For the next 2 weeks submit images of a collection item, deco, or style to their database page to be in with a chance of winning Trove goodies.

This promotion aims to help us fill up our database of missing in-game images.

TaskTop ^

  • Submit in-game screenshots of a collection item, block, deco or style to their database page.


  • You can see a list of all the items that are missing images at
  • The more images you submit the higher your chances are of winning a prize, however incorrectly submitted images may result in you losing the ability to take part in contests.

DatesTop ^

  • Thursday, January 19, 2017 to Thursday, February 2, 2017

RewardsTop ^

  • 6 winners will receive 3 Reward Tokens
  • 12 winners will receive 1 Reward Token

ResultsTop ^

1700 images were uploaded by 24 people.

Special mention to the people below who submitted over 100 each.

User Images
Vamps 304
Rosain 207
RNG 171


Major Winners

  1. ByyN
  2. Rhadnar
  3. Vamps
  4. EvilSanes
  6. Rosain *bumped up because featured on leaders table
  7. RNG *bumped up because featured on leaders table

Minor Winners

  1. Saltwater_sam
  2. TwiLuna
  3. Anibaal
  4. pendk
  5. Ramses_TRJ
  6. Swiftnightshadow
  7. UziEl
  8. Dominations
  9. GuardianPanda
  10. Circuitree

InfoTop ^

For non-obtainable or non available hats/weapons/masks use /maskpreview <filename> /hatpreview <filename> /weaponpreview <filename>

At the bottom of collection, deco and style pages is an Images form, you can upload from your computer, or direct from a URL.


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i uploaded a picture of the n-0 depth scoper check wanted

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So if we do a costume should we take off all other gear? And if we do a gear piece zoom in on it?

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