To spread some joy around during difficult times, the gamigo team are sponsoring some Cute-topped Carrot allies to be given away. Share a picture of your gaming buddy and a reason why you want them to receive a code.
- Upload a Trove screenshot of your gaming partner and share a message about the kind of activities you do together
Please note that you can only enter this contest once.
If you don't have a gaming partner that needs the ally, you can enter yourself, just show us your character doing something :)
- Thursday, January 7, 2021 to Monday, January 11, 2021
- The first 25 responses will receive a code for the Cute-topped Carrot
- Following the first 25 responses, an additional 25 responses will be selected at random on the final day to receive a code for the Cute-topped Carrot
How to enter
- Make sure you are logged into Trovesaurus
- Press the upload image button at the bottom of this page
- Upload a file from your computer, or select a direct image URL
- Important: Add a caption and explain your choice of image, who is this person and why are you nominating them
- Press submit
Phase 1: The first 25 to reply, names added as I review the page
Phase 2: random 25 selected on Jan 11
We didn't get enough entries to hit phase 2, the remaining rewards will be moved to a future giveaway.

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the lone wolf My gaming buddy is my ally. As I'm mostly a person who either farms alone or with a different variety of people, i don't have a real person as my gaming buddy. My most favorite activity is talking to other people on the Discord and farming gems, doing geode or delves. As i couldn't decide which activity where i should post, i decided to go with a cool pose. I hope you like it! ign: Doppelflinte
artifigure January 11, 2021

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After a hard day of home repairs, my brother and I go to distant lands, where I help him with good things and farm experience, because it's much more fun together. Fishing, growing vegetables, killing mobs, all this helps to relax.
Motaran January 10, 2021

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Me and my friend thinking of a club name XD (the screenshot was from my friend's perspective)
Jdcarmelo January 10, 2021

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Me and my friend Bob are dancing near the water because I just reached level 30 :D
MemchikGame January 9, 2021

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I'm odd in that I tend to play solo most of the time, but I still have fun exploring~ Here I am fishing for jadefins for the dragon, only ~600 to go!
ImaginedFantasy January 9, 2021

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Waiting for the club owner on the baratie to go on an exp adventure on u-10 geode with!
deathlollipops January 9, 2021

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I'm glad I found Trove on steam because I got to play it with my friend. I hope he doesn't see my entry. I'm shy 😂. Here's a random picture of us 😂
Kirstine January 9, 2021

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My friends currently don't play trove, so GRYPH, my skellittles, and Saltwater Sam have been my closest companions. Taking small steps in this game along with in real life to get stronger :)
scycee January 9, 2021

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Me and my gf , we started our adventure on trove just a few days ago, been having a blast so far! <3
Vyloth January 9, 2021

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This is my portal themed character. I hope you guys enjoy my creation >:3
Boonimation January 8, 2021

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I like to spend my time with my Turtle mount in the Drowned Worlds
TheCreeperRobot2 January 8, 2021

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my friend agarz is great i grind with him every day (he sent me this image)
TheOtter January 7, 2021

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Always together for farm in Trove! Crystalline Core & More in Uber 10
1337hackerdu77 January 7, 2021