
Trove's adventure and loot boxes.

@Open it to obtain adventuring loot! Has a chance of containing a rare Candorian mount!
@Open it to obtain adventuring loot! Has a chance of containing a rare Treasure Isles mount!
Open to recieve a random Advanced Crystallogy Adventure Crystal! These unique Adventures can be completed for even more Lesser Crystal Caches.
Open it to obtain adventuring loot! Has a chance of containing one of the rare Shuffling Shrimp Nigiri or Delicious Dragon Roll mounts.

[item=Adventurer's Bento Box] Is a Uncommon loot obtained from any enemies. Drops more commonly durring Thursday Adventure Loot perk day (+200%, +400% for patron members).


Rewards that can be found inside this box:


Common [item=Glim]
Common [item=Flux]
Uncommon [item=Eye of Q'bthulhu]
Uncommon [item=Style Surprise]
Rare [collection=Shuffling Shrimp Nigiri]
Rare [collection=Delicious Dragon Roll]
Very Rare [item=Dormant Block Dragon Egg]
Contains tasty snacks to boost your stats!
Open it to obtain adventuring loot! Has a chance of containing one of the rare Kami of Scorched Skies or Kami of Sheltered Shores mounts.

[item=Adventurer's Neon Dragon Kami Box] Is a Uncommon loot obtained from any enemies. Drops more commonly durring Thursday Adventure Loot perk day (+200%, +400% for patron members).


Rewards that can be found inside this box:


Common [item=Glim]
Common [item=Flux]
Uncommon [item=Eye of Q'bthulhu]
Uncommon [item=Style Surprise]
Rare [collection=Kami of Scorched Skies]
Rare [collection=Kami of Sheltered Shores]
Very Rare [item=Dormant Block Dragon Egg]
Open for a random amount of Air Gem Dust.

Obtained by:

  • Opening [item=daily loot chest]

Open to receive one of the following loot:

Common [item=Air gem dust] x 300
Uncommon [item=Air gem dust] x 1000
Rare [item=Air gem dust] x 9999
Open for a random amount of Air Gem Spark.
A sealed relic case containing one of the rare Amperium relic decoration pieces.
Contains materials used to unlock Ancient Dragon mounts!
Increases the chance of catching trophy fish. Lasts 2 hours or until all lures are used.
Increases how quickly you catch fish. Lasts 2 hours or until all lures are used.
Increases your chances of catching Uncommon and Rare fish. Lasts 2 hours or until all lures are used.
Contains 1 random Standard which can be combined with a Banner Pole of the Arcane Way
Contains rare reagents or a wealth of mana!
Contains resources normally found within the Ashen Wastes in the Sundered Uplands.
Contains two sample segments of Asterion Quilt flooring
Open for useful items and a chance at epic rewards including a very rare chance at an Attepali's Buried Treasure gem box!
Open for useful items and a chance at epic rewards!
Contains two sample segments of Autumnal Windmill Quilt flooring
Contains Chocolate Sponge
Contains Ganda 2.0
Contains Hexa-Forged Shadow Soul
Contains Flying Boat
Contains Ring of +50 to Magic-Find Find
Contains Plasma Fishing Rod
Contains Shadow 5 Power Signet
Contains Twixler's Antennae
Contains materials used to unlock Azulian Dragon mounts!

Possible Rolls


  • Flux
  • Eyes


  • Dragon Coin
  • Dragon Essence


  • Dragon Soul
  • Penta-Forged Shadow Soul

Source: http://forums.trovegame.com/showthread.php?21337-Dragon-Cache-and-Challenge-Info 

Some glowy flappy thing is inside, if you dare to look.
Contains 1 random House Carys lamp piece, banner piece, rug piece, table piece, or chair.
Contains 1 random House Panatea lamp piece, banner piece, rug piece, table piece, or chair.
Contains 1 random House Tysorion lamp piece, banner piece, rug piece, table piece, or chair.
Contains Blast Coins and tradeable versions of most collectables (not tomes) on the Bomber Bench.\n\nBlast Coins gained from the Bomber Box allow you to exceed the limit of 300 for Blast Coins, but you will not be able to gain more from playing normally until you spend enough to be below the limit.
Contains materials used to unlock Bone Dragon mounts!
Open your Boom Box to collect your Bomber Royale rewards!

Purchased from the Bomber Royale Merchant for Bomber-Royale-Münze: 1. Saison 5

Open your Boom Box to collect your Bomber Royale rewards! Very rarely contains the Golden Twin Plague Dragon Egg or other rewards from Season One.
Crafting Material. A phyiscal receptacle for captured light. Used at the Adventurer's Crafting Bench to craft Gems Augments. Obtained from the Weekly Class Power Rank Leaderboards and from Events.
Crafting Material. A phyiscal receptacle for captured light. Used at the Adventurer's Crafting Bench to craft Gems Augments. Obtained from the Weekly Class Power Rank Leaderboards and from Events.
Open it to obtain some resources.

Discontinued item: Had a chance of appearing in the deals section of the store for users with patron points in their accounts.



Open it to free a new Buddy Bot ally! Has a chance of containing the rare ally Shield Servitor.

[item=Buddy Bot Soultrap] can be brought by the [item=Buddybot Soultrap Vendor]

You can find his boat In any Uber Drowned World inside the Treasure Isles Biome.


Contains the following Allies:


Common [collection=Petite Auto-Patroller]
Common [collection=Click-Happy Camerabot]
Common [collection=Cookie Bakerbot]
Common [collection=Patient Toast-Popper]
Common [collection=Ticking Timekeeper]
Uncommon [collection=Memory Minder]
Uncommon [collection=Personal Poundcake]
Rare [collection=Shield Servitor]
Open it to obtain adventuring loot! Has a chance of containing one of the rare Budgie Buddy mounts.

[item=Budgie Buddy Adventurer's Chest] Is a Uncommon loot obtained from any enemies. Drops more commonly durring Thursday Adventure Loot perk day (+200%, +400% for patron members).


Rewards that can be found inside this box:


Common [item=Glim]
Common [item=Flux]
Uncommon [item=Eye of Q'bthulhu]
Uncommon [item=Style Surprise]
Rare [collection=Pink Budgie Buddy]
Rare [collection=Blue Budgie Buddy]
Very Rare [item=Dormant Block Dragon Egg]
Hidden deep within Geode, this box contains minor treasure.
Hidden deep within Geode, this box contains moderate treasure.
Gem Augment. This item gives a large augment to one stat on a gem, and that gem's Power Rank. Used at the Gem Forge. Crafted at the Adventurer's Crafting Bench.
Gem Augment. This item gives a large augment to one stat on a gem, and that gem's Power Rank. Used at the Gem Forge. Crafted at the Adventurer's Crafting Bench.
Hidden deep within Geode, this box contains great treasure.
In addition to Snowfest 2020 recipes, also contains a plethora of prizes including Bound Brilliance, Dragon Coins, Crystalline Cores and a rare chance at Diamond Dragonite or Metamatter.
Always includes a tradable Egg-ric, Puzzling Egg-Fly, Eggland Egg, Squire Hopeh, Butterflegg, The Carton Car, Eggland Dance Cart, King Egon's Royal Angler, or Bunfest Kitesail.
Contains Undead Marks of Honor, Fae Marks of Honor, and sometimes a special chest.
Contains Chaos Chests, Chaos Cores, or, rarely, Golden Chaos Chests.
Open it to free a new Butterfly ally! Has a chance of containing the rare ally Feisty Flamedancer.

[item=Butterfly Soultrap] can be brought by the [item=Treasure Isles Mount Vendor]

You can find his boat In any Uber Drowned World inside the Treasure Isles Biome.


Contains the following Allies:


Common [collection=Arctic Behe-Moth]
Common [collection=Brown Behe-Moth]
Common [collection=Cardinal Wildwing]
Common [collection=Fuchsia Flitterer]
Common [collection=Empyreal Emperor Butterfly]
Uncommon [collection=Lucky Cloverwing]
Uncommon [collection=Solar-Powered Satellizer]
Rare [collection=Feisty Flamedancer]
Randomly contains one of 4 tradable Carys collectables: Carysian Wader, Whitehorn the Wellknown, Golden Vale Dragon Pup, and rarely a Carysquish.
Open it to free a new Cat ally! Has a chance of containing the rare ally Prowling Shadow.

[item=Cat Soultrap] can be brought by the [item=Cat Soultrap Vendor]

You can find his boat In any Uber Drowned World inside the Treasure Isles Biome.


Contains the following Allies:


Common [collection=Little Snow Lynx]
Common [collection=Bubby Bobcat]
Common [collection=Teensy Tiger]
Common [collection=Funny Fezzie]
Common [collection=Natty Noah]
Uncommon [collection=Purr-ate Captain]
Uncommon [collection=Skelly-Cat]
Rare [collection=Prowling Shadow]
Contains a Crystals, Heckbug-Hybrid Eggs, Heckbug Banners and sometimes a Heckbug Kicker.
Contains a Crystals, Heckbug Eggs, The Heckbug Practice Dummy Recipe and sometimes a Heckbug Tender or Bouncin' Heckbug.
Open for crafting materials, Chaos Cores, and rare collectibles.\n\nThe featured rare collectibles change weekly.
Open for crafting materials, Chaos Cores, and rare collectibles.\n\nThe featured rare collectibles change weekly.

