The Trovemas team is happy to announce the opening of the Trovemas World 2018! This year the team has been hard at work to make an exciting experience for all ages to visit and share in the joy together! This year they want to remind everyone that the players are what make the games enjoyable.
Note: This event is created by players for players.
Trovemas 2017Top ^
Join us starting December 22nd, in the Trovemas world for gifts, fun, and games.
Dates and locationTop ^
Events will run from Friday, December 22nd and it will close on Friday, January 5th, 2018.
Just type /joinworld Trovemas
Note: If you've visited last year, you need to /respawn to start discovering the new bits.
Things-to-doTop ^
- Random giveaways (new and old stuff) if SantaGort is near.
- Quests, Quizzes, and other fun activities!
- A magical world to explore
StoryTop ^
We see avatars around us and it can be easy to forget that each avatar has a real person behind it. So as we celebrate Trovemas in our virtual world this year, let us give thanks and happy wishes to all of the real people behind the avatars that make Trove so enjoyable! We will be opening the doors of Trovemas on December 22th and it will close on January 5th. Santagort will be making random appearances in the world throughout the Trovemas celebration to hand out gifts to all the good players! Santagort wants to give a special thank you to the team this year who have put in over 3 months of effort into preparing this world for players to enjoy! Swiftnightshadow has directed our artistic team while being our primary builder. She has worked relentlessly to ensure that every part of the world is perfect.
Suzy48 and
TwoFoxy have spent an untold number of hours providing the raw materials for the world to be built. They filled Santagorts sleigh many times over with formicite and building materials (Santagort has no use for stockings!).
Leodamus, and
Josin have spent time building the wonderful exhibits in the world for all to enjoy! Our donors of the special gifts have asked to remain anonymous this year, but they should still be thanked for all of their gracious giving!
Please come enjoy this wonderful time of year with us as we play games, give out gifts, and party like it's the year 2000 again!
Previous YearTop ^
Checkout all the crazyness from last year