Cute-topped Carrot


Showing pages that match the terms collections/pet/froleek_carrot, Cute-topped Carrot.

Fae vs. Undead - Twitch Drops

To celebrate the Fae vs. Undead event, Trove is running two Twitch Drops campaigns for the duration of the event. Check out the rewards below:...

September 14, 2021 Twitch Drops

Prepare for the upcoming Bard class with Twitch Drops !

Dear Trovians,We are glad to announce the introduction of Twitch Drops for Trove! In anticipation of the brand new upcoming Bard class, Twitch Drops will be available for Trove – starting June 10, 2021. Prepare yourself for th...

June 10, 2021 Blog

Find the twins in Trove!

To celebrate International Siblings Day which will take place on April 10, we have decided to find the twins who are hiding in Trove.Observe a photo of an NPC every day and take a good look at their location. Then find their twin somewhere in the wor...

April 5, 2021 Blog

Spread some joy with a Cute-Topped Carrot

To spread some joy around during difficult times, the gamigo team are sponsoring some [Cute-Topped Carrot] allies to be given away. Share a picture of your gaming buddy and a reason why you want them to receive a code....

January 7, 2021 Giveaway