[item=chaos chest] is a uncommon chest granted by Daily login base on the player Chaos factor. Can also be earned as a rare loot from any dungeons.

Obtained by:

  • Chaos Factor (mastery or [item=chaos coin])
  • Trove Store
  • Opening a [item=chaos chest]
  • Completing 25 dungeons with [collection=chaos codex] equipped
  • loot collecting [item=mega chaos chest]
Open for crafting materials, Chaos Cores, and rare collectibles.\n\nThe featured rare collectibles change weekly.
Used to craft rare chaotic collectibles at the Chaos Core Crafter. Acquire from Chaos Chests and by Loot Collecting Chaos Chests rewards.
It's a tightly bound probability space that will resolve into an unknown number of Chaos Cores if you observe it for long enough.

Rare loot from [item=chaos chest].

Open to receive one of the following loot:

Common [item=chaos core] x 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Uncommon [item=chaos core] x 11, 12, 13
Rare [item=chaos core] x 21, 33
Contains two sample segments of Cherrywinter Quilt flooring
Open for useful items and a chance at epic rewards including a very rare chance at a Citaria's Watery Cache!
Contains Banners. Banners change power ups and grant stat boosts in the arena.

Granted for playing Battle Arena (PvP) matches. Every 60 minutes or 30 minutes for Patron users the maximum boxes that can be received weekly depends on the users Battle Factor.

Open to recieve a Banner that can be equipped durring pvp matches for stat bonus.

  • Tattered - Common
  • Ragged - Common
  • Battle Worn - Uncommon
  • Superior - Rare
  • Pristine - Very Rare
Contains resources normally found within the Cloud Layer of the Sundered Uplands.
Open for a Radiant Empowered Gem.
Commonly contains Concentrated Compost, but may also contain Alchemy Plant Seed Recipes or other goodies.
Awards conquest loot. Has a chance to award the rare Amperium Relic Case!
Open it to obtain adventuring loot! Has a chance of containing one of the rare Pink or Blue Cookiephant mounts.

[item=Cookiephant Adventurer's Chest] Is a Uncommon loot obtained from any enemies. Drops more commonly durring Thursday Adventure Loot perk day (+200%, +400% for patron members).


Rewards that can be found inside this box:


Common [item=Glim]
Common [item=Flux]
Uncommon [item=Eye of Q'bthulhu]
Uncommon [item=Style Surprise]
Rare [collection=Pink Cookiephant]
Rare [collection=Blue Cookiephant]
Very Rare [item=Dormant Block Dragon Egg]
Open for a random amount of Cosmic Gem Dust.
Open for a random amount of Cosmic Gem Sparks.
Open it and collect your random costume.

Obtained by:

  • Store
  • Marketplace

Grants a random constume that's normally available in the store. Cannot give event exculsive costume or costumes that can be crafted in [item=chaos core crafter]

Contains crafting materials, sometimes tradable versions of unlockable collections from the Cowasaurs and Dinoboys 2022 event, and rarely the Dinosly ally.

Contains tradable version of all event collectables from September 2022 event as well as the Dinosly - collectable unique to this lootbox.

Open for a chance to get Class Gem Key Fragments or a Crystal Empowered Air Gem.
Open for a chance to get Class Gem Key Fragments or a Crystal Empowered Cosmic Gem.
Open for a chance to get Class Gem Key Fragments or a Crystal Empowered Fire Gem.
Open for a chance to get Class Gem Key Fragments or a Crystal Empowered Gem.
Open for a chance to get Class Gem Key Fragments or a Crystal Empowered Water Gem.
This core in the hands of the Shaper could be morphed into an energy source powerful enough to act as the heart of an Ancient. Obtained daily by completing 5 Star Dungeons within the time limit and from opening Geodian Topside Caches. Obtained from the Weekly Class Power Rank Leaderboards and from Events.
This core in the hands of the Shaper could be morphed into an energy source powerful enough to act as the heart of an Ancient. Obtained daily by completing 5 Star Dungeons within the time limit and from opening Geodian Topside Caches. Obtained from the Weekly Class Power Rank Leaderboards and from Events.
Open to recieve a random Crystallogy Adventure Crystal, and rarely, an Advanced Crystallogy Adventure Crystal! These unique Adventures can be completed for Lesser Crystal Caches.
Open for useful items and a chance at epic rewards including a very rare chance at a Cygnus's Skyship!
A charged chaos chest which will grant past chaos chest rewards uncommonly, rarely dark pegasus wings, and very rarely a dark pegasus. Also has a chance to award Dormant Darkshield Dragon Egg Fragments.

A very rare [item=dark chaos vault] is rewarded to players who participate in Trove various contests and recieves a ranking of 25th or lower.

Grants the same loot as [item=chaos chest], however Uncommon tier drops rewards Any Past Chaos Chest Rewards. And Rare teir drops can yeild [collection=Wings of the Dark Pegasus] or [collection=Princey McEvilface]

Open this to collect your rare mount!
Open for Air Gem dust, Air Gem Sparks, a Stellar Air Gem, or possibly even a Crystal Air Gem.
Open for Cosmic dust, Cosmic Sparks, a Stellar Cosmic Gem, or possibly a Crystal Cosmic Gem.
Open for Fire Gem dust, Fire Gem Sparks, a Stellar Fire Gem, or possibly even a Crystal Fire Gem.
Open for Gem dust, Gem Sparks, a Stellar Gem, or possibly even a Crystal Gem. \n\nCan not contain Cosmic Gems.
Open for Water Gem dust, Water Gem Sparks, a Stellar Water Gem, or possibly even a Crystal Water Gem.
Contains a ring that grants Lasermancy and an additional random stat. Left click to open.
Contains a ring that grants Lasermancy and an additional random stat. Place on action bar and throw it to open.

[item=Delving Band Box] Grants a Epic Delving Band Ring

  • +22 Lasermancy
  • +(random stat) [Magic Find, Jump, Stability, Critical Hit, Health Regen]


Can be crafted using a [item=Ringcrafting Bench] (requires a RingCrafting skill of 100)

Ingredients Quantity
[item=Diamond] 1
[item=Shapestone Ore]       15
Contains a ring that grants Lasermancy and an additional random stat. Left click to open.
Contains a ring that grants Lasermancy and an additional random stat. Place on action bar and throw it to open.

[item=Delving Loop Box] Grants a Relic Delving Loop Ring

  • +38 Lasermancy
  • +(random stat)


Can be crafted using a [item=Ringcrafting Bench] (requires a RingCrafting skill of 200)

Ingredients Quantity
[item=Diamond] 2
[item=Shapestone Ore]       25
Contains a ring that grants Lasermancy and an additional random stat. Left click to open.
Contains a ring that grants Lasermancy and an additional random stat. Place on action bar and throw it to open.

[item=Power Ring Box] Grants a Legendary Power Ring

  • +30 Lasermancy
  • +(random stat)


Can be crafted using a [item=Ringcrafting Bench] (requires a RingCrafting skill of 150)

Ingredients Quantity
[item=Diamond] 1
[item=Shapestone Ore]       20
Contains a ring that grants Lasermancy and an additional random stat. Place on action bar and throw it to open.
Contains a ring that grants Lasermancy and an additional random stat. Left click to open.
Contains a ring that grants Lasermancy and an additional random stat. Left click to open.
Contains a ring that grants Lasermancy and an additional random stat. Place on action bar and throw it to open.

[item=Delving Shard Box] Grants a Rare Delving Shard Ring

  • +14 Lasermancy
  • +(random stat)


Can be crafted using a [item=Ringcrafting Bench] (requires a RingCrafting skill of 50)

Ingredients Quantity
[item=Diamond] 1
[item=Shapestone Ore] 10
Contains a ring that grants Lasermancy and an additional random stat. Left click to open.
Contains a ring that grants Lasermancy and an additional random stat. Place on action bar and throw it to open.

[item=Delving Signet Box] Grants a Resplendant Delving Signet Ring

  • +46 Lasermancy
  • +(random stat)


Has a rare chance of droping Shadow Crest Rings insteadup to Shadow Level 4.

Shadow Level 1 2 3 4
Lasermancy +57 +69 +82 +95


Can be crafted using a [item=Ringcrafting Bench] (requires a RingCrafting skill of 250)

Ingredients Quantity
[item=Shadow Diamond] 1
[item=Shapestone Ore]       25
Contains a ring that grants Lasermancy and an additional random stat. Place on action bar and throw it to open.
Contains a ring that grants Lasermancy and an additional random stat. Left click to open.
Contains a ring that grants Lasermancy and an additional random stat. Left click to open.
Contains a ring that grants Lasermancy and an additional random stat. Place on action bar and throw it to open.
Contains a ring that grants Lasermancy and an additional random stat. Left click to open.
Contains a ring that grants Lasermancy and an additional random stat. Place on action bar and throw it to open.

[item=Wisdom Stone Box] Grants a Uncommon Delving Stone Ring

  • +7 Lasermancy 
  • +(random stat)


Can be crafted using a [item=Ringcrafting Bench]

Ingredients Quantity
[item=Flux] 3
[item=Shapestone Ore] 3
Crafting Material. A primordial shard used to craft items of immense power, including Primordial Dragons at the Dragon Crucible in the Hub.\n\nObtained daily from filling the Star Bar and from opening Diamond Dragonite Pouches.
A tradable pouch containing 10 Diamond Dragonite. Diamond Dragonite itself is not tradable!

