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Designer: Trove Team
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Community Links
Hello folks, this week we're experimenting with a single news article and perhaps lessen some of our feed spam so we can condense our information. Let us know what you think about this format, and any other information we should include....
October 27, 2020 Weekly Reset
As the Hubdate has just reached Trove console platforms recently, we’re excited to share an extra 20% off the Patron Pass for Xbox One and PS4 only to make you feel right at home. That’s right! It’s time for a CONSOLE ONLY specia...
October 26, 2020 Blog
This time on Club Leader Spotlight we talk to Female Zombie and Crypticsoul who are co-owners of Treasure Goblins on Xbox. Thanks to [Steedfeed] for organising this months spotlight....
October 4, 2020 Club Leader Spotlight Community Spotlight
This time on Club Leader Spotlight we talk to xmon0x1d3x and xKushxQueenx420 who are leaders of Trillium on Xbox. Thanks to [user=Steedfeed] for organising the interview....
July 13, 2020 Club Leader Spotlight Community Spotlight
Follow series of clues and solve riddles to unlock [Dazzling Dracolyte] costume! Introduced together with the Splendid Summer event (June 2020), this sequence of riddles will remain functional after the end of the event too....
June 10, 2020 Splendid Summer 2020
The latest Trove hotfix has arrived, and brings around some large changes to Leviathans and Heads as well as some changes to resolve some problems with Adventure Heroes. Trovesaurus Summary Like Shadow Towers, Leviathans spawn openable vaults when def...
January 22, 2020 Patch
Yar Har Matey! Talk like a Pirate, Walk like a Pirate and Roam the Seas in this new event from Tuesday, September 10, 2019 to Monday, September 24, 2019 on PC's and Consoles....
September 10, 2019
This time on our Club Leader Spotlight we talk to [Nina], who is the leader of Alpha Legacy and [Legalize Sunlight Bulbs] as well as manages the Trove Club Quests Discord Server. This interview with Nina was nominated by Arion....
July 23, 2019 Club Leader Spotlight Community Spotlight