
Showing pages that match the terms collections/pet/bat_lunar, Stella.
Fixed a crash when trying to select the "Depths Core" or "Runic Essence" recipes on Saltwater Sam's Depths Workbench when it was present in the Desert Frontier biome 'Murkwater' Mark will now also sell a "The Depths" matchmaker priced in credits Incre...
Dear Xbox Trovians, We know how frustrating the recent issues have been, especially with the downtime on April 10, 2024, and the missing updates and events on Xbox. We’ve some good news for you! We are actively working on a so...
April 19, 2024 Blog
With Gear Up! Date, we wanted to give players more control over their equipment drops and gear progression. While leveling in Trove, players experience several shifts with how to progress their character’s power. Our intent with this cha...
Temporarily disabled some effects in delves that we suspect might be responsible for terrain failing to load for some players. Fixed an issue that caused Furrious Fiona’s momento to appear twice in collections. The minimum Light requirements to ...
August 15, 2023 Patch
Additional Updates Charged Sniper Shot, when maximally charged, now applies the debuff. The ability description has also been updated. Club presidents can now remove their own ability to destroy the club world with bombs. The Minor Star of Luck and D...
Trovians,We are pleased to announce that our Reeling in the Stars update is now live on PlayStation & Xbox platforms. Choose your constellation and empower your characters with the power of the stars to gain extragalactic bonuses with th...
December 13, 2022 Blog
Trovians,We are pleased to announce that our Reeling in the Stars update is now live on PC.Choose your constellation and empower your characters with the power of the stars to gain extragalactic bonuses with the new Star Chart character progression s...
November 22, 2022 Blog
Additional Updates: Please be aware that this change is still under evaluation and may need further adjustments, up to and including changing the way Gathering Day affects fishing: The speed of fishing has been drastically reduced. As a result, man...
We’re pleased to introduce the Reeling in the Stars patch for all of you, including the new Star Chart system and a rework of Fishing as some of you have already guessed. When introducing these systems, we wanted to create one that would reward inv...
Trovians, We’re pleased to introduce the Sunrise patch, introducing a new class, Solarion, a new biome, Sundered Uplands, a new difficulty rank, Uber-11, to challenge everyone, and, of course, new rewards in the form of Crystal Gems. Wh...
Fixed an issue with Prismatic Chain that could lead to crashes. Uber-11 Worlds now require 6000 Light for entry. The Effigy of Potent Opulence now affects gem sparks as well as gem dust. Added a better description for Level 25 Stellar Gems being upgr...
We’re pleased to introduce the Sunrise patch to all of our players, introducing a new class (Solarion), a new biome (Sundered Uplands), a new difficulty rank (Uber-11) to challenge everyone, and, of course, new rewards in the form of Crystal Gems. &...
Bonjour ! Dans ce guide Francais j'explique tous ce qu'il y a a savoir sur le rang de pouvoir....
May 7, 2022 augmenter son rang de pouvoir pouvoir rp power rank tous savoir sur le rang de pouvoir guide fr rang de pouvoir guide rang de pouvoir pr guide rang de pouvoir fr
This time on Club Leader Spotlight we talk to Female Zombie and Crypticsoul who are co-owners of Treasure Goblins on Xbox. Thanks to [Steedfeed] for organising this months spotlight....
October 4, 2020 Club Leader Spotlight Community Spotlight
Discover Delves: A highly anticipated dungeon crawler feature filled with new monsters, biomes, and treasures as you dive deep to face unique challenges that lurk below! The Trove Delves update is now available across all platforms (PS4, Xbox 1, and PC).D...
July 6, 2020 Patch
Brief context to the TL;DR topic of Gems, written for new players...
We are happy to announce that Going Green & Bomber Royale Season 2 updates have arrived on consoles!! We’ve turned Gardening up to 300, granting the rank of Horticulturist. There are also two new types of plants available: Vegetable Plants and A...
June 26, 2019 Blog
Consoles will be almost in sync with PC with the update tomorrow which brings Bomber Royale Season Two and Going Green. Patch notes are shown below as well as additional links: Console Patch Notes Maintenance Thread For more information please see...
June 24, 2019 Consoles
Gardening Gardening now goes to 300 (Horticulturist)! The Gardening bench has been renamed to the Antiquated Gardening Bench. A new Gardening Bench can now be crafted at the builders crafting bench. The requirements for the original gardening rec...
June 24, 2019 Patch
We’re proud to announce that Bomber Royale Season 2 is live for the PC right now*! Grab a friend and jump into Bomber Royale to blast your way to victory with all-new duo queue. If you’re more of the lone wolf type of Trovian, you can absolutely ...
March 26, 2019 Blog
Duo Queue Play Bomber Royale with a friend! From the Friend list, click the bomb button to invite your friend to join you in a match of Bomber Royale. The "/pvpteam Name" command now be to invite players to a duo Bomber Royale match without them need...
March 21, 2019 Patch
My way to have easy and fast power rank. PR=power rank flux=currency of the game...
February 22, 2019 Basics
We asked our friends over at Laezaria to put together some tips for the console players who are just about to receive the Crystal Combat update. Thanks to [Chronozilla] for organizing this. For more information on the Crystal Combat update, check out our...
January 29, 2019
We've updated the Trovesaurus Database with the latest items from the Crystal Combat update....
December 18, 2018 Database Update Items