A very rare [item=Diamond Dragonite Pouch] can be earned defeating enemies and completing dungeons in any Uber-9 Adventure Worlds. Can be Sold or Brought in the market place.

Open to receive [item=Diamond Dragonite] x 10

Open for useful items and a chance at epic rewards including a very rare chance at a Snowfest Superyata mount!
Open for useful items and a chance at epic rewards!
Double your experience earned for the next hour!
Used to hatch Dragons at the Dragon Crucible in the Hub. Acquire by doing challenges or from the Dragon tab in the store (Press [HK:Store] Key).
Used to hatch Dragons at the Dragon Crucible in the Hub. Acquire by doing challenges or from the Dragon tab in the store (Press [HK:Store] Key).
Open this to collect your rare mount!
Open for Air Gem dust, a Relic Air Gem, a Resplendent Air Gem, or possibly even a Shadow Air Gem.
Open for Fire Gem dust, a Relic Fire Gem, a Resplendent Fire Gem, or possibly even a Shadow Fire Gem.
Open for Gem dust, a Relic Gem, a Resplendent Gem, or possibly even a Shadow Gem. \n\nCan not contain Cosmic Gems.
Open for Water Gem dust, a Relic Water Gem, a Resplendent Water Gem, or possibly even a Shadow Water Gem.
Open it to obtain adventuring loot! Has a chance of containing one of the rare Paunchy Dragon Pup or Prodigal Peridoter mounts.

[item=Earthly Dragon Adventurer's Chest] Is a Uncommon loot obtained from any enemies. Drops more commonly durring Thursday Adventure Loot perk day (+200%, +400% for patron members).


Rewards that can be found inside this box:


Common [item=Glim]
Common [item=Flux]
Uncommon [item=Eye of Q'bthulhu]
Uncommon [item=Style Surprise]
Rare [collection=Prodigal Peridoter]
Rare [collection=Paunchy Dragon Pup]
Very Rare [item=Dormant Block Dragon Egg]
Open it to obtain adventuring loot! Has a chance of containing one of the rare Chocolate Chicanery or Eggster Bouncer mounts.

[item=Eggster Adventurer's Chest] Is a Uncommon loot obtained from any enemies. Drops more commonly durring Thursday Adventure Loot perk day (+200%, +400% for patron members).


Rewards that can be found inside this box:


Common [item=Glim]
Common [item=Flux]
Uncommon [item=Eye of Q'bthulhu]
Uncommon [item=Style Surprise]
Rare [collection=Chocolate Chicanery]
Rare [collection=Eggster Bouncer]
Very Rare [item=Dormant Block Dragon Egg]
Open for a Radiant or Stellar Empowered Air Gem, Class Gem Key Fragment, Class Gem Key, or rarely a Prism of Light or Diamond Dragon Egg.
Open for a Radiant or Stellar Empowered Cosmic Gem, Class Gem Key Fragment, Class Gem Key, or rarely a Prism of Light or Diamond Dragon Egg.
Open for a Radiant or Stellar Empowered Fire Gem, Class Gem Key Fragment, Class Gem Key, or rarely a Prism of Light or Diamond Dragon Egg.
Open for a Radiant or Stellar Empowered Gem, Class Gem Key Fragment, Class Gem Key, or rarely a Prism of Light or Diamond Dragon Egg.

Obtained by:

  • Earned from exchanging [item=lunar soul] in the [item=shadowy market]
  • Weekly Trove contests.
  • Exchanging [item=Radiant Sovereign] to [item=@Radiant Merchant] in the Hub.
  • Completing 25 dungeons with [collection=Empowered gem box edition] equipped
  • Rare loot from [item=Gem Booster Box]

Open to receive a Common radiant empowered gem, a Uncommon empowered stellar gem or one of the following:

Common [item=class gem key fragment]
Uncommon [item=class gem key]
Rare [item=prism of light]
Very Rare [item=diamond dragon egg]
Open for a Radiant or Stellar Empowered Water Gem, Class Gem Key Fragment, Class Gem Key, or rarely a Prism of Light or Diamond Dragon Egg.
Contains materials normally only found in the Long Shade difficulty.
Open for Air Gem dust, an Epic Air Gem, a Relic Air Gem, or possibly even a Resplendent Air Gem.
Open for Fire Gem dust, an Epic Fire Gem, a Relic Fire Gem, or possibly even a Resplendent Fire Gem.
Open for Gem dust, an Epic Gem, a Relic Gem, or possibly even a Resplendent Gem. \n\nCan not contain Cosmic Gems.
Open for Water Gem dust, an Epic Water Gem, a Relic Water Gem, or possibly even a Resplendent Water Gem.
Open for a random amount of Fire Gem Dust.

Obtained by:

  • Opening [item=daily loot chest]

Open to receive one of the following loot:

Common [item=Fire gem dust] x 300
Uncommon [item=Fire gem dust] x 1000
Rare [item=Fire gem dust] x 9999
Open for a guaranteed rare item that would normally be in a Greater Neon Cache.
Contains materials used to unlock Ancient Dragon mounts!

Discontuined item.

Open for useful items and a chance at epic rewards including a very rare chance at a Diligent Devotion Dividend gem box!
Open for useful items and a chance at epic rewards!
Contains 1 random Standard which can be combined with a Banner Pole of the Fortress
Only the deepest of Delves have the right environments for the formation of this splendid snack. Usually found in Heavy Pressurized Chests.
In addition to Snowfest 2020 recipes, also contains a plethora of prizes including Bound Brilliance, Dragon Coins, Crystalline Cores and a rare chance at Diamond Dragonite or Metamatter.
Contains two sample segments of Fulgurite Quilt flooring
Not ganda destroy THIS on accident, are ya?
Usually contains crafting materials for the GEARCRAFTING Profession. Rarely contains Equipment based on your CURRENT CLASS, POWER RANK, and GEARCRAFTING SKILL.
Open for Gem Dust, Boosters (Jade Clovers, Glittering Horseshoes, Lapis Luckbugs), Augment Materials (Binding Darkness), Golden Gem Keys, or rarely an Empowered Gem Box or Ninth Life booster.

Obtained by:

  • Store in exchange of Credits or 500 Cubits

Open to receive one of the following loot:

Common [item=Jade Clover] x 12
Common [item=Glittering horseshoe] x 3
Common [item=lapis luckbug]
Common [item=golden gem key]
Uncommon [item=Jade clover] x 15, 50
Uncommon [item=Glittering horseshoe] x 15
Uncommon [item=golden gem key] x 4
Uncommon [item=lapis luckbug] x 3, 5, 6, 7
Rare [item=empowered gem box]
Very Rare [item=empowered gem box] x 5
Very Rare [item=ninth life] 
Contains two sample segments of Ghom Carpet flooring
Open it to obtain wintry loot or stylish presents! Has a chance of containing rare Penguin allies!

[item=Giant's Winter Chest] Is a Uncommon loot obtained from any enemies. Drops more commonly durring Thursday Adventure Loot perk day (+200%, +400% for patron members).


Rewards that can be found inside this box:


Common [item=Super Style Stash]
Common War Wreath
Common Slaying Sleigh
Common Reveling Chicaner
Common Party Hat
Common [collection=Rudolph Raptor]
Uncommon [collection=Perky Penguin]
Uncommon [collection=Power Punch Penguin]
Uncommon [collection=Proto Penguinbot]
Uncommon [collection=Polterpenguin]
Uncommon [collection=Plunder Penguin]
Rare [collection=Prefect Penguin]
Very Rare [item=Dormant Block Dragon Egg]
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Bard class Guaranteed to be Crystal 3 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Bard class Guaranteed to be Crystal 3 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Boomeranger class Guaranteed to be Crystal 3 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Boomeranger class Guaranteed to be Crystal 3 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Candy Barbarian class Guaranteed to be Crystal 3 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Candy Barbarian class Guaranteed to be Crystal 3 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Chloromancer class Guaranteed to be Crystal 3 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Chloromancer class Guaranteed to be Crystal 3 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Dino Tamer class Guaranteed to be Crystal 3 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Dino Tamer class Guaranteed to be Crystal 3 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Dracolyte class Guaranteed to be Crystal 3 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Dracolyte class Guaranteed to be Crystal 3 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Fae Trickster class Guaranteed to be Crystal 3 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Fae Trickster class Guaranteed to be Crystal 3 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Gunslinger class Guaranteed to be Crystal 3 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Gunslinger class Guaranteed to be Crystal 3 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Ice Sage class Guaranteed to be Crystal 3 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Ice Sage class Guaranteed to be Crystal 3 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Knight class Guaranteed to be Crystal 3 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Knight class Guaranteed to be Crystal 3 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Lunar Lancer class Guaranteed to be Crystal 3 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Lunar Lancer class Guaranteed to be Crystal 3 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Neon Ninja class Guaranteed to be Crystal 3 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Neon Ninja class Guaranteed to be Crystal 3 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Pirate Captain class Guaranteed to be Crystal 3 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Pirate Captain class Guaranteed to be Crystal 3 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Revenant class Guaranteed to be Crystal 3 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Revenant class Guaranteed to be Crystal 3 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Shadow Hunter class Guaranteed to be Crystal 3 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Shadow Hunter class Guaranteed to be Crystal 3 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Solarion class Guaranteed to be Crystal 3 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Solarion class Guaranteed to be Crystal 3 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Tomb Raiser class Guaranteed to be Crystal 3 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Tomb Raiser class Guaranteed to be Crystal 3 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Vanguardian class Guaranteed to be Crystal 3 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Vanguardian class Guaranteed to be Crystal 3 or better
Open for a guaranteed rare item that would normally be in a Greater Crystal Cache.
Guaranteed to have the possibility of containing Freerange Electrolytic Crystals!
Among other things, Geodian Topside Caches are a great source for Crystalline Cores

Open for guaranteed rare result from Greater Geodian Topside Cache reward pool.

