Additional Updates:
- Please be aware that this change is still under evaluation and may need further adjustments, up to and including changing the way Gathering Day affects fishing:
- The speed of fishing has been drastically reduced.
- As a result, many recipes have had their costs increased and the deconstruction values of fish and trophies have been adjusted.
- Finally, the daily adventures have had their required amounts adjusted to match the increased fishing speed.
- Actually disabled some sources of broadcast spam on PTS specifically, including Heart-a-Phones.
- Fixed a crash that was occurring when accessing certain worlds.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when accessing workbenches.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when accessing collections.
- Increased the drop rate of Astral Echoes but reduced the amount gained with each drop.
- We have retooled Critical hit Chance and Critical Hit Damage to be a little clearer in the Star Chart.
- Renamed the Constellation of World to Constellation of Cubesly.
- Fixed an issue where one of the major stars would not unlock in the Star Chart (if this was already unlocked, it will need to be unlocked again.)
- Adjusted the tooltip displays in the Star Chart.
- Added a recipe for the Grand Orrery to the Builder's Crafting Bench.
- Made nets more consistently find nearby pools.
- Players will now consistently face in the direction they're fishing.
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