updated the Trovesaurus database for the Welcoming Edition patch....
April 28, 2015 Database Update