Open for a guaranteed rare item from the normal chaos chest.

Obtained by:

  • Weekly Mastery Points contest rank 1000th or lower
  • Achieveing Mastery level 260
  • Exchanging [item=Radiant Sovereign] to [item=@Radiant Merchant] in the Hub.

When opened will always grant the rare loot from [item=chaos chest]

Open for a guaranteed rare item from the normal chaos chest.

Obtained by:

  • Weekly Mastery Points contest rank 1000th or lower
  • Achieving Mastery level 260
  • Exchanging [item=Radiant Sovereign] to [item=@Radiant Merchant] in the Hub.
  • Rare chance when adventuring

When opened will always grant the rare loot from [item=chaos chest]

Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Bard class Guaranteed to be Crystal 4
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Boomeranger class Guaranteed to be Crystal 4
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Candy Barbarian class Guaranteed to be Crystal 4
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Chloromancer class Guaranteed to be Crystal 4
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Dino Tamer class Guaranteed to be Crystal 4
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Dracolyte class Guaranteed to be Crystal 4
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Fae Trickster class Guaranteed to be Crystal 4
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Gunslinger class Guaranteed to be Crystal 4
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Ice Sage class Guaranteed to be Crystal 4
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Knight class Guaranteed to be Crystal 4
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Lunar Lancer class Guaranteed to be Crystal 4
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Neon Ninja class Guaranteed to be Crystal 4
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Pirate Captain class Guaranteed to be Crystal 4
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Revenant class Guaranteed to be Crystal 4
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Shadow Hunter class Guaranteed to be Crystal 4
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Solarion class Guaranteed to be Crystal 4
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Tomb Raiser class Guaranteed to be Crystal 4
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Vanguardian class Guaranteed to be Crystal 4
Open for large amounts of Sundered Uplands crafting materials or other valuable rewards!
Happy first anniversary Trove! Open for a wide range of exciting items.

Can contain:

  • [item=item/random_style_notrade]
  • [collection=collections/mount/pinata_trove_flyshoot]
  • [item=item/unlocker/dragonforce_2017_notrade]
  • [item=item/unlocker/manymounts_2017_notrade]
Let's celebrate Sunfest! Open for a wide range of exciting items.

Can contain:

  • [item=item/random_style_notrade]
  • [collection=collections/mount/pinata_trove_flyshoot]
  • [item=item/unlocker/dragonforce_2017_notrade]
  • [item=item/unlocker/manymounts_2017_notrade]
Let's celebrate Sunfest! Open for a chance at exciting prizes including Golden Vale Dragon Egg Fragments, and rarely, a Hyper Pinata Ex mount or a Gold Companion Egg.
Let's celebrate Sunfest! Open for a chance at exciting prizes including Golden Vale Dragon Egg Fragments, and rarely, a Hyper Pinata Ex mount or a Gold Companion Egg.
Let's celebrate Sunfest! Open for a chance at exciting prizes including Super Mount Stashes, and rarely, a Hyper Pinata Ex mount or a Gold Companion Egg.
Open for valuable Geodian crafting materials or (rarely) Accelerite, Lodestars, Silver Companion Eggs, tradable mounts, or tradeable Space Expanders!
Contains 10 or more Dragon Coins, and rarely a complete dragon!

A rare [item=greater dragon cache] can be obtained in the Store, Discontinued Tradable versions can be brought in the marketplace.

Contains 10 or more Dragon Coins, and rarely a complete dragon!

A rare [item=greater dragon cache] can be obtained in the Store, Discontinued Tradable versions can be brought in the marketplace.

Among other things, Geodian Topside Caches are a great source for Crystalline Cores
Among other things, Geodian Topside Caches are a great source for Crystalline Cores
Open for valuable Neon City crafting materials, Beacons, or (rarely) tradeable costumes, allies, or mounts!
Open for Ashen or Irradiant resources found in the Sundered Uplands, or rarely something more valuable!
Open for useful items and a chance at epic rewards including a very rare chance at a Lil Burgie pet!
Open it for a random Shadow's Eve item. Has a rare chance of containing a Colossal Chiropteran or Uncanny Coffin mount.
Contains crafting materials, sometimes a Pumpkin Patch weapon style. Rarely contains tradable versions of the Bodiless Steed, the Pumpkin Patch Bomb, and a Pumpkin Effigy.
Contains crafting materials, sometimes a Pumpkin Patch weapon style. Rarely contains tradable versions of the Bodiless Steed, the Pumpkin Patch Bomb, and a Pumpkin Effigy.
Open this to collect your rare mount!
Open this to collect your rare mount!
Open this to collect your rare mount!
Contains two sample segments of Lava Quilt flooring
Open for useful items and a chance at epic rewards.

Daily Loot Chest granted daily when logging in Trove.

Open to receive one of the following loot:

Common [item=Super Style Stash]
Common [item=Super Recipe Stash]
Common [item=water gem dust box]
Common [item=Fire gem dust box]
Common [item=air gem dust box]
Common [item=Jade Clover]
Common [item=Glittering Horseshoe]
Uncommon [item=Dragon coin]
Uncommon [item=Lapis Luckbug]
Uncommon [item=Minor Experience coin]
Rare [item=Super mount stash]
Rare [item=Class coin]
Rare [item=Inventory Expander]
Rare [item=Ninth Life]
Rare [item=3 day patron pass]
Very Rare [item=Mega Pinata]
Very Rare [item=Mega Dragon Coin]
Very Rare [item=Mega Chaos chest]
Very Rare [item=Mega flux]
Open for Crystals or rarely Drillbits, Crystal Pinatas or Bronze Companion Eggs!
Contains Flux and Dragon Coins.

Granted as a second or higher tier reward in hourly challenges.

Open to receive one of the following loot:

Common [item=dragon coin] x 1,2
Uncommon [item=flux] x 2500
Rare [item=dragon coin] x 25
Contains Flux and Dragon Coins.

Granted as a second or higher tier reward in hourly challenges.

Open to receive one of the following loot:

Common [item=dragon coin] x 1,2
Uncommon [item=flux] x 2500
Rare [item=dragon coin] x 25
Among other things, Geodian Topside Caches are a great source for Crystalline Cores
Open for Neon City crafting materials, or a rare chance at a Dormant Amperium Dragon Egg Fragment or a Dormant Resistor Dragon Egg Fragment!
Open for Ashen or Irradiant resources found in the Sundered Uplands.
A charged chaos chest which will grant past chaos chest rewards uncommonly, rarely light pegasus wings, and very rarely a light pegasus. Also has a chance to award Dormant Lightspear Dragon Egg Fragments.

10 [item=Light chaos vault]'s are rewarded to players who participate in Shadow Tower Flawless contests and score in first hundred. There is usually one more contest per week that grants Light Chaos Vaults, like Infinium Mined, first 250 people recieve 5 chests each among other rewards.

Grants the same loot as [item=chaos chest], however Uncommon tier drops rewards Any Past Chaos Chest Rewards. And Rare tier drops can yield [collection=Wings of the Pegasus] or [collection=Princess Prancy Prance]

Open it to free a new Llama ally! Has a chance of containing the rare ally Spooky Spike.
Requires Adventurine Strongbox Key to open
Requires Adventurine Strongbox Key to open
Open with a Golden Gem Key for a guaranteed Stellar Water Gem. This box can only be opened with a Golden Gem Key.
Open it and collect your random lunar costume.
Open for a Builder's Focus or a Contained Chaos Spark!
Open it to obtain adventuring loot! Has a chance of containing one of the rare Blue Manta Ray or Green Manta Ray mounts.

[item=Manta Ray Adventurer's Chest] Is a Uncommon loot obtained from any enemies. Drops more commonly durring Thursday Adventure Loot perk day (+200%, +400% for patron members).


Rewards that can be found inside this box:


Common [item=Glim]
Common [item=Flux]
Uncommon [item=Eye of Q'bthulhu]
Uncommon [item=Style Surprise]
Rare [collection=Blue Manta Ray]
Rare [collection=Green Manta Ray]
Very Rare [item=Dormant Block Dragon Egg]
Open it to obtain adventuring loot! Has a chance of containing one of the rare Fae Wildweaver or Orbed Weaver mounts!.

[item=Many-Legged Adventure Box] Is a Uncommon loot obtained from any enemies. Drops more commonly durring Thursday Adventure Loot perk day (+200%, +400% for patron members).


