Into the Deep Club Adventures
Adventures given out by NPCs in clubs at Rally of Heroes and Repose of Heroes have been reworked. Special pinatas have a chance to spawn when players complete club adventures or use Clubit mining machines.
Club Adventures ReworkedTop ^
Adventures that players can pick up from NPCs in club worlds at Rally of Heroes have been reworked to provide better gaming experience. From now, players can only complete 20 Club adventures per day, but rewards for them have been significantly increased. Limit of Club adventures a player can have active at the same time has been increased to 5, that counts adventures taken from any club.
Check your amount of available daily adventures with /adventurerewards chat command.
Club adventures grant Adventurine, class experience for players and Club experience for a club where an adventure was picked up. 300 club experience is awarded for completing quests from clubs you are a member of, 150 club experience for quests from other clubs. Daily Experience Cap for all clubs has been increased to 100000 experience points. Rarely, completing a Club adventure can spawn a
Curious Clubyata next to the player, crafting
Clubit out of
Adventurine can rarely grant tradable
Curious Clubyata in players inventory.
Adventurine rewards have been rebalanced and now are based on rarity of the Hero who gives the adventure. Adventure NPCs no longer fall asleep, their time of stay is also defined by their rarity. Removing any NPC now costs 200 Clubit. Each adventure NPC now only offers one type of quest, same club quest can be completed multiple times per day.
Some NPCs will only spawn if there is Repose of Heroes club fixture of appropriate rank is present in club.

Club Adventure / adv_medieval_highlands_short_dungeons_new
Mycenius fixtures/adventure_biped_mushroomwizard

Chief Brosquatch fixtures/adventure_biped_yetialpha

Cardinal Richemelieu fixtures/adventure_biped_popman_cardinal

Marshall McTaggart fixtures/adventure_punchbot_sheriff

Lady Seldarine fixtures/adventure_fae_moonprophet
Removed with rank 1 Repose of Heroes ↓

Ol' Boothilda fixtures/adventure_boot_muddy

Neologus fixtures/adventure_observer_robotoverlord

Sarlash fixtures/adventure_scissorhand_tiger

Club Adventure / adv_forbidden_spires_short_dungeons_new
Irran-Shu fixtures/adventure_foxspirit_celestial

Club Adventure / adv_dragonfire_peaks_short_dungeons_new
Katonnis fixtures/adventure_wraith_drakelord

Archlich Kizappian fixtures/adventure_wraith_sorceror

Club Adventure / adv_treasure_isles_short_dungeons_new
Davey Drowner fixtures/adventure_biped_medium_pirrot_drowned
Dracantes fixtures/adventure_humanoid_flakbeard
Rank 1 Repose of Heroes required ↓

Narandir fixtures/adventure_giant_radiant
Rank 1 Repose of Heroes required ↓
Removed with rank 2 Repose of Heroes ↓

Mysterious Champion fixtures/adventure_biped_hero_sunseeker_hooded

Snackle fixtures/adventure_mimic_chaoschestgold
Rank 2 Repose of Heroes required ↓

Uzumi fixtures/adventure_wraith_aquan
Rank 2 Repose of Heroes required ↓

Susiria fixtures/adventure_quetzalcoatlus_zephyrus
Rank 2 Repose of Heroes required ↓

Udunn fixtures/adventure_golem_ignianlord
Rank 2 Repose of Heroes required ↓

Ambarine fixtures/adventure_pebble_orange
Repose of Heroes and Beacon of Heroes changesTop ^
The Requirement to place the Repose of Heroes club fixture has been reduced to club level 3.
Heroes that can spawn at Rally of Heroes without Repose fixture in the club:
Rank 1 Repose of Heroes adds Larsene,
Narandir and removes
Ol' Boothilda.
Rank 2 Repose of Heroes adds Udunn,
Susiria and
Uzumi, it removes
Mysterious Champion.
Rank 3 Repose of Heroes adds Ganda the Sky Shepherd adventure hero.
Yoshimi NPC is now permanently located on
Beacon of Heroes club fixture, instead of spawning at the Rally of Heroes. Yoshimi provides access to a Luminopolis Kami outpost adventure – Defeat 15 Enemies in Luminopolis. Her adventure provides same amount of experience, 75
Adventurine and works exactly like Trovian Outpost Adventures – it can only be completed once a day, counts towards daily limit of 20 Trovian Outpost Adventures and towards the limit of 3 Trovian Outpost Adventures active at the same time.
Yoshimi will only appear on Beacon of Heroes placed after this patch, so some clubs may need to remove and replace the Beacon of Heroes.

Yoshimi outpost/adventure_biped_hero_yoshimi
Club PinatasTop ^
Curios Clubyatas are the new pinatas that can be acquired through completing Club Adventures or by crafting Clubit from
Adventurine using
Clubit Minting Machine or
Grand Clubit Minting Machine.
Completing Club Adventures has a chance to spawn Curious Clubyata next to the player upon completing the quest.
Clubit Minting Machine is located on
Trovian Clubit Union (all ranks) and
Travelling Club Merchant (rank 1 and 2) club fixtures. It costs 10
Adventurine to craft 1
Clubit on this machine and each Clubit crafted has a chance to grant 1 tradable
Curious Clubyata in players inventory.
Grand Clubit Minting Machine can only be found on rank 3
Travelling Club Merchant fixture. On this machine it costs 85
Adventurine to craft 10
Clubit, with each craft having a chance to grant 9 tradable
Curious Clubyata in players inventory.
Killing Clubyatas rewards person who threw them and 7 other players nearby with Flux, Glim, basic ores, tradable Club styles and rarely Dormant Pinata Dragon Egg or Curious Clubyata mount.