A full list of custom emojis made by the Trovesaurus community Discord. Check out the emojis available and recommend some emojis that you think should be created.

In the recent update on discord, server owners are allowed to add their own emoji in the server without the use of subscriptions from Twitch. Anyone is allowed to make their own emoji and request it to be in the Trovesaurus discord.

If you want to make your own emoji, be sure to follow these guidelines:

  • Emoji must be no less than 128x128. If they are any bigger, be sure to keep the 1:1 ratio (square)
  • Emoji will be downsized to 32x32 once they are added, so make sure the quality of the image still looks good when down-sized.
  • Nothing obscene or offensive! Think of the children!

Just as a warning: With only 50 slots to the discord, we have to rotate/remove emojis from time to time.

Users requesting to use the emojis must ask the specified artist for permission. These emojis in the page are downsized for this purpose of protecting the rights.

Last Updated: April 24, 2017

Here are some of the emoji already in use:


Emoji Keyword Details Artist Resolution
:trove: Official Trove Logo Trion 128x128
:catface: Sageosaurus (Cat Face) SkyTheVirus 128x128
:sagehappy: Sagesoaurus (Happy) SkyTheVirus 128x128
:dealwithit: Sageosaurus (#DealWithIt) SkyTheVirus 128x128
:sageshock: Sageosaurus (Shocked) SkyTheVirus 128x128
:sagesad: Sageosaurus (Sad) SkyTheVirus 930x930
:quebapprove: Qubesly (Approves) SkyTheVirus 824x824
:kiwi: Classy Kiwi Delistrophic ??
:hellbug: Hellbug (Skulking Skitterling) Delistrophic ??
:bootkick: Old Boot (Kicking) SkyTheVirus 1000x1000
:banham: Ban Hammer Delistrophic ??

Admin/Player Emoji

Emoji Keyword Details Artist Resolution
:etaew: Etaew SkyTheVirus 500x500
:pinetaew: Etaew (Pinata) SkyTheVirus 800x800
:digi: Digiwolf  SkyTheVirus 128x128
:vitus: Commander Vitus (SkyTheVirus) SkyTheVirus 1000x1000
:metalrage: Metallagmeno (SkyTheVirus) SkyTheVirus 1000x1000
:puggo: Delistrophic Delistrophic ??
:evil: Evilagician SkyTheVirus 1000x1000
  :shiro: Shirokiri Delistrophic ??
:banan: Bananaboms SkyTheVirus 500x500
:taliowl: Tali (Talita) SkyTheVirus 1000x1000
:skyrider: SkyRider3217 SkyTheVirus 824x824 
:maf: Maf Delistrophic ?? 
:chrono: Chronozilla SkyTheVirus 1000x1000
:bun: KawaiiCaretaker KawaiiCaretaker 128x128

Developer Emojis

Emoji Keyword Details Artist Resolution
:avarem: Andrew "Averem" Krausnick SkyTheVirus 1000x1000
:dopesheet: Ted "Dopesheet" Sanger N/A 1000x1000
:twixler: Robin "Twixler" Luera N/A 824x824

Seasonal Emoji

Emoji Keyword Details Artist Resolution Event
:dreamgobbler: Dream Gobbler SkyTheVirus 1068x1068 Turketopia 
:jclover: Jade Clover  SkyTheVirus 1000x1000 St. Qubeslick's Day 
:pinceli: Celebratory Pinata SkyTheVirus 824x824 Join the Party

Removed Emojis

Emoji Keyword Details Artist Resolution
:rng: RNG (Random Number Generator)  Unknown 128x128
:saltpour: Salt Ainogommon 128x128
:chaoschest: Chaos Chest SkyTheVirus 1000x1000
:goldenchest: Golden Chaos Chest SkyTheVirus 1000x1000
:eyeofQb: Eye of Q'bthuhlu SkyTheVirus  824x824
:ganda: Ganda, the SkyShepherd SkyTheVirus  1240x1240
:gemwater: Generic Water Gem SkyTheVirus 757x757
:gemair: Generic Air Gem SkyTheVirus 837x837
:gemfire: Generic Fire Gem SkyTheVirus 933x933
:gemwateremp: Empowered Water Gem SkyTheVirus 945x945
:gemairemp: Empowered Air Gem SkyTheVirus 945x945
:gemfireemp: Empowered Fire Gem SkyTheVirus 945x945
:dde: Diamond Dragon Egg SkyTheVirus 910x910
:pinreg: Prancing Pinata SkyTheVirus 824x824
:pinwint: Winter Pinata SkyTheVirus 824x824
:pinspring: Spring Pinata SkyTheVirus 824x824
:pinsum: Summer Pinata SkyTheVirus 824x824
:pinaut: Autumn Pinata SkyTheVirus 824x824
:pinshad: Shadow Pinata SkyTheVirus 824x824
:pinmega: Mega Pinata SkyTheVirus 824x824
:atronos: Kumar "Atronos" N/A 101x101

If there's any emoji you think should be implumented, be sure to request it in the comments below.

Comments and Likes Comments 4

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more funny emojis, please!~

liked this!


Etaewface! :p

Wolf Emojis