Rewards that can be found inside this box:


Common [item=Glim]
Common [item=Flux]
Uncommon [item=Eye of Q'bthulhu]
Uncommon [item=Style Surprise]
Rare [collection=Fae Wildweaver]
Rare [collection=Orbed Weaver]
Very Rare [item=Dormant Block Dragon Egg]
Contains 1 random Standard which can be combined with a Banner Pole of the Martial Way
A net capable of catching many fish all at once. Captures 5 fish when thrown into any pool or fishable liquid. Requires an active Lure.
A net capable of catching many fish all at once. Captures 5 fish when thrown into any pool or fishable liquid. Requires an active Lure.
A net capable of catching many fish all at once. Captures 5 fish when thrown into any pool or fishable liquid. Requires an active Lure.
Open for Air Gem dust, Air Gem Sparks, a Radiant Air Gem, or possibly even a Stellar Air Gem.
Open for Cosmic dust, a Radiant Cosmic Gem, or possibly a Stellar Cosmic Gem.
Open for Fire Gem dust, Fire Gem Sparks, a Radiant Fire Gem, or possibly even a Stellar Fire Gem.
Open for Gem dust, Gem Sparks, a Radiant Gem, or possibly even a Stellar Gem. \n\nCan not contain Cosmic Gems.
Open for Water Gem dust, Water Gem Sparks, a Radiant Water Gem, or possibly even a Stellar Water Gem.
Open it to collect your random loot.

[item=Miner's Trove] Is a uncommon loot granted by mining any ore.

Open to receive one of the following loot:

Common [item=shapestone ore] x 15
Common [item=formicite ore] x 10 - 15
Common [item=infinium ore] x 10
Uncommon [item=Diamond]
Uncommon [item=Shadow Diamond]
Uncommon [item=Standard block recipe]
Uncommon [item=Glass block recipe]
Uncommon [item=Glowing block recipe]
Uncommon [item=Textured block recipe]
Uncommon [item=Metallic block recipe]
Rare [collection=diggsly]
Open for useful items and a chance at epic rewards including a very rare chance at a Cobweb Carpet mount!
Open for useful items and a chance at epic rewards!
This crate contains Crystallogy materials normally found in up to Tier 3 of Moonglow Grotto.
This vault contains Crystallogy materials normally found in Tiers 4-5 of Moonglow Grotto.
Open for Air Gem dust, a Resplendent Air Gem, a Shadow Air Gem, or possibly even a Radiant Air Gem.
Open for Fire Gem dust, a Resplendent Fire Gem, a Shadow Fire Gem, or possibly even a Radiant Fire Gem.
Open for Gem dust, a Resplendent Gem, a Shadow Gem, or possibly even a Radiant Gem. \n\nCan not contain Cosmic Gems.
Open for Water Gem dust, a Resplendent Water Gem, a Shadow Water Gem, or possibly even a Radiant Water Gem.
Loaded to the brim with all sorts of goodies.
Contains materials used to unlock Moonwing Dragon mounts!

Discontinued item: Granted in hourly challenges.



Open it to reveal a random Trophy! Has a chance of containing Trophies unique to this case!
Open it to reveal a random Trophy from previous events! Has a chance of containing a unique Trophy for each of the costumes that have appeared in events!
Contains ingredients and mana to further the research of Mysticism
Contains a Crystals, Mystical Heckbug Eggs, sometimes a Heckbug Bomber Royale Bomb style, and rarely a Cave Crawler Critter.
Collection of materials commonly found in Neon City and Luminopolis.
Contains materials used to unlock Neon Dragon mounts!

Discontinued item: Granted in hourly challenges.



Normally contains Flux or other useful items. Rarely contains Pure Neonium.
Open for Air Gem dust, a Relic Air Gem, a Shadow Air Gem, or possibly even a Radiant Air Gem.
Open for Fire Gem dust, a Relic Fire Gem, a Shadow Fire Gem, or possibly even a Radiant Fire Gem.
Open for Gem dust, a Relic Gem, a Shadow Gem, or possibly even a Radiant Gem. \n\nCan not contain Cosmic Gems.
Open for Water Gem dust, a Relic Water Gem, a Shadow Water Gem, or possibly even a Radiant Water Gem.
Open it for a random Shadow's Eve item. Has a chance of containing the rare Samantha pet and Sameowntha mount.

Discontinued item: Crafted by the discontinued [item=shadowy station].

Contains a plethora of prizes, including Bound Brilliance, Dragon Coins, and a rare chance at Diamond Dragonite or Metamatter.
This box has a Pressure Sensitive lock and cannot be opened within a Delve or Geode cavern
Randomly contains one of 4 tradable Panatea collectables: P.i.G.-15, Pingry, Party Pup, and rarely a Plumpatea.
Open it to obtain adventuring loot! Has a chance of containing one of the rare Giant Red Panda or Giant Fae Panda mounts.

[item=Panda Adventurer's Chest] Is a Uncommon loot obtained from any enemies. Drops more commonly durring Thursday Adventure Loot perk day (+200%, +400% for patron members).


Rewards that can be found inside this box:


Common [item=Glim]
Common [item=Flux]
Uncommon [item=Eye of Q'bthulhu]
Uncommon [item=Style Surprise]
Rare [collection=Giant Red Panda]
Rare [collection=Giant Fae Panda]
Very Rare [item=Dormant Block Dragon Egg]
Contains one Paragon's Palace themed Decoration box
Open it to obtain adventuring loot! Has a chance of containing one of the rare Truefire Phoenix or Balefire Phoenix mounts.

[item=Phoenix Adventurer's Chest] Is a Uncommon loot obtained from any enemies. Drops more commonly durring Thursday Adventure Loot perk day (+200%, +400% for patron members).


Rewards that can be found inside this box:


Common [item=Glim]
Common [item=Flux]
Uncommon [item=Eye of Q'bthulhu]
Uncommon [item=Style Surprise]
Rare [collection=Truefire Phoenix]
Rare [collection=Balefire Phoenix]
Very Rare [item=Dormant Block Dragon Egg]
Randomly contains one of 4 tradable Chuck Pinzo collectables: Pinzo Popup, Pinzo's Puppy, and rarely a Pinzo's Patsy or Pinzo's Pachyderm.
Open for useful items and a chance at epic rewards including a very rare chance at a Hungry Hydrakken Hatchling pet!
Open for useful items and a chance at epic rewards!
Contains crafting materials, sometimes Friendsgiving themed weapons and helmet styles. Rarely contains the Rolling Rolodex ally, the Meteoric Manual, the Book of Bones, the Bouncing Cranberry Sauce style, and the Gobbler Bomb style.
Contains a ring that grants Physical Damage and an additional random stat. Left click to open.
Contains a ring that grants Physical Damage and an additional random stat. Place on action bar and throw it to open.

[item=Power Band Box] Grants a Epic Power Band Ring

  • +178 Physical Damage
  • +(random stat)


Can be crafted using a [item=Ringcrafting Bench] (requires a RingCrafting skill of 100)

Ingredients Quantity
[item=Diamond] 1
[item=Shapestone Ore]     15
Contains a ring that grants Physical Damage and an additional random stat. Left click to open.
Contains a ring that grants Physical Damage and an additional random stat. Place on action bar and throw it to open.

[item=Power Loop Box] Grants a Relic Power Loop Ring

  • +378 Physical Damage
  • +(random stat)


Can be crafted using a [item=Ringcrafting Bench] (requires a RingCrafting skill of 200)

Ingredients Quantity
[item=Diamond] 2
[item=Shapestone Ore]       25
Contains a ring that grants Physical Damage and an additional random stat. Left click to open.
Contains a ring that grants Physical Damage and an additional random stat. Place on action bar and throw it to open.

[item=Power Ring Box] Grants a Legendary Power Ring

  • +278 Physical Damage
  • +(random stat)


Can be crafted using a [item=Ringcrafting Bench] (requires a RingCrafting skill of 150)

Ingredients Quantity
[item=Diamond] 1
[item=Shapestone Ore]       20
Contains a ring that grants Physical Damage and an additional random stat. Place on action bar and throw it to open.
Contains a ring that grants Physical Damage and an additional random stat. Left click to open.
Contains a ring that grants Physical Damage and an additional random stat. Left click to open.
Contains a ring that grants Physical Damage and an additional random stat. Place on action bar and throw it to open.

[item=Power Shard Box] Grants a Rare Power Shard Ring

  • +90 Physical Damage
  • +(random stat)


Can be crafted using a [item=Ringcrafting Bench] (requires a RingCrafting skill of 50)

Ingredients Quantity
[item=Diamond] 1
[item=Shapestone Ore] 10
Contains a ring that grants Physical Damage and an additional random stat. Left click to open.
Contains a ring that grants Physical Damage and an additional random stat. Place on action bar and throw it to open.

[item=Power Signet Box] Grants a Resplendant Power Signet Ring

  • +478 Physical Damage
  • +(random stat)


Has a rare chance of droping Shadow Crest Rings insteadup to Shadow Level 4.

Shadow Level 1 2 3 4
Magic Damage +612 +796 +1024 +1305


Can be crafted using a [item=Ringcrafting Bench] (requires a RingCrafting skill of 250)

Ingredients Quantity
[item=Shadow Diamond] 1
[item=Shapestone Ore]       25
Contains a ring that grants Physical Damage and an additional random stat. Place on action bar and throw it to open.
Contains a ring that grants Physical Damage and an additional random stat. Left click to open.
Contains a ring that grants Physical Damage and an additional random stat. Left click to open.
Contains a ring that grants Physical Damage and an additional random stat. Place on action bar and throw it to open.
Contains a ring that grants Physical Damage and an additional random stat. Left click to open.
Contains a ring that grants Physical Damage and an additional random stat. Place on action bar and throw it to open.

