Sunrise PTS Patch Notes

We’re pleased to introduce the Sunrise patch to all of our players, introducing a new class (Solarion), a new biome (Sundered Uplands), a new difficulty rank (Uber-11) to challenge everyone, and, of course, new rewards in the form of Crystal Gems.
When introducing Crystal Gems, we wanted to be respectful of the time players have already invested in their existing gems – no one wants to throw away all of the time and resources they’ve put into getting a perfectly stacked Gem! As a result, we’ve introduced a way for players to upgrade existing Max Level Stellar Gems into Crystal Gems, retaining their stats and bonuses.
We’re very excited for everyone to get to see the new biome and play with the Solarion – so excited that we’re releasing this patch to PTS a little early! Please excuse our dust as we finish hooking up some features, and as always be aware that everything on PTS is subject to change. Thanks for playing and we look forward to hearing your feedback!
- Solarions, as servants of the Sun Goddess, work together with their phoenix in order to distribute Damage over Time Effects and deal out physical damage. Solarions use bows to shoot their enemies while the phoenix rushes into melee to deliver bows. Solarions are really fired up!
- Solarion can be obtained through crafting on the Chaos Crafter, the Sundered Uplands Workbench, or one of the Solarion packs.
- The Solarion class cannot be obtained through Class Coins or the Sweet Sixteen Pack.
- The Nocturnal Nighthawk costume has been added to the Shadowy Workbench for 4 Despoiled Divinity.
Ability | Description |
Passive Ability |
Phoenix Radiance The Solarion gains Divine Radiance and energy from their damage over time effects.
The Solarion summons a phoenix to aid them in battle.
Basic Attack |
Primary Ability |
Solar Flare
Secondary Ability |
Guiding Light
Ultimate Ability |
Prismatic Blast
Subclass |
Phoenix Fire
Class Gem |
Prismatic Link Empowered Class Gem for the Solarion. Prismatic Blast now pulse around the Phoenix as well as the Solarion, allowing the Solarion to maintain range while attacking, and deal AOE damage around their Phoenix. Only one such Gem may be socketed. |
Hidden Effects |
Sundered Uplands
- A new biome has been added. Available as soon as U-1 Adventure Worlds but primarily found in U-7 Adventure Worlds, the Sundered Uplands have distinct upper and lower levels.
- In addition to their biome-wide Flight Suppression Field, through reckless exploitation of the world around them, the Irradiant Sky Giants have empowered both themselves and the Ashen creatures arising from their fallout. Creatures in the Sundered Uplands are significantly more difficult when compared to neighboring biomes. Players will have to utilize all the extra consumables available to overcome this difficulty!
- Explore the somber Ashen Wastes, fighting enemies left behind by the Irradiant Sky Giants in their pursuit to steal the land. Mind the blastflowers and defeat Ashen Devourers for special rewards.
- Rise to the heights of the Uplands, fighting the Irradiant Sky Giants and their minions in pursuit of treasure. Watch out for the boots and mines looking to kick any players back down to the surface.
- Dungeons can appear in both the Ashen Wastes and the heights of the Uplands. The compass and map have been updated to show an up or down arrow to indicate their location.
- Outposts can appear throughout the Sundered Uplands. These outposts provide Personal Chests, Flask Refillers, Loot Collectors, Fungi Adventures, and a variety of merchants.
Fungus Scrollpeddlers (Consumable Scrolls)
Fungus Scrollpeddlers appear in outposts within the Ashen Wastes. For the price of Ashfern Sporelings or Cubits, players can now purchase consumable scrolls which grant buffs within the Sundered Uplands. These effects will count down even while the player is offline.
The following scrolls are available:
- Freedom of Flight
- This temporarily removes the Flight Suppression Field present in Sundered Uplands, allowing players to use any mount or wings with full effectiveness.
- This scroll stacks with all other scrolls.
- These scrolls are always available at landing pads in the Sundered Uplands.
- Physical Damage++/Magical Damage++
- When fighting in Sundered Uplands, these occasionally create Physical Damage or Magic Damage buffs which increase the relevant damage by 75% for a short duration.
- These scrolls will not stack with each other.
- Misc
- There are several of these scrolls available, including scrolls that give +50 Jump, reduce incoming damage by 15%, or even +resource collection scrolls.
- Players can only have one of these “Misc” scrolls active at a time, and they all only apply to Sundered Uplands.
- Different versions of these scrolls are available. Bronze scrolls will last for 1 hour, Silver scrolls will last for 1 day, and Gold scrolls will last for 3 days.
- The effects of scrolls can replace each other, but only at the same rarity or higher. A Silver Scroll can replace another Silver or Bronze Scroll, but cannot replace a Gold Scroll.
- Fungi Recipetakers spawn in the heights of the Uplands outposts, trading in either Ashen or Irradiant scrolls for other goods, including limited amounts of Sundercharge Crystals.
- Fungi Thingshapers spawn in outposts across the Sundered Uplands, trading in Ashen Sporelings for other goods.
- While inside the Sundered Uplands, flight is affected by the gravity technology of the Irradiant Giants, causing gliding distance to be reduced. This effect increases in higher Uber worlds, and can be overcome by using Freedom of Flight scrolls or using wings or a flying mount crafted from the Sundered Uplands Workbench.
- Explore the Ashen Wastes to find new resources, including Ashfern Sporelings, Unnatural Devices, and Emberslag Ore, while the heights of the Uplands contain Irradiant Powercells and Irradiant Ore.
- Like most creatures, enemies in Sundered Uplands will rarely drop Trophies. These Trophies can be composted in order to acquire Ashen Souls or Irradiant Souls. These souls are used for crafting on the Sundered Uplands Workbench.