Oh! How Ice to see you here!
The Ice Sage is the sort of class where in you can both play Offensive at the same time as being a good Support. I wish to Snow the ropes and I hope that this guide will give Ice Sage players the Edge and maybe sprout new ideas.
Alright Boys and Girls this guide will show you how to use Ice Sage, Her mechanics, item stats to pick, The Pros and Cons and basically how to play Ice Sage and what role you can fit in.
Sorry for the bad puns but i hope you THAW what i did there. Okay i'll stop now it was supposed to be only an Ice breaker...pun not intended
Attack Type : Range
Weapon Type : Staff ( Also used by Dracolyte, Tomb Raider and Fae Trickster )
Damage : Magic
Passive : Cold Hearted
The Ice Sage can walk across ice with ease and without sliding, also her basic attacks will slow enemies.
- Slow Duration : 5 Seconds
- Slow Amount : ?
-Because of the Slow, you can kite enemies around while casting "Ice Crash" more easily.
- You can hold the attack button while casting "Ice Crash" thus making it more effective.
- Can no longer blame the ice for sliding.
Ice Crash
Summons an icicle from mid-air to crush down foes
- - Deals Area of Effect (AOE) Damage
- - Capable of Destroying Blocks
- Can be extremely powerful with good Energy Regen
- Can be spammed because of the short cooldown time.
- Can be double casted by holding the aim ( Hold M2 ) then quickly cast it again after the first cast.
Frozen Ward
Buffs movement and damage, and absorbs the next attack
- Increases Movement Speed by 10
- Increases Magic Damage by 24%
- Increase Attack Speed by 20
- Dispelled when taking 10%+ of max health as damage
- Removed when entering build mode
- Can absorb (and be dispelled by) spikes, fall damage and firebolt traps
-Always keep this skill active
-Read tip 1 again
Ultimate : The Big Chill
Freezes your foes, dealing damage when they shatter
- Lasts 6 seconds
- Halts all damage while enemies are frozen
- Has a fixed damage ( Damage just by casting it )
- When enemies Thaw they receive all the damage done over the freeze duration
- Continuesly casting Big Chills (from other ice sages) would not stack the freeze duration but seems to reset the duration.
- Teleporting Bosses will not blink when attacked while frozen
- Some enemies recieve a damage reduction when using skills ( Gold/Silver beetle and the Plant eater thing ) so do not freeze them when they are using those skills.
- It will freeze enemies around you so make sure you are close enough
- Do not be that person who freezes bosses with only a small amount of health left, nobody likes that person.
Battle Tactics
The most asked questions from people deciding to play sage is "Is it a support class?" or
"Is it good with Solo Runs"? well to be honest it is a good class, people might say she is a support
class becaue of the whole Freezing ultimate and her passive but she is extremely capable in solo
runs. So let's get to it.
As an Ice Sage the first thing you should practice on is Kiting (grab your enemies attention and
keep walking away from it which pulls it along) or basically hit and run because the second thing
you would notice is that you can't take damage that well.
How to know when to use Frozen Ward
situation 1 - you spawned and you don't see a shield up, use it.
situation 2 - you got hit and the shield is gone, use it.
situation 3 - You're an ice sage, use it.
Important Tip 1 : Always keep your ward up
it would not only absorb the first hit but also gives you movespeed and attackspeed.
- Your ultimate " The Big Chill " can be used on offensive and defensive sittuation
- even if you used it defensively you could still spam cast your Ice Crash while regaining hp.
Important Tip 2 : Do not miss your ultimate, just don't. I mean how can you even.
- Ice Crash is so strong i swear, but hard to hit when enemies are moving so proper timing is key.
Important Tip 3 : Always try to land your auto attack
Can slow enemies down thus making ice crash hit more easy
you can hold your attack button while casting ice Crash to be more effective.
Enemies and Situations that would most likely put you in danger.
- Ranged enemies - don't even try to kite this type of enemies, if you see them, take them out or if you're low on hp you can take cover for awhile.
- Dungeons with little to no space - The Ice Sage can not take that much damage thus being in this situation would be bad since enemies can get a hold of you more often.
- Major Consequences when hit with a boss charge attack without a shield
Item Stats to take ( Optional )
highly suggesting
1st stat : Maximum Health
2nd stat : Health Regeneration
3rd stat : Maximum Health % ( Very Important )
4th stat : You can pick whatever you think is best from jump to attackspeed.
*This would help raise your survivability
highly suggesting
1st stat : Magic damage ( uh duh )
2nd stat : Energy Regeneration ( i'm telling you get this stat )
3rd stat : Jump
4th stat : Attack speed
*Energy Regeneration on this can greatly help you from spamming Ice Crash
1st stat : Maximum Health
2nd stat : Health Regeneration
3rd stat : Magic Damage
4th stat : Move speed or jump or attackspeed
*this would balance your offensive and defensive capabilities.
Magic Damage and Energy Regeneration
Chronomancer Qubesly
Pros and Cons
- Strong support and offensive capabilities
- Great Area of effect abilities
- High potential on dealing massive damage
- Extremely Cool
- Low survivability
- hard to solo on high level dungeons
- May not be friends with the dracolyte
- can't play when global warming strikes
And thats about it, everything you need to know about the ice sage, now you just need to experience the chilling cold.
Thank you for reading my guide, stay Frosty everyone :)