[item=Wisdom Stone Box] Grants a Uncommon Power Stone Ring

  • +46 Physical damage
  • +(random stat)


Can be crafted using a [item=Ringcrafting Bench]

Ingredients Quantity
[item=Flux] 3
[item=Shapestone Ore] 3
Canned rare fish. Used to cook food at the Angler's Grill.
Always includes a tradable Tubular Animant, Angryak, Snowfest Surfer, or Kiwi Katcher.
Always includes a tradable Snight Light, Jingle Jammin, Rockin' Rollin' Rider, Jingle Bomb, and Diamond Dragon's Digest.
Contains 1 Delve Memento of random quality. Can not contain Mementos for newly added Creatures, Bosses, or Biomes.
Contains 1 PRIMAL LOOP for your ACTIVE CLASS when opened.
Contains 1 PRIMAL LOOP for your ACTIVE CLASS when opened.
Contains 1 PRIMAL LOOP for your ACTIVE CLASS when opened.
Open for Air Gem dust, a Shadow Air Gem or possibly even a Radiant Air Gem.
Open for Cosmic dust, a Resplendent Cosmic Gem, or possibly a Shadow Cosmic Gem.
Open for Fire Gem dust, a Shadow Fire Gem or possibly even a Radiant Fire Gem.
Open for Gem dust, a Shadow Gem or possibly even a Radiant Gem. \n\nCan not contain Cosmic Gems.
Open for Water Gem dust, a Shadow Water Gem or possibly even a Radiant Water Gem.
Contains crafting materials, sometimes the Decorative Order of the Moon Banner, the Q'rsed Critter Bomb Style, and the Q'rsed Trap Bomb Style. Rarely contains the Ddaniel the Ddemon Llama ally, the Llucien the Unbound mount, and the Q'rsed Direwolf mount
Contains crafting materials, sometimes the Decorative Order of the Moon Banner, the Q'rsed Critter Bomb Style, and the Q'rsed Trap Bomb Style. Rarely contains the Ddaniel the Ddemon Llama ally, the Llucien the Unbound mount, and the Q'rsed Direwolf mount
Commonly contains Concentrated Compost and Moonlight Temper, but may also contain Alchemy Plant Seed Recipes or other goodies.
Open it to free a new Qubesly ally! Has a chance of containing the rare ally Chronomancer Qubesly.

[item=Qubesly Soultrap] can be brought by the [item=Qubesly Soultrap Vendor]

You can find his boat In any Uber Drowned World inside the Treasure Isles Biome.


Contains the following Allies:


Common [collection=Graduate Qubesly]
Common [collection=Chef Qubesly]
Common [collection=Patrolman Qubesly]
Common [collection=Fireman Qubesly]
Common [collection=Builder Qubesly]
Uncommon [collection=Gunslinger Qubesly]
Uncommon [collection=Neon Ninja Qubesly]
Rare [collection=Chronomancer Qubesly]
Open it to obtain Radiant treasures! Has a chance of containing the rare Radiant Steed mount.

Obtained by:

  • Found in Sky Realm and Cursed Skylands Adventure worlds inside Radiant Ruins biomes. 
  • Defeating Radiant Giants (Found in Sky Realms and Radiant Ruins biomes)

 Open to receive one of the following loot:

Common [item=Radiant shard]
Uncommon [item=blank scroll]
Uncommon Radiant Corona
Rare [collection=Radiant steed]
Open it to free a new Raptor ally! Has a chance of containing the rare ally Rapt Berserker.

[item=Raptor Soultrap] can be brought by the [item=Raptor Soultrap Vendor]

You can find his boat In any Uber Drowned World inside the Treasure Isles Biome.


Contains the following Allies:


Common [collection=Dusky Raptor]
Common [collection=Rusty Raptor]
Common [collection=Blue Raptor]
Common [collection=Sunspot Sprinter]
Common [collection=Smoky Strider]
Uncommon [collection=Tigerraptor Pup]
Uncommon [collection=Fae Drakeling]
Rare [collection=Rapt Berserker]
This crate contains random Crystallogy materials normally found in Tier 1-3 Geodian Caves.\n\nThis crate contains NO rare drops.
This vault contains Crystallogy materials normally found in Tiers 4-5 of the Geodian Caves.
Open for useful items and a chance at epic rewards including a very rare chance at a Kinshira of the Everdark Skies mount!
Throw it down and collect your random ring

Discontinued/unavailable item.

Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Bard class Guaranteed to be Crystal 2 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Bard class Guaranteed to be Crystal 2 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Boomeranger class Guaranteed to be Crystal 2 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Boomeranger class Guaranteed to be Crystal 2 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Candy Barbarian class Guaranteed to be Crystal 2 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Candy Barbarian class Guaranteed to be Crystal 2 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Chloromancer class Guaranteed to be Crystal 2 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Chloromancer class Guaranteed to be Crystal 2 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Dino Tamer class Guaranteed to be Crystal 2 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Dino Tamer class Guaranteed to be Crystal 2 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Dracolyte class Guaranteed to be Crystal 2 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Dracolyte class Guaranteed to be Crystal 2 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Fae Trickster class Guaranteed to be Crystal 2 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Fae Trickster class Guaranteed to be Crystal 2 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Gunslinger class Guaranteed to be Crystal 2 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Gunslinger class Guaranteed to be Crystal 2 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Ice Sage class Guaranteed to be Crystal 2 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Ice Sage class Guaranteed to be Crystal 2 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Knight class Guaranteed to be Crystal 2 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Knight class Guaranteed to be Crystal 2 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Lunar Lancer class Guaranteed to be Crystal 2 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Lunar Lancer class Guaranteed to be Crystal 2 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Neon Ninja class Guaranteed to be Crystal 2 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Neon Ninja class Guaranteed to be Crystal 2 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Pirate Captain class Guaranteed to be Crystal 2 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Pirate Captain class Guaranteed to be Crystal 2 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Revenant class Guaranteed to be Crystal 2 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Revenant class Guaranteed to be Crystal 2 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Shadow Hunter class Guaranteed to be Crystal 2 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Shadow Hunter class Guaranteed to be Crystal 2 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Solarion class Guaranteed to be Crystal 2 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Solarion class Guaranteed to be Crystal 2 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Tomb Raiser class Guaranteed to be Crystal 2 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Tomb Raiser class Guaranteed to be Crystal 2 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Vanguardian class Guaranteed to be Crystal 2 or better
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Vanguardian class Guaranteed to be Crystal 2 or better
Open it to obtain adventuring loot! Has a chance of containing one of the rare Giant Iguana or Giant Gila Monster mounts.

[item=Running Reptile Adventurer's Chest] Is a Uncommon loot obtained from any enemies. Drops more commonly durring Thursday Adventure Loot perk day (+200%, +400% for patron members).


Rewards that can be found inside this box:


Common [item=Glim]
Common [item=Flux]
Uncommon [item=Eye of Q'bthulhu]
Uncommon [item=Style Surprise]
Rare [collection=Giant Iguana]
Rare [collection=Giant Gila Monster]
Very Rare [item=Dormant Block Dragon Egg]
Open it to obtain Shadow treasures! Has a chance of containing the rare material Heart of Darkness.

[item=shadow cache] can be obtained in Shadow Tower, Commonly found in Shadow Tower Vaults after using a [item=Shadow key], [item=Moon key] or [item=Eclipse Key] (+100%/+200% [item=shadow cache] durring Friday bonus)

Can be crafted in [item=shadow market] with [item=shadow shard]

Open to receive one of the following loot:

Common [item=eye of Q'bthulhu] x 2 - 10
Common [item=Tentacle of Q'bthulhu]
Uncommon [item=eye of Q'bthulhu] x 50
Uncommon [item=Tentacle of Q'bthulhu] x 3
Rare [item=Heart of darkness]
Rare [collection=wings of darkest night]
Very Rare [item=Dormant Infineon Dragon egg]


Open it to obtain adventuring loot! Has a chance of containing one of several rare Shadow's Eve mounts!

[item=Shadow's Eve Adventurer Chest] is granted durring Shadow's Eve event by defeating enemies and completing dungeons.

Open to receive one of the following loot:

Common [item=pumpkin] x 1 - 4
Common [item=flux] 10, 15, 20
Common [item=glim] 10, 15, 25, 30
Common [item=eye of q'bthulhu] x 8
Uncommon [item=Tentacle of Q'bthulhu]
Uncommon [item=eye of q'bthulhu] x 20
Uncommon [item=pumpkin] x 100
Uncommon [item=style surprise] x 2
Rare [collection=baleful bulltergeist]
Rare [collection=sproingy skull]
Rare [collection=skyjacked sarcophagus]
Rare [collection=pumpkin patch poltergeist]
Open it to obtain adventuring loot! Has a chance of containing one of several rare Shadow's Eve mounts!

[item=Shadow's Eve Adventurer Chest] is granted durring Shadow's Eve event by defeating enemies and completing dungeons.

Open to receive one of the following loot:

Common [item=pumpkin] x 1 - 4
Common [item=flux] 10, 15, 20
Common [item=glim] 10, 15, 25, 30
Common [item=eye of q'bthulhu] x 8
Uncommon [item=Tentacle of Q'bthulhu]
Uncommon [item=eye of q'bthulhu] x 20
Uncommon [item=pumpkin] x 100
Uncommon [item=style surprise] x 2
Rare [collection=baleful bulltergeist]
Rare [collection=sproingy skull]
Rare [collection=skyjacked sarcophagus]
Rare [collection=pumpkin patch poltergeist]
Earn one of these every day during the 2016 Shadow's Eve event. Open for useful items, a chance at epic rewards, and the awesome Phantataur mount!

Daily Loot Chest granted daily when logging in durring 2016 Shadow's Eve event.

Open to receive one of the following loot:

Common [item=Super Style Stash]
Common [item=Super Recipe Stash]
Common [item=water gem dust box]
Common [item=Fire gem dust box]
Common [item=air gem dust box]
Common [item=Jade Clover]
Common [item=Glittering Horseshoe]
Uncommon [item=Dragon coin]
Uncommon [item=Lapis Luckbug]
Uncommon [item=Minor Experience coin]
Uncommon [collection=phantataur]
Rare [item=Super mount stash]
Rare [item=Class coin]
Rare [item=Inventory Expander]
Rare [item=Ninth Life]
Rare [item=3 day patron pass]
Very Rare [item=Mega Pinata]
Very Rare [item=Mega Dragon Coin]
Very Rare [item=Mega Chaos chest]
Very Rare [item=Mega flux]
Open for a random item useful for forging. Rarely contains a Thrice-Forged Shadow Soul.

Discontinued item: Received when exchanging titan souls in the [item=Shadow Market]



Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Bard class
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Bard class
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Boomeranger class
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Boomeranger class
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Candy Barbarian class
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Candy Barbarian class
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Chloromancer class
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Chloromancer class
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Dino Tamer class
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Dino Tamer class
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Dracolyte class
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Dracolyte class
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Fae Trickster class
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Fae Trickster class
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Gunslinger class
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Gunslinger class
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Ice Sage class
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Ice Sage class
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Knight class
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Knight class
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Lunar Lancer class
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Lunar Lancer class
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Neon Ninja class
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Neon Ninja class
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Pirate Captain class
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Pirate Captain class
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Revenant class
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Revenant class
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Shadow Hunter class
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Shadow Hunter class
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Solarion class
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Solarion class
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Tomb Raiser class
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Tomb Raiser class
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Vanguardian class
Contains 1 Crystal ring with Hidden Effects for the Vanguardian class
Contains a plethora of prizes, including Bound Brilliance, Dragon Coins, and a rare chance at Diamond Dragonite or Metamatter.
It sounds like something scratchy is inside.
Contains a plethora of prizes including Bound Brilliance, Dragon Coins, Crystalline Cores and a rare chance at Diamond Dragonite or Metamatter. Also includes the Frozen Gardener Skin, Ice Cart Magrider, and The Trovian Express Mount.
Contains a plethora of prizes including Bound Brilliance, Dragon Coins, Crystalline Cores and a rare chance at Diamond Dragonite or Metamatter. Also includes the Tubular Animant, Angryak, Snowfest Surfer, and Kiwi Katcher.
Contains a plethora of prizes including Bound Brilliance, Dragon Coins, Crystalline Cores, sometimes rare crafting materials and Snowfest allies, and rarely a Snowfest 2023 Effigy.
Open it to obtain a random Snowfest item. Has a chance of containing one of the rare Snug Snowman mount or the rare Laden Sleigh mag rider.

Granted by Defeating enemies and completing dungeons during the Snowfest event.

Open to recieve one of the following loot:

Common [item=chestnut]
Common [item=snowball]
Common [item=snowfest surprise]
Uncommon Winter Warden
Uncommon Resolute Redsnout
Uncommon Frigid Fiend
Rare [collection=snug snowman]
Rare [collection=Laden Sleigh]
Some glowy flappy thing is inside, if you dare to look.
Open this to collect your rare mount!
Open it to obtain adventuring loot! Has a chance of containing one of the rare Frolicking Fox Spirit or Crimson-Crested Crane mounts.
Contains a plethora of prizes, including Bound Brilliance, Dragon Coins, and a rare chance at Diamond Dragonite or Metamatter.
Open it for a random Shadow's Eve item. Has a chance of containing the rare Bouncy Black Bat or the Hyperactive Haunt.

Discontinued item: Crafted in a [item=Shadowy Station] (discontinued workstation)



Contains materials used to unlock Starlight Dragon mounts!

Discontinued item: Granted when completing hourly challenges.



Open for crafting materials and rarely a Super Mount Stash! Crafting materials can be found in Inventory/Crafting (the third side-tab).\n\nChaos Chests drop occasionally in the world and are sold in the Store. They can contain chaos cores and rare collectibles, which change weekly.
Open for Geodian crafting materials! \n\nGreater Crystal Caches can also contain Silver Companion Eggs, tradable mounts, or tradeable Space Expanders!
Open for Dragon Coins, which are used to grow dragons! Dragon Coins can be found in Inventory / Crafting (the third side-tab) / Red Coin icon (the middle icon at the bottom).\n\nLesser Dragon Caches come from hourly challenges, while Greater Dragon Caches come from events and the Store. Greater Dragon Caches can also contain tradable Golden Dragon eggs, which can hatch into a full-fledged Dragon immediately!
Open for a guaranteed Stellar Empowered Gem.

Grants an Air, Fire or Water Stellar Empowered gem.




Contains tradeable mounts, allies, bomb styles, wings, and auras available for Blast Coins. Very rarely contains Golden Dragon Eggs for Dragons acquired from Bomber Royale.
Randomly contains one of 3 tradable Sunfest allies: Whitehorn the Wellknown, Pingry, or Tygrif.
This crate contains Crystallogy materials normally found in up to Tier 3 of Sunken Sunvault.
This vault contains Crystallogy materials normally found in Tiers 4-5 of Sunken Sunvault.
Commonly contains Concentrated Compost, but may also contain Alchemy Plant Seed Recipes, Cookie Musk, or other goodies.
Some glowy flappy thing is inside, if you dare to look.
Usually contains an impressive-yet-temporary Title prefix and/or suffix!
Get a test gem
Click to get a pet!
Open for a random item useful for forging. Rarely contains Megaflux Tanks.

Open to receive one of the following loot

Common [item=flux] x 1500 / 2500 / 3500
Uncommon [item=flux] x 5000 / 6000 / 7500
Rare [item=Megaflux tank] x 1



Open for a random item useful for forging. Rarely contains Megaflux Tanks.

Open to receive one of the following loot

Common [item=flux] x 4500 / 8000 / 9999
Uncommon [item=Megaflux tank] x 2
Rare [item=Megaflux tank] x 5
Contains decoration objects from the Fae vs. Undead event.
Contains all manner of wondrous treasures. What will you find inside?

Can be brought from the Merchant of Marvels in a Golden Vendor Ship which can be found in the Treasure Isles Biomes and any Drowned World

Open to receive one of the following loot:

Common [item=Fragment of Wonder] x 4 - 10
Uncommon [item=Trove of Wonders]
Uncommon [item=Fragment of Wonder] x 50
Rare [collection=F4-S.T. Prototype Rocket]
Rare [collection=Illuri of the north wind]
Rare [collection=Hadori, the promise of spring]
Rare [collection=royal tortoise]
Rare [collection=Turtle Tank]
Rare [collection=Radical rainbow wings]
Rare [collection=Kabiri, the firetamer]
Very Rare [collection=Fortras, the herald of battle]
Very Rare [collection=Albairn, voice of dawn]
Very Rare [collection=Ganda, the sky shepherd]
Awarded for each PARAGON level earned.
Awarded for each PARAGON level earned.
Contains a rare, though temporary, Title prefix and/or suffix!
What a Dream Gobbler ate for lunch! Rarely drops the Trotting Turkey mount, or (very rarely) the Wings of Unexpected Ascension.

Can contain:

  • [item=Pumpkin] x1-5
  • [item=Flux] x10/15/20/25/30
  • Bounteous Maximus (uncommon)
  • [item=Turkeytopia Recipe] (uncommon)
  • [collection=Trotting Turkey] (rarely)
  • [collection=Wings of Unexpected Ascension] (very rarely)

Also see [item=Turkeytopia Mystery Box]

Open it to obtain a random Turkeytopia item. Has a chance of containing the rare Springing Turkey mount.

[item=Turkeytopia Mystery Box] is granted durring the Turkeytopia event in November while defeating enemies or completing dungeons in Trove.

Open to receive one of the following loot:

Common [item=flux]
Common [item=Glim]
Common [item=Pumpkin]
Uncommon [item=Turkeytopia Recipe]
Uncommon Turkey Stuffing
Uncommon Progressive Pilgrim
Uncommon Bounteous Maximus
Rare [collection=Trotting turkey]
Very Rare [collection=Wings of unexpected ascension]


Open for Air Gem dust, an Epic Air Gem, a Relic Air Gem, or possibly even a Shadow Air Gem.
Open for Fire Gem dust, an Epic Fire Gem, a Relic Fire Gem, or possibly even a Shadow Fire Gem.
Open for Gem dust, an Epic Gem, a Relic Gem, or possibly even a Shadow Gem. \n\nCan not contain Cosmic Gems.
Open for Water Gem dust, an Epic Water Gem, a Relic Water Gem, or possibly even a Shadow Water Gem.
Open this to collect your rare mount!
Randomly contains one of 4 tradable Tysorion collectables: Tysorion's Throne, Tygrif, Tysorion Pup, and rarely a Tysplation.
Open for useful items and a chance at epic rewards including a very rare chance at a Refined Raptor pet!
Open for Air Gem dust, an Uncommon Air Gem, an Epic Air Gem, or possibly even a Relic Air Gem.
Open for Fire Gem dust, an Uncommon Fire Gem, an Epic Fire Gem, or possibly even a Relic Fire Gem.
Open for Gem dust, an Uncommon Gem, an Epic Gem, or possibly even a Relic Gem. \n\nCan not contain Cosmic Gems.
Open for Water Gem dust, an Uncommon Water Gem, an Epic Water Gem, or possibly even a Relic Water Gem.
Open for Air Gem dust, a Shadow Air Gem, a Radiant Air Gem, or possibly even a Stellar Air Gem.
Open for Cosmic dust, a Shadow Cosmic Gem, or possibly a Radiant Cosmic Gem.
Open for Fire Gem dust, a Shadow Fire Gem, a Radiant Fire Gem, or possibly even a Stellar Fire Gem.
Open for Gem dust, a Shadow Gem, a Radiant Gem, or possibly even a Stellar Gem. \n\nCan not contain Cosmic Gems.
Open for Water Gem dust, a Shadow Water Gem, a Radiant Water Gem, or possibly even a Stellar Water Gem.
This crate contains Crystallogy materials normally found in up to Tier 3 of Verdant Veins.
This vault contains Crystallogy materials normally found in Tiers 4-5 of Verdant Veins.
Contains a ring that grants Health and an additional random stat. Left click to open.
Contains a ring that grants Health and an additional random stat. Place on action bar and throw it to open.

[item=Vitality Band Box] Grants a Epic Vitality Band Ring

  • +352 Maximum Health
  • +(random stat)


Can be crafted using a [item=Ringcrafting Bench] (requires a RingCrafting skill of 100)

Ingredients Quantity
[item=Diamond] 1
[item=Shapestone Ore] 15
Contains a ring that grants Health and an additional random stat. Left click to open.
Contains a ring that grants Health and an additional random stat. Place on action bar and throw it to open.

[item=Vitality Loop Box] Grants a Relic Vitality Loop Ring

  • +797 Maximum Health
  • +(random stat)


Can be crafted using a [item=Ringcrafting Bench] (requires a RingCrafting skill of 200)

Ingredients Quantity
[item=Diamond] 2
[item=Shapestone Ore]       25
Contains a ring that grants Health and an additional random stat. Left click to open.
Contains a ring that grants Health and an additional random stat. Place on action bar and throw it to open.

[item=Vitality Ring Box] Grants a Legendary Vitality Ring

  • +558 Maximum Health
  • +(random stat)


Can be crafted using a [item=Ringcrafting Bench] (requires a RingCrafting skill of 150)

Ingredients Quantity
[item=Diamond] 1
[item=Shapestone Ore]       20
Contains a ring that grants Health and an additional random stat. Place on action bar and throw it to open.
Contains a ring that grants Health and an additional random stat. Left click to open.
Contains a ring that grants Health and an additional random stat. Left click to open.
Contains a ring that grants Health and an additional random stat. Place on action bar and throw it to open.

[item=Vitality Shard Box] Grants a Rare Vitality Shard Ring

  • +178 Maximum Health
  • +(random stat)


Can be crafted using a [item=Ringcrafting Bench] (requires a RingCrafting skill of 50)

Ingredients Quantity
[item=Diamond] 1
[item=Shapestone Ore] 10
Contains a ring that grants Health and an additional random stat. Left click to open.
Contains a ring that grants Health and an additional random stat. Place on action bar and throw it to open.

[item=Vitality Signet Box] Grants a Resplendant Vitality Signet Ring

  • +1035 Maximum Health
  • +(random stat)


Has a rare chance of droping Shadow Crest Rings insteadup to Shadow Level 4.

Shadow Level 1 2 3 4
Maximum Health +1464 +2005 +2643 +3405


Can be crafted using a [item=Ringcrafting Bench] (requires a RingCrafting skill of 250)

Ingredients Quantity
[item=Shadow Diamond] 1
[item=Shapestone Ore]       25
Contains a ring that grants Health and an additional random stat. Place on action bar and throw it to open.
Contains a ring that grants Health and an additional random stat. Left click to open.
Contains a ring that grants Health and an additional random stat. Left click to open.
Contains a ring that grants Health and an additional random stat. Place on action bar and throw it to open.
Contains a ring that grants Health and an additional random stat. Left click to open.
Contains a ring that grants Health and an additional random stat. Place on action bar and throw it to open.

[item=Wisdom Stone Box] Grants a Uncommon Vitality Stone Ring

  • +90 Maximum Health
  • +(random stat)

Can be crafted using a [item=Ringcrafting Bench]

Ingredients Quantity
[item=Flux] 3
[item=Shapestone Ore] 3
Open for a random amount of Water Gem Dust.

Obtained by:

  • Opening [item=daily loot chest]

Open to receive one of the following loot:

Common [item=Water gem dust] x 300
Uncommon [item=Water gem dust] x 1000
Rare [item=Water gem dust] x 9999
Open for a random amount of Water Gem Sparks.
Contains materials used to unlock Winter Dragon mounts!

Discontinued item: Granted in hourly challenges.



Contains a ring that grants Magic Damage and an additional random stat. Left click to open.
Contains a ring that grants Magic Damage and an additional random stat. Place on action bar and throw it to open.

[item=Wisdom Band Box] Grants a Epic Wisdom Band Ring

  • +178 Magic Damage
  • +(random stat)


Can be crafted using a [item=Ringcrafting Bench] (requires a RingCrafting skill of 100)

Ingredients Quantity
[item=Diamond] 1
[item=Shapestone Ore]       15
Contains a ring that grants Magic Damage and an additional random stat. Left click to open.
Contains a ring that grants Magic Damage and an additional random stat. Place on action bar and throw it to open.

[item=Wisdom Loop Box] Grants a Relic Wisdom Loop Ring

  • +378 Magic Damage
  • +(random stat)


Can be crafted using a [item=Ringcrafting Bench] (requires a RingCrafting skill of 200)

Ingredients Quantity
[item=Diamond] 2
[item=Shapestone Ore]       25
Contains a ring that grants Magic Damage and an additional random stat. Left click to open.
Contains a ring that grants Magic Damage and an additional random stat. Place on action bar and throw it to open.

[item=Wisdom Ring Box] Grants a Legendary Wisdom Ring

  • +278 Magic Damage
  • +(random stat)


Can be crafted using a [item=Ringcrafting Bench] (requires a RingCrafting skill of 150)

Ingredients Quantity
[item=Diamond] 1
[item=Shapestone Ore]       20
Contains a ring that grants Magic Damage and an additional random stat. Place on action bar and throw it to open.
Contains a ring that grants Magic Damage and an additional random stat. Left click to open.
Contains a ring that grants Magic Damage and an additional random stat. Left click to open.
Contains a ring that grants Magic Damage and an additional random stat. Place on action bar and throw it to open.

[item=Wisdom Shard Box] Grants a Rare Wisdom Shard Ring

  • +90 Magic Damage
  • +(random stat)


Can be crafted using a [item=Ringcrafting Bench] (requires a RingCrafting skill of 50)

Ingredients Quantity
[item=Diamond] 1
[item=Shapestone Ore] 10
Contains a ring that grants Magic Damage and an additional random stat. Left click to open.
Contains a ring that grants Magic Damage and an additional random stat. Place on action bar and throw it to open.

[item=Wisdom Signet Box] Grants a Resplendant Wisdom Signet Ring

  • +478 Magic Damage
  • +(random stat)


Has a rare chance of droping Shadow Crest Rings insteadup to Shadow Level 4.

Shadow Level 1 2 3 4
Magic Damage +612 +796 +1024 +1305


Can be crafted using a [item=Ringcrafting Bench] (requires a RingCrafting skill of 250)

Ingredients Quantity
[item=Shadow Diamond] 1
[item=Shapestone Ore]       25
Contains a ring that grants Magic Damage and an additional random stat. Place on action bar and throw it to open.
Contains a ring that grants Magic Damage and an additional random stat. Left click to open.
Contains a ring that grants Magic Damage and an additional random stat. Left click to open.
Contains a ring that grants Magic Damage and an additional random stat. Place on action bar and throw it to open.
Contains a ring that grants Magic Damage and an additional random stat. Left click to open.
Contains a ring that grants Magic Damage and an additional random stat. Place on action bar and throw it to open.

[item=Wisdom Stone Box] Grants a Uncommon Wisdom stone ring

  • +46 Magic damage
  • +(random stat)


Can be crafted using a [item=Ringcrafting Bench]

Ingredients Quantity
[item=Flux] 3
[item=Shapestone Ore] 3
Contains decorations used in the Wolves' Den.
Open it to obtain some resources.



Wooden Treasure Trove was a uncommon item that can be found Deals section in the store for free, as of the St. Qubeslick's Day! Patch in March 14, 2017 this item is discontuined.



Open for useful items and a chance at epic rewards including a very rare chance at a Dormant Lorekeeper Dragon Egg!
Open for useful items and a chance at epic rewards!
Open for useful items and a chance at epic rewards including a very rare chance at a Zehira's Dragon Horde!