Club Leader Spotlight mon0x1d3 and xKushxQueenx420 (Trillium/ Xbox)

This time on Club Leader Spotlight we talk to xmon0x1d3x and xKushxQueenx420 who are leaders of Trillium on Xbox.
Thanks to Steedfeed for organising the interview.
What can you tell us about yourself and your club?
My names Erik, I've lived in Rhode Island USA all of my life. I started playing Nintendo when I was 4 and have been gaming ever since. I met the love of my life while playing Counter-Strike 17 years ago, we have a teenage son and a wonderful life together. I created my Gamertag in 1999 on AOL and have used it for basically everything since. On Xbox, I'm xmon0x1d3x President of the Xbox Trove club Trillium. Trillium is an endgame focused club where we enjoy speedrunning, leviathan farming and helping our members prepare for new challenges and content. We keep it laid back we like to joke around and just have a great time staying entertained while grinding Trove.
My name is Darleen but most people know me as xKushxQueenx420 I am a Vice President of Trillium a Trove club on Xbox.
I have been playing video games of all kinds for most of my life. I met our President xmon0x1d3x playing Counter-Strike on Steam 17 years ago. We have a son and a dog named Bella :) Trillium has always been a more mid/end game club and our requirements are a bit higher than most of the other clubs.
We like to joke around and have fun in chat altho somedays we can get a bit wild. We do have a few members who like to troll people. Our members are always grinding something gems, flux, adventurine or w/e it is they need, but still around for those who might need help with something which is always something I love to see every day.
Where does your character name and club name come from?
I choose mon0x1d3 (Monoxide) because it sounded cool to me tbh lol. Trillium was already an established club by the time I had joined so I'm not sure about how the name came to be, but it sounds dope IMO. :P
I'm the queen of green.. If u know you know :P
I'm not sure why the club was named Trillium tbh. When I joined it was being run by LOVE HOW U DIE and yungskumba6. There were a few members who kept it going at that time with them. Some of them are Late Reactions, xmon0x1d3x, Sarogan, Quirina333, TEKTRONIK, Kira The Deity, Hemittz, OG BUN B, xPrincessxRosex, Devil At War, jjames d, and Exiled Vanity. I would not be where I am today without them they are legends.
What's your favourite part of Trove? What keeps you coming back?
The friends I've made is a huge part of why I play Trove. I've met so many amazing people from all walks of life and it's been a great experience. We all have a good time doing many of the Trove activities together like speedrunning or just sitting around in club joking around having a laugh.
The people keep me coming back I like getting to know our community. We have met a lot of really awesome people who make playing the game everyday fun and it's the reason I come back every day. I also enjoy helping the members of our clubs with Levithians or getting their ST's done thru out the week or whatever it may be they need help with.
Most people will tell you other than buying ToW's... My 2nd favourite thing to do is speedrun. Trillium has always been a good place to find help with that. Trill's sr team was the 1st on Xbox console to get a 7 second sr time back in early February of 2019. I was so proud of them that day and was really happy to be given a spot on it too. I am always willing to help with sr's every week not only for our club but the other top clubs too. I am really sad that this will no longer be something I can do with my club members/community tbh we will all miss those days when we no longer have them.
How did your club start out? When did you start being responsible for it?
Trillium was started by Frozen and Megatron in Xbox's Trove beta. I joined not long before LOVE HOW U DIE and yungskumba6 were promoted to Pres and VP. They put the club on the track where it is today by focusing the club toward mid to endgame players. Those guys would help everyone with their speed runs and building their characters up to do them and also teaching them how. They helped me by giving me a great place to call home and inspire me to be like them, but more than that they are like brothers to me and their members. I became President of Trillium in March 2020. It felt amazing to work my way up to where I am now and it has been a great experience. We have awesome Members, Officers and VPs so leading a club like this is pretty easy for the most part.
I wasn't playing trove when the club was started I began playing back in February of 2018. But Trillium has always been my home, I started as a member and worked really hard to keep the club running when others had taken breaks and was made an officer in 2018. After some of the OG members had retired last summer xmon0x1d3x and I took over keeping everything running I was made a VP about 5 months ago.
Have you managed club/guilds in other games?
Yes, I started in 2000 while playing Counter-Strike. I was the leader of a few teams a4th and tcbh that competed in online leagues for ranked Counter-Strike matches. We had some minor success but it was more about having fun with some friends and seeing where it would go. In 2004 I started playing World of Warcraft and after a while, I got into an awesome guild that was competitive PvE focused. With them (Demise) we achieved many great things like server firsts and many top rank early boss kills.
Yes, xmon0x1d3x and I had our own counterstrike servers back in 2004 we helped run already existing ones as well.
What motivates you to continue to manage a community on Trove?
The people do. The fun times and memories we make while playing Trove together is what keeps us going.
The members of my club do they have worked so hard to get where they are today. Since I started later than everyone else around me. I decided to work really hard to catch up to everyone else mastery wise and took me about 9-10 months.. but while doing that I enjoyed watching everyone learn to play and do things together like a team. I could never give up on all of them as they have never given up on themselves.. they are what makes our club what it is today not us.
Which other clubs would you like to highlight and why?
Glim Gods is a great club with amazing builds. They are always helping their members with anything they may need. Their President Pil n Skoal is a great guy, he is one of the kindest fairest people you will find on Xbox Trove.
I would choose Glim Gods and Vigilantes. The President's of both those clubs are some of the kindest people I have met on trove. They are always willing to listen and help members are always fair when dealing with problems that may come up. They have a great community I am proud to be an officer of Glim Gods.
As for Vigilantes, we are a newer level 10 club but we are right up there with the top clubs who came before us. My friend aka 00TurdBugular asked me to join last year and we worked really hard to make it what it is today. I am also the VP there, so proud of what it has become and we are always looking for new members.
What are the most challenging things about running a community on Trove?
Keeping everyone motivated and playing. It's hard to keep everyone interested when they're waiting for new content to drop.
We learned we can't make everyone happy sometimes people can get along and other times you have to get creative with how you solve problems because everyone is different some are kids other's might be an adult you just never know. Not everyone speaks the same language either so that gets in the way a lot of the time. I have had to google translate things in order to solve issues in clubs or between our members. I just try to always remember they are people too and maybe they just are having a bad day for the most part the community takes care of their own issues outside of the club.
Are there any club members or particular builds in your club world you would like to highlight and why?
There are so many but our Hall of Heroes built by Hemittz is a memorial to all of the past OG's of Trillium. He also built a lot of the cooler mounts in-game with statues of members riding in and on them above our Rally of Heroes. xPrincessxRosex builds a lot for us these days, she is an amazingly skilled and talented builder, we have an area outside of our hub with seasonal builds that she does for the different seasons and holidays.
I wanna send a shout out and some <3 to my OG homies yungskumba6, LOVE HOW U DIE, Kira the Deity, Og Bun B, a2d Django, JonNario94, Late Reactions, xPrincessxRosex, Sarogan, Quirina333, jjames d, Exiled Vanity, Devil at War and OOTurdBURGLAR GANG GANG! All of yall helped build and mould Trillium into what it is today. Tho some have come and gone you guys will always be fam <3
There is a club member who I always have found to be really helpful when it comes to all things trove. That person is JonNario94 He has been helping the community for a long time now and is always there to help answer any questions members might have about the game. He also makes YouTube video's to help people understand how to do events, gem builds, how to build classes, sr and much more. A big thank you to our officer's for helping out with the club every day we appreciate all of you! <3
How do you like the current club building and management tools and what would you like changed?
They work just fine but I would like to see custom ranks in the club. Being able to add more and name them however you choose with custom permissions would be pretty cool and useful.
I do not like building at all. I found it really stressful just making a cornerstone to call my home lol.. so that I can't give my opinion about.
How do you find the club adventures and fixtures?
I liked the changes to adventurine NPCs but I wish Ganda NPC would stick around a little longer and reward a lot more club XP.
For the most part, I like the changes that have been made to adventurine NPCs. I would change a few of them around... Only being able to have Ganda in clubs for an hour makes people feel like they have to rush. But we can only go so fast and that being said would be nice to have it for maybe 2 hours instead of 1 that way people can actually get the adv they need without feeling rushed and the clubs can benefit from the club XP for longer.
What advice would you give to people looking for a club or thinking of starting a new club?
If you're looking for a club find one that is active and helpful. There's so many on Xbox but I would recommend 32bit Glory, Glim Gods and Vigilantes.
I love to see the community growing every day with all the new clubs popping up. Levelling a club to 10 and buying fixtures/maintaining rent for a newer club that may not have many members yet is hard work. The best advice I can give is.. if you are not willing to run your own quests then don't expect others to. People are more willing to help those who help themselves first. The big clubs run themselves after a while being that most of the hard part is over.
Is there anything Trovesaurus can do more to help support your club?
Thank you all for doing what you do for the community, keep it up <3
Continue doing what you're already doing with bringing the community information on how clubs are run/managed. It helps the community understand why we all play this game and gives others a place to get any information they may need :)