Into the Deep Trovian Outpost Adventures
There are new Outposts with Adventure Hero NPCs in every biome in Adventure and Gem worlds. Complete their quests to earn Adventurine and rarely Locked Adventurine Boxes with allies and costumes. Trade with Outpost Merchant for new Food items and keys.
Trovian Outpost AdventuresTop ^
With this update every biome in Trove Adventure and Gem worlds can spawn an outpost with an Adventure Heroes NPCs that give quests. Each NPC only offers one type of quest. Beginning with the Permafrost World, players will always spawn in a world on an Adventure Outpost.
Each Trovian Outpost Adventure can only be completed once a day. Up to 3 different Trovian Outpost Adventures can be active at a time. Completing Trovian Outpost Adventures rewards 75 Adventurine, Expierence and has a chance of granting
Locked Adventurine Strongbox as an additional reward.
It is possible to complete objectives in other biomes than you acquired quest in. For example: adventure from Desert Frontier – Mine 100 Shapestone can be completed by mining shapestone in any biome.
There is a limit of 20 Trovian Outpost Adventures per day.
Check your amount of available daily adventures with /adventurerewards chat command.
Outposts in Highlands:

@Medieval Highlands Adventure Giver outpost/highlands_adventure
Outposts in Permafrost:

@Permafrost Adventure Giver outpost/tundra_adventure
Outposts in Cursed Vale:

@Cursed Vale Adventure Giver outpost/death_adventure
Outposts in Desert Frontier:

@Frontier Adventure Giver outpost/frontier_adventure
Outposts in Fae Forest:

Trovian Outpost Adventure / adventure_fae_forest_materials_01
@Fae Forest Adventure Giver outpost/fae_adventure
Outposts in Candoria:

@Candoria Adventure Giver outpost/candy_adventure
Outposts in Neon City (not Luminopolis):

@Neon City Adventure Giver outpost/neoncity_adventure
Outposts in Jurassic Jungle:

@Jurassic Jungle Adventure Giver outpost/dino_adventure
Outposts in Dragonfire Peaks:

@Dragonfire Peaks Adventure Giver outpost/dragon_adventure
Outposts in Forbidden Spires:

@Forbidden Spires Adventure Giver outpost/spires_adventure
Warning: The Luminopolis 'defeat enemies' adventures now only provide credit for the first 3 mobs from any source.
Yoshimi club NPC located on
Beacon of Heroes provides same Defeat 15 Enemies in Luminopolis adventure. That adventure counts as Trovian Outpost adventure instead of Club Adventure.
Read more about her adventure quest /here.
Kami outposts in Luminopolis:

@Kami of Fiery Fervor outpost/luminopolis_griffon_kamiroy

@Kami of Resurgent Resolution outpost/luminopolis_centaur_kamiroy

Kami of Considered Compassion outpost/luminopolis_sugarglider_kamipr

@Kami of Resurgent Resolution outpost/luminopolis_spider_resistor

@Kami of Tumultuous Torrents outpost/luminopolis_dragon_fishkamibp

@Kami of Resurgent Resolution outpost/luminopolis_tortoise_kamigb

@Neon City Adventure Giver outpost/luminopolis_adventure_startingzone
Outposts in Drowned Worlds:

@Drowned Worlds Adventure - Start outpost/drowned_adventure_startingzone

@Drowned Worlds Adventure - Islands outpost/drowned_adventure
Outposts in Cursed Skylands:

@Cursed Skylands Adventure outpost/skylands_adventure_startingzone
Outposts in Igneous Islands:

@Igeneous Islands World Adventure - starting zone outpost/igneous_adventure_startingzone

@Igneous Islands Worlds Adventure - Islands outpost/igneous_adventure
Outpost Merchant and Locked Adventure BoxesTop ^
An Outpost Merchant can be found on all Trovian Adventure Outposts (not on Luminopolis Kami Outposts!) she will trade:
- 1 x
Adventurine Strongbox Key for 500
- 99 x
Bomb for
- 1 x
Adventurer's Lunchbox for 250
There is no limit on how many times those items can be purchased.
Adventurer's Lunchbox contains following food items:
Food | Bonus | Decay |
+ 1 Flask Capacity | 1 per 30 minutes | |
+ 50 Lasermancy | 1 per 30 minutes | |
+ 5 Movement Speed | 1 per 30 minutes |
Check our articles of previous update for How to Use Food.
Locked Adventurine Strongbox obtained from completing Trovian Outpost Adventures needs
Adventurine Strongbox Key to be unlocked. Strongbox keys are not tradable, but boxes themselves are. Locked Strongboxes contain new allies, new mount, new costume for every class and pinata allies appropriate for the season, together with all mounts from normal Adventure boxes.
Mount: Afterburn
Ally: Grumpy Snow Fiendling
Ally: Hyperqubes
Ally: Eggnoggin
Mount: Bashful Lovebug
Mount: Pink Cookiephant
Mount: Blue Cookiephant
Mount: Chocolate Chicanery
Mount: Eggster Bouncer
Mount: Truefire Phoenix
Mount: Balefire Phoenix
Mount: Pink Budgie Buddy
Mount: Blue Budgie Buddy
Mount: Shuffling Shrimp Nigiri
Mount: Delicious Dragon Roll
Mount: Kami of Scorched Skies
Mount: Kami of Sheltered Shores
Mount: Paunchy Dragon Pup
Mount: Prodigal Peridoter
Mount: Giant Red Panda
Mount: Giant Fae Panda
Mount: Fae Wildweaver
Mount: Orbed Weaver
Mount: Blue Manta Ray
Mount: Green Manta Ray
Mount: Giant Iguana
Mount: Giant Gila Monster
Mount: Crimson-Crested Crane
Mount: Frolicksome Fox Spirit
Block Dragon Egg Fragment
Uncommon, depends on in-game season of the year:
Rare, non-tradable Costumes:
Costume: Enforced Eradicator
Costume: Gumball Gunner
Costume: NecroTrickster
Costume: Pyromagical Prankster
Costume: Devilish Simian
Costume: Demonic Inferno
Costume: Warlock of the Wind
Costume: Blue Trovian Ranger
Costume: Captain Cold
Costume: Chaotic Wanderer
Costume: Rabbity Raiser
Costume: Shadow Hydrakken
Costume: Starforger
Costume: ChronoMancer
Costume: Framework Fabricator
Costume: Ignis Dracolich
Rare, tradable Costumes:
Costume: Enforced Eradicator
Costume: Gumball Gunner
Costume: NecroTrickster
Costume: Devilish Simian
Costume: Pyromagical Prankster
Costume: Demonic Inferno
Costume: Warlock of the Wind
Costume: Blue Trovian Ranger
Costume: Captain Cold
Costume: Chaotic Wanderer
Costume: Rabbity Raiser
Costume: Shadow Hydrakken
Costume: Starforger
Costume: ChronoMancer
Costume: Framework Fabricator
Costume: Ignis Dracolich
Donation StationsTop ^
Geode Topside outposts, Trovian Adventure outposts in Highlands and Luminopolis Kami outposts are now packed with Donation Stations. Donation stations are used to donate materials for the Trovian Protection Fund. Donating does not provide a guaranteed reward for every donated item, but there is a good chance to receive something in return.
Items to donate:
Geodian Donation Station
Ancient Gears 65
Builderite 110
Day Drop 550
Veridium 1350
Wallflowers 30
Gleamstone 415
Highlands Donation Station
Forged Stellar Soul 6
Mushroom Chunk 550
Pearl of Wisdom 5
Golden Seashell 225
Glim 1250
Luminopolis Donation Station
Plasmium 1650
Charged Circuit 2
Logic Loop 3
Memory Matrix 1
All donation stations have same reward pool.
Adventurine Strongbox Key
Pixel ally
Adventurer's Bento Box
Budgie Buddy Adventurer's Chest
Cookiephant Adventurer's Chest
Earthly Dragon Adventurer's Chest
Eggster Adventurer's Chest
Giant's Winter Chest
Manta Ray Adventurer's Chest
Many-Legged Adventure Box
Adventurer's Neon Dragon Kami Box
Panda Adventurer's Chest
Phoenix Adventurer's Chest
Running Reptile Adventurer's Chest
Spire Spirits Adventure Box
Ally Pixel is a rare result of donating, its not tradable and can be deconstructed into
Adventurine Strongbox Key.
At Luminopolis Donation Station players can also summon Rampage bosses for same cost as it would take to craft a Rampage boss beacon for clubs. Summoning one of them will immidiately spawn that boss at players location. Bosses spawned this way grant summoner 1 Sentience Shard per boss summoned and count for the Rampage challenge.
Crafted using: Donation Station (Rampage Summons)
Plasmium 2,100
Robotic Salvage 500
Cinnabar 650
Crafted using: Donation Station (Rampage Summons)
Plasmium 2,100
Robotic Salvage 260
Cinnabar 900
Crafted using: Donation Station (Rampage Summons)
Plasmium 2,100
Robotic Salvage 360
Cinnabar 750