In this mod spotlight we talk to TFMHisztike and find out more about them and their work.
Please be patient with those who does not have English as their primary language. They do a great job anyway!
Where does your name come from?
I played like 4-5 years with an old platformer game called Transformice.
Hisztike means tantrums which was what my hamsters name was around 2012 and this is how I became TFMHisztike, well its easier to just call me TFM, I already got used to it!
How did you learn about Trove and why did you start playing?
I think a friend said it to me and then I tried and we saw people with dragons and to be honest I was already in love with the game I can build and destroy and then I found I can make my own styles as mods and I was soo hyped. And then they left and I played alone utill now (I prefer farming solo).
I remember I didn't want to leave the Cursed Skulls world and I killed random mobs around instead of dungeons and didn't know how to use wings. And then I got my first legendary dragon, the bone one and I was soo happy that I could shoot with it, yea this is all I remember.
What's your favourite part of Trove? What keeps you coming back?
The game style, I like to create and destroy things, like the community have a lot of friends here.
And love voxel modding ofc, its great to be whatever I want (even a Hydra)!
Outside of Trove do you have any experience modding?
No, I have not modded any games just played with them.
What inspired you to start modding?
It was hard the first time (or just seemed hard) even if it was just a recolor, the Shadow Raptor
Used radiant themed "golden" things for way too long and then I found mods are existing in the game and this mount is soo cool and that costume too!
Soo I searched, googled, tried and then found how to make my own things, how to turn myself more shadowy and to like my character better, as my first helmet style the Shadow Hydra Helm which I created at 2017 February, I became the hydra
What motivates you to continue modding?
Sometimes I just have an idea "hmm this would look good" or I'm just bored and start it and lets see what we will have here, well not every time have the mood for it tho, it takes a lot of time but it is worth it :3
And when I see on Twitch people using it or my friends say they like it, I feel happiness I feel that I can make something good even if its just a cosmetic mod and dark and shadowy
Which other modders work inspires you?
Kentuky, we became friends and with
TheSymbol too, they make really good UI mods and helped me a lot with the Shadow UI.
I also love the shadow themed allies made by SkyTheVirus and the Necrow family by
Ainogommon :3
How does it feel to create UI mods that cant be officially accepted into the game like mounts etc which can?
I asked Kentuky if he want to make it for me if I design the things, ofc he said no!
Weeell but he said he will teach me UI modding (I asked a ton of help like moving borders and buttons)
But I'm happy I finally released it after around 1 month :3
But back to the question, I had this idea because I like shadow stuff in general,
Turned some mounts yee its fine.. costumes too we are getting there, even the Geode Topside is shadowy..
What are we missing? Hmm.. Why my hotbar not shadowy? Well. Lets make it too! EVERYTHING SHADOW
Started this big project because I think that Trove needs more shadow things in it and well turning the UI to shadowy is a big change and I wanted to see it shadow aswell.
I know already it cant be accepted, I'm not sad about it but would be good ofc, I'm already happy about people like and use it.
How did it feel when your first mod was accepted?
The HYPE was REAL I sent to kinda all my friends MY TURTLE is gonna be in-game ohh I cant wait I will give away the codes and from the first min I wanted to make art contest started to write a list and on Discord I saw the turtle emotes and after it my lancer costume Lancer of the Hydrakken got accepted as well.
This was the moment when I started feeling the REAL HYDRAKKEN I mean this costume is the hydra and actually I made it for a request, it was 2 days but yes it worth the time like every of my mods and I cant wait to make more things what ofc shadow themed :3
I make things for fun but it also good to see my creations is worthy enough to get into the game :heart:
What are you most proud of creating?
Im proud of all because I spent a lot of time making them, but if i need to mention few all the Geode Topside mods:
Geode Surfaces List
Created by TFMHisztike 1 year ago
Shadow UI [OUTDATED] List
Created by TFMHisztike and
ExoDave, 11 months ago
Also proud of Phenex because I remember making it in live and for me it really turned out great.
Phenex, Penumbra of the Dark Skies
Mounts mod created by TFMHisztike

Also proud of both DOTM reskins, Moon Lord and Diablo:
Moon Lord
Cosmetics mod created by TFMHisztike

Prime Evil Diablo
Cosmetics mod created by TFMHisztike

What is your design and creation process?
Shadow themed mounts, allies, costumes and basically everything I can do.
But I try to make other themed mods too like the Ghostfire Keeper
I start with an idea and try to make it alive, placing blocks on eachother give it a nice color and here, a new creation.
I dont have any plans where do I need to place the blocks, I just place it and see if it looks good or not.
What tools do you use to create mods?
Well I use few tools, everything started with Zoxel I made 90% of my mods with it till now.
Then I tried MagickaVoxel but I dont liked it.
Then I started modding with Quibicle and it have soo many simple options what I missed from Zoxel, for me Qubicle is the best voxel editor.
Also using Popcorn FX when I need to recolor some VFX on a mount or something
And ofc JPEXS for UI modding, Paint Tool SAI 2.0 for designing ^^
What is the most challenging thing about creating mods?
Everything start with an idea "What if i make..", modding is not hard, the time it takes is a lot and being not lazy to give it is the hardest (and for me to give it a good name after finishing it)
The more time you spend with your mod, the greater it will turn out.
Every mod you make, you get better and every detail you put in it will make it more beautiful.
Spend the time with it because it worth it.
Which top 3 mods from yours or other modders would you like to see in the game the most?
Phenex, Penumbra of the Dark Skies
Mounts mod created by TFMHisztike

Star Guardian Dracolyte
Costumes Dracolyte mod created by Kentuky

What advice would you give to new modders starting out?
Start modding because you have fun with it, never do things only because you want your stuff accepted, do it because you enjoy to create and share with people, make your own style do not copy or recolor, its not original.
And give a ton of time to it, make it great and even greater every time :heart: