Help Diggsly find his lost shadow in the new event Subterranean Scramble. Finish the quest chain, daily quests and special craftables from Tuesday, February 5, 2019 to Monday, February 18, 2019 on PC's and Consoles.
Quest ChainTop ^
#1/7 Cheer Diggsly up in the Hub
Subterranean Scramble 1/7: Hi Trovian, Diggsly here and I have some bad news. This time of year, I spring from my home and look for my shadow to help determine when the hub will melt. Unfortunately, my shadow appears to be missing. I have called the Qubesly police and they are helping me search but I could use some cheering up. Come meet up with me in the hub and complete my adventure to put a smile on my face.
Diggsly can be found to the East of the Sun Goddess Statue in the Trove Hub.
Reward: Diggsly's Token 1
Completion: Complete 1 daily Scramble adventure.
Community Tip:
Diggsly located in the Hub. He gives one out of 3 daily adventures, Mine Ore (150).
#2/7 Make Wanted Posters
Subterranean Scramble 2/7: I feel a bit better now but my Shadow is still missing. I plastered the hub with wanted posters but it does not seem to be enough. Please make some more wanted posters so we can spread the word and find my shadow.
Missing: Shadow Diggsly posters can be crafted at the Wheel of Seasons
Reward: Diggsly's Token 1
#3/7 Place Wanted Posters
Subterranean Scramble 3/7: Put those posters up wherever you think people will see them, in your cornerstone, your club, or even in the wild! People are sure to come forward with information once they have seen those posters!
Reward: Diggsly's Token 1
#4/7 Collect Leads in the Hub
Subterranean Scramble 4/7: Everyone now knows my shadow is missing and surely someone saw him making his escape. See if you can find someone with information in the Trovian Hub. Make sure you search everywhere.
Reward: Diggsly's Token 1
Completion: Interact with the Scramble Event Merchant in the Hub.
Community Tip:
Mortsdot merchant located behind the statue of Sun Goddes.
#5/7 Delve Into the Caves
Subterranean Scramble 5/7: Geode! I should have thought of that! Luxion went to Geode when he was missing too! Well, if I know my shadow as I know myself, he will be underground. Go into the caves of Geode and see what you can uncover.
Reward: Diggsly's Token 1
Completion: Dive into the Geode caves (bring critter treats for the next step).
#6/7 Assist Needy Cave Critters (10)
Subterranean Scramble 6/7: The critters in these caves are always watching; help them out to see if you can get any clues to my shadow’s whereabouts.
Reward: Diggsly's Token 1
#7/7 Find Diggsly's Shadow
Subterranean Scramble 7/7: I was listening closely and the critters said my shadow is deep in the caves. Dive down and see if you can uncover him!
Reward: Diggsly's Token 3
Completion: Find and interact with Diggslys shadow in the lower tiers of geodian caves.
Community Tip:
Diggsly's Shadow can be found right behind the gateways to Tier-3, Tier-4 and Tier-5 in Geodian caves. Two more daily adventures can be picked up from him, Find Companion Eggs (3) and Find Promising Companion Eggs (1).
Daily QuestsTop ^
#1/3 Mine ore to cheer Diggsly up. (150)
Subterranean Scramble Daily 1/3: I'm so upset Trovian, my Shadow was trying to tell me something and I didn't listen... and now he's just GONE. The only thing that can cheer me up at a time like this is mining. Go mine some ore to help remind me what its like to have fun again.
Reward: Diggsly's Token 1
Community Tip:
Pick this quest up from Diggsly at the Trove Hub.
# 2/3 Find Companion Eggs in Geode Cave Lairs. (3)
Subterranean Scramble Daily 2/3: I didn't mean to run off but Diggsly just wasn't listening. I've uncovered something promising in these caves; Promising Eggs! Go find some Companion Eggs and see if you can uncover something special. The deeper you dive the more likely you are to find Promising Companion Eggs in Lairs.
If you see me again, I may want Promising Eggs instead, so keep an eye out!
Reward: Diggsly's Token 1
Community Tip:
Pick this quest up from Diggslys Shadow behind Tier 2 or Tier 3 gates.
# 3/3 Find Promising Companion Eggs in Geode Cave Lairs. (1)
Subterranean Scramble Daily 3/3: I didn't mean to run off but Diggsly just wasn't listening. I've uncovered something promising in these caves; Promising Eggs! Go find some Companion Eggs and see if you can uncover something special. The deeper you dive the more likely you are to find Promising Companion Eggs in Lairs.
If you see me again, I may want any Eggs instead, so keep an eye out!
Reward: Diggsly's Token 1
Community Tip:
Pick this quest up from Diggslys Shadow behind Tier 4 or Tier 5 Gates
Event CraftablesTop ^
During the event, you can use the Diggsly's Token to craft special items, some craftables will have a limited amount of times you can craft them. You'll be able to collect 51 tokens throughout the whole event, crafting everything once will cost you 46 tokens.
![]() | Craftable | Maximum |
1 | ![]() | 5x |
1 | ![]() | 5x |
1 | ![]() | 5x |
1 | ![]() | 5x |
1 | ![]() | 10x |
1 | ![]() | 3x |
10 | ![]() | 1x |
30 | ![]() | 1x |
After the event, remaining tokens can be crafted into leaderboard chests.
Daily RewardsTop ^
- 2019-02-05:
+50% Crystal Gathering Potion 1
- 2019-02-06:
Adventure Reliquary 1
- 2019-02-07:
Accelerite 5
- 2019-02-08:
Critter Treats (Untradeable) 10,
Curing Kit (Untradeable) 10,
Comfort Blanket (Untradeable) 10
- 2019-02-09:
+50% Crystal Gathering Potion 1
- 2019-02-10:
Adventure Reliquary 1
- 2019-02-11:
Accelerite 5
- 2019-02-12:
Critter Treats (Untradeable) 10,
Curing Kit (Untradeable) 10,
Comfort Blanket (Untradeable) 10
- 2019-02-13:
+50% Crystal Gathering Potion 1
- 2019-02-14:
Adventure Reliquary 1
- 2019-02-15:
Accelerite 5
- 2019-02-16:
Critter Treats (Untradeable) 10,
Curing Kit (Untradeable) 10,
Comfort Blanket (Untradeable) 10
- 2019-02-17:
Adventure Reliquary 1
- 2019-02-18:
Accelerite 5

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are you sure that its 52 total coins to get? i mean its 9 for the main questline and 3 per day x 14 - thats 51 for me :b
1 token is basically one offer more you can take on :b like f.e. 1 more bronze egg, 10 more dragon coins etc :b just was curious if i didn't see an extra coin :D (would have actually helped me a bit, since its hard for me to do the last two daily quests if you can only barely reach t3 :D
Tho, i love the feature that they have 5x5 of these metamatter in that shop, so its a little boost in upgrading geode stuff so you might be able to do the two quests so depending how far you are, you might want to spend 5 tokens there or might just skip this offer if you're far enough, the most interesting offers seem to be 50 dragon coins (5t), the ally (10t), metamatter if necessairy, maybe 5 Bound Brilliance (25t), the 3 gem boxes. that would make 23-28 effective token used, while 23 is doable with only the first daily quest :D
Yeah we had a discussion on this the other day, for new players or players that didn't venture too deep into geode caves... It ain't a friendly quest. Still the Ally and metamatter are within reach if you only do the chain and the daily mining.