This guide will assist you in choosing the best ally for your adventures.

   Elite Allies Guide   

To begin this guide, I assume you have atleast the four following pets : Prowling Shadow, Shield Servitor, Raptor Beserker, and Chronomancer Quebsly.


Neon Ninja - Boomeranger - Knight

- Raptor Beserker -

These classes benefit most from the Raptor Beserker due to it's 20% physical damage increase and enemy kill buffs. Whenever you kill a enemy, you gain a health boost as well as extra movement speed. This helps with the neon ninja, because of the speed boost, and knight and boomeranger due to the health bonus.

Shadow Hunter - Candy Barbarian - Gunslinger

- Shield Servitor -

The classes picked all have low health except for the Candy Barbarian, but they benefit also from the energy regeneration that comes with it. It prevents a early demise along with allowing the classes to use special attacks more often.

Tomb Raiser - Dracolyte

- Prowling Shadow -

These classes don't benefit much from the movement speed, but their high rate of fire allows them to heal extremely fast.


Fae Trickster - Ice Sage

-  Chronomancer Quebsly -

The buff and damage upgrade is nearly essential to these classes. With a lower cooldown, you can spam your ultimate faster (Ice Sage) and teleport away quicker (Fae Trickster)


Entered in the Reboot Guide Challenge


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What about the Chloromancer ( I hope I spelled that correctly ).

This is old but a the newest class (Lunar Lancer) isn't on the list so. What is the best ally for Lunar Lancer?

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