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Worlds Best BusinessmanAllies

Its a Okapi cool jungle giraffe!

Roll, aim, and extinguish
Replaces: [Roller Caterpoler]
Replaces: [Roller Caterpoler]
Lucky RollerMounts

Roll with the odds on your side
Replaces: [Roller Caterpoler]
Replaces: [Roller Caterpoler]
Vibrant OresUtility

Replaces the ore section of block diffuse and effect sheets. Improves color contrast and adds some glowing spots to make ores easier to spot.
Moontouched Pinata HeadHelmets

A grotesque, lunar visage, its features warped and twisted beyond comprehension. Its eyes, striking pure TERROR into whoever dares look at it... A pinata?
Replaces the [Balanced Kite] Wings to become the iconic gliding apparatus from Cube World.
[Costume] Disciple of Pun-chiCostumes (Vanguardian)

The youngest of Pun-chi's disciples despite his ever white (bleached) hair, he travels the world on his master's request to punch the blazes out of any and all created by the shadow.
Hollow BarbarianCostumes (Candy Barbarian)

A Candy Barbarian Class Costume, inspired by the Angel of Death, Malthael, from the RPG game Diablo 3 like you've never seen before!
Dress up in this amazing costume, hide behind the hood and reign chaos in the world of Trove
Dress up in this amazing costume, hide behind the hood and reign chaos in the world of Trove
Infineon MercenaryCostumes (Neon Ninja)

Replaces Neon Ninja Level 10 Costume, Neon Ninja Level 10 Helm and Neon Nightblade.
Chinese Language简体中文语言Language

Waypoints for Every U12 Flowers/Plants and Recolored Ores (Lichenstone, Runeslate, Deepstone)
Better Ore v4Utility

easier to find Glacial Shards + Somber Souls; additional invisible Mimic Blocks
replaces the textures of
. Glacial Shards
. Somber Souls
. Mimic blocks
Mimic becomes invisible, except the black outline. I use it sometimes for screenshots. Place the Mimic at a deco block, so it will not change into a color block and place so many, that the platform outline is outside the picture.
replaces the textures of
. Glacial Shards
. Somber Souls
. Mimic blocks
Mimic becomes invisible, except the black outline. I use it sometimes for screenshots. Place the Mimic at a deco block, so it will not change into a color block and place so many, that the platform outline is outside the picture.
Rolling JarCottaAllies

Replace "Ordained Ordnance" ally from SanDaruIV by a rolling terracotta jar
Interface rebuilt from scratch.
Reduced file size.
Graphical improvement.
Improved performance.
Added rarities in the minimum loot pickup (Shadow 1 -> 5 & Crystal 1 -> 5). Credits to abbie.
Added TheSymbol & Geoflay Mod configurations.
Reduced file size.
Graphical improvement.
Improved performance.
Added rarities in the minimum loot pickup (Shadow 1 -> 5 & Crystal 1 -> 5). Credits to abbie.
Added TheSymbol & Geoflay Mod configurations.

Replaces VFX for a bar that:
-Automatically refreshes when a new potion is taken, making it accurate
-Progressively drains as the effect runs, indicating how much of it is left
-Only dissapears when the effect has ran out
If you encounter any issues using it, please let me know so I can take a look at them
-Automatically refreshes when a new potion is taken, making it accurate
-Progressively drains as the effect runs, indicating how much of it is left
-Only dissapears when the effect has ran out
If you encounter any issues using it, please let me know so I can take a look at them
IGN: chnkxaa
you can /w me directly in game if you have any questions, I'll try to help.
or just leave comment here.
Update: found that if I use tmod file game will crash for some reason. So I also uploaded the bnk file. Need to install manually. Also after trying on it I found that the complete dungeon sfx kinda ruining everything so be gone, its muted now. ^^
Google Drive Link:
Put the bnk file in this path:
(your trove game folder)\Games\Trove\Live\audio\override
So for me the path is:
normally you wont have a folder called override, just create one.
Replaces a bunch of BGM in game.
Also Trove just wont loop music as default, so I just used some extended version to make it repeat LUL
File is HUGE
Music Replacement List:
Medieval Highlands - FFXIV Serenity
Permafrost - FFXIV Fealty
Cursed Vale - FFXIV Ink Long Dry
Desert Frontier - FFXIV Sands of Amber
Fae Forest - FFXIV A Hopeless Race
Candoria - FFXIV Figments
Neon City - FFXIV Order Yet Undeciphered
Luminopolis - FFXIV Unbreakable
Jurassic Jungle - FFXIV Alienus
Dragonfire Peaks - FFXIV Roar of the Wyrm
Forbidden Spires - FFXIV A Father's Pride
Sundered Uplands - FFXIV The Gauntlet
Radiant Ruins - FFXIV Skylords
Geode Topside Hub - FFXIV Miracle Works
Shadow Arena Battle - FFXV Daemon Eternal Darkness
Shadow Arena Wait - FFXV Insomnia Ablaze
you can /w me directly in game if you have any questions, I'll try to help.
or just leave comment here.
Update: found that if I use tmod file game will crash for some reason. So I also uploaded the bnk file. Need to install manually. Also after trying on it I found that the complete dungeon sfx kinda ruining everything so be gone, its muted now. ^^
Google Drive Link:
Put the bnk file in this path:
(your trove game folder)\Games\Trove\Live\audio\override
So for me the path is:
normally you wont have a folder called override, just create one.
Replaces a bunch of BGM in game.
Also Trove just wont loop music as default, so I just used some extended version to make it repeat LUL
File is HUGE
Music Replacement List:
Medieval Highlands - FFXIV Serenity
Permafrost - FFXIV Fealty
Cursed Vale - FFXIV Ink Long Dry
Desert Frontier - FFXIV Sands of Amber
Fae Forest - FFXIV A Hopeless Race
Candoria - FFXIV Figments
Neon City - FFXIV Order Yet Undeciphered
Luminopolis - FFXIV Unbreakable
Jurassic Jungle - FFXIV Alienus
Dragonfire Peaks - FFXIV Roar of the Wyrm
Forbidden Spires - FFXIV A Father's Pride
Sundered Uplands - FFXIV The Gauntlet
Radiant Ruins - FFXIV Skylords
Geode Topside Hub - FFXIV Miracle Works
Shadow Arena Battle - FFXV Daemon Eternal Darkness
Shadow Arena Wait - FFXV Insomnia Ablaze
- To claim items, leftclick anywhere on the item tile
- To cancel, rightclick the item tile
- If an item has the resell option and you rightclick, it attempts to resell (if it fails increase the timer on your auto confirm listing option in whatever autoaccept mod you're using to ~1 second)
- To cancel, rightclick the item tile
- If an item has the resell option and you rightclick, it attempts to resell (if it fails increase the timer on your auto confirm listing option in whatever autoaccept mod you're using to ~1 second)
As requested by SW_StarWarrior27. A Starfire Themed UI built off of Super Hotbar by ExoDave & TheSymbol with an added Bard Overhaul created by Hydragen.
BetterFriendlistGUI (GUI)

Created by Jus7Ace,abbie,Geoflay
Anyone that wants to edit the mod and re-publish it is more than welcome as long as allow other people to do the same to theirs.
# Place the `BetterFriendlist.tmod` on the mods folder and the `BetterFriendlist.cfg` in `%appdata%/Trove/ModCfgs`
Anyone that wants to edit the mod and re-publish it is more than welcome as long as allow other people to do the same to theirs.
# Place the `BetterFriendlist.tmod` on the mods folder and the `BetterFriendlist.cfg` in `%appdata%/Trove/ModCfgs`