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Showing pages that match the terms collections/pet/dreambro_wolfpup_grey, Butter.

Block Friday: Golden Dragon Deals!

Hey there, Trovians! The Golden Dragon Effigy offer is back for Block Friday! Take advantage of our amazing offer on the Golden Dragon Effigy, which will start on November 24, 2023, at 11:00 am UTC and end on November 27, at 11:00 am UTC! For t...

November 24, 2023 Blog

Luxion lands in the Hub – Until October 16, 2023!

Hey there, Trovians!Luxion’s serving up some spine-tingling treats this weekend! 🎃Get ready to face the spook with our ghastly allies: Gnasher, Butter, Duke, and the Tranquil Tentacle. They’re perfect companions for your upcoming Shadow...

October 13, 2023 Blog Luxion

Luxion lands in the Hub – Until September 18, 2023!

Luxion’s got a fantastic lineup waiting for you! Glide through the skies with the Radiant Butterfly 🦋 or take a magical ride on the Magic Trove Carpet 🌈. If you’re feeling adventurous, hop on the Tomb Digger 🏺. Don’t forget ...

September 15, 2023 Blog Luxion

Luxion spreads awesomeness – Until September 19, 2022!

While we are currently celebrating the glory of cowboys and dinosaurs during our Cowasaurs and Dinoboys event, Luxion joins us in the Hub to spread love and awesomeness on his own.Don’t miss out on 4 mounts, wings & much more that will help you...

September 16, 2022 Blog Luxion

Luxion arrives and brings everything music – Until November 29, 2021!

Our great and majestic Luxion is back in the Hub and he brings us tons of wonderful items!Luxion will be waiting for you in the Light’s Den from November 26, and he will magically disappear on November 29 at 11:00 am UTC. Here are some pictu...

November 26, 2021 Blog Luxion

PC - Polished Paragon - November 16, 2021

Paragon Levels allow players who have reached maximum level to continue earning benefits from the many experience-generating activities within Trove. Since the system is effectively infinite, the rewards from Paragon Levels do not increase player power on...

November 16, 2021 Patch

Hidden Effects and Polish


November 14, 2021

PTS Patch Notes - Polished Paragon

Introduction Welcome to the initial public testing period for Trove - Polished Paragon! These notes provide information about the new system and changes available with the update. Please be aware that the Paragon system is still rough cut and ...

October 27, 2021 Patch PTS

PTS Patch Notes - Depth Stepper

Depth Stepper Depth Steppers are a new type of Delve Gateway available for craft & purchase in the hub! After placing a Depth Stepper, the placing Player may interact with it to bring up a UI that allows them to manually set the starting Dep...

August 11, 2021 Patch PTS

Luxion loves mounts – Until July 26, 2021

Our majestic dragon – Luxion – is back after safely landing in the Hub with plenty of mounts, a MagRider, and an Unyielding Emblem that grants a temporary invulnerability shield. Luxion will be waiting for you in the Light’s Den ...

July 23, 2021 Blog Luxion

Prismatic Questline

Follow series of clues and solve riddles to unlock [Dazzling Dracolyte] costume! Introduced together with the Splendid Summer event (June 2020), this sequence of riddles will remain functional after the end of the event too....

June 10, 2020 Splendid Summer 2020

The first Luxion of 2020 is here!

Luxion of the Golden Hoard is a gorgeous dragon who returns to the Hub twice a month to trade goods for Dragon Coins. You’ll find Luxion near the Dragon Crucible from January 10 until January 14. He’ll vanish at 4 AM PST (11 PM UTC) on Janua...

January 10, 2020 Blog

PTS: Crystal Combat Update - New Items

We've updated the Trovesaurus Database with the PTS client Crystal Combat Update....

November 30, 2018 PTS Items

PTS: Crystal Combat Update - New Strings

New and changed strings detected in the PTS client....

November 30, 2018 PTS Strings

Trove - Geode: PTS Collections Database Update

We've updated the PTS database to the Trove - Geode update....

June 9, 2018 Database Update PTS Collections

May Update - Database Update

We've updated the Trovesaurus DB to the May Update....

May 17, 2018 Database Update

Junebug Poops (Again) - Results

Thanks for taking part in our Junebugfest, where we asked you to draw fan art for the Trove VFX Artist Junebug. We've checked with her and are ready for the results, she wanted to leave comments for everyone, so additional notes are displayed here....

March 30, 2018 Art Contest Community Draws Giveaway Results

Heroes: Database Update - Items

We've updated the Items and Deco database to the Trove - Heroes update. Sorry for the delay in publishing this, we filtered out a large number of minor text edits that didn't need to be shown....

March 27, 2018 Database Update Heroes Items

Heroes: Database Update - Collections

We've updated the Trovesaurus Database to the Trove - Heroes client update, and detected the following changes to the Collections table....

March 27, 2018 Collections Database Update Heroes

Heroes: Database Update - Strings

We've updated the Trovesaurus database to the Trove - Heroes update and detected the following new client strings....

March 27, 2018 Database Update Heroes Strings

Heroes PTS New Strings

We've compared the Strings on the PTS client with the Live client, here are the differences....

February 17, 2018 PTS Strings

Heroes PTS New Blueprints

We've checked the blueprints on the PTS with those on the Live server and these are the changes....

February 17, 2018 Blueprints PTS