Snowfest 2017! з Вівторка 19 Грудня 2017 до Понеділка 1 Січня 2018 (Включно) на ПК і Консолях. Завдяки бонусам за вхід! Новим пригодам! Унікальним нагородам!

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#1/8: Пройдіть підземелля Подарунки (5)

Snowfest 2017 1/8: The Radiant Butterfly approaches on her sunlit wings and beckons to all who can hear her plea.

'The winds blow cold across the night sky and Dungeons made of Presents and Evergreens have appeared across the lands. My sister, the Blizzard Behe-Moth, is trapped within the looming dusk. Please help me to free her like the Trovians did for me.'

Нагорода 1x Titan Soul

Present Lairs ring in the season of Snowfest!

Додаткова інформація:

  •  Підземелля(данжі) у вигляді Подарунків

#2/8: Відкрийте коробки! (20)

Snowfest 2017 2/8: The celebrations of the season bring joy to the hearts of all Trovians. The light of this joy will act as a beacon to my sister in her journey to the light.

Нагорода 3x Gem Booster Box

Open a box and find all the shinies!

Додаткова інформація:

  • Відкрийте 20 будь-яких коробок

#3/8: Зберіть Glacial Shards (100)

Snowfest 2017 3/8: Just as a thread of pure sunlight bound together my cocoon, the Blizzard Behe-Moth needs a sliver of Pure Ice to complete hers. Travel to the lands of Permafrost and gather Glacial Shards if you wish to help her with her transformation.

Нагорода 1x Lunar Soul

Buurrr. That's cold.

Додаткова інформація:

  • Зустрічаються в Permafrost біомі (Зимовому)
  • Ви можете зібрати їх, а можете купити їх в маркеті. Натисніть U, щоб відкрити Marketplace і введіть в пошуку Glacial Shard.

#4/8: Зробіть Shard of Pure Ice

Snowfest 2017 4/8: Now visit the Wheel of Seasons and bind the Glacial Shards into a Shard of Pure Ice. I will see that it is delivered to the Blizzard Behe-Moth to aid her journey.

A Shard of Pure Ice can be crafted at the Wheel of Seasons Crafting Bench at your Cornerstone or in a Club World.


Нагорода 20x Dragon Coin

Colder than a glacier.

Додаткова інформація:

  • Верстак Wheel of Season -> Вкладка Winter -> Shard of Pure Ice

#5/8: Вбийте Super Punchbot в Neon City

Snowfest 2017 5/8: The Blizzard Behe-Moth is still beyond the dusk and I cannot give her the Shard of Pure Ice until she is closer to the dawn. I need the power core from a Super Punchbot in Neon City in order to preserve it until she arrives.

Нагорода 25x Diamond Dragonite

You feel a cold wind blowing.

Додаткова інформація:

  • Neon City - 3 uber

#6/8: Вбийте Horned Rumpfuses в Permafrost (100)

Snowfest 2017 6/8: The Blizzard Behe-Moth is close to cresting over Permafrost, but the wicked Horned Rumpfus has appeared in Permafrost and will drain her power if they are allowed to catch her. Will you help to drive them back, Trovian?

Нагорода Angry Poop

The Horned Rumpfus left behind a, er... gift for you.

Додаткова інформація:

  •  Permafrost - це зимовий біом

#7/8: Пройдіть 1-Зіркові підземелля (50)

Snowfest 2017 7/8: My sister is nearly here and the Snowfest Celebrations beckon her to you, Trovian. Only a small task remains. Drive the shadows back and draw her to the light.

Нагорода 1x Builder's Superior Focus

Diamonds that sparkle like the snow.

Додаткова інформація:

#8/8: Відкрийте більше коробок! (20)

Snowfest 2017 8/8: The Blizzard Behe-Moth has fully emerged into the light, Trovian! In the spirit of the Snowfest season, open some boxes and rejoice in dusk and dawn reuniting to ring in a Joyful Snowfest.

Нагорода Blizzard Behe-Moth

The Blizzard Behe-Moth has arrived!

Додаткова інформація:

  • Ще 20 коробок.


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Quest Chain - Snowfest 2017! (Dec 19th - Jan 2nd)

Snowfest 2017! from Tuesday, December 19, 2017 to Tuesday, January 2, 2018 on PC's and Consoles. Featuring Login bonuses! New adventures! Unique rewards!

Evilagician December 19, 2017 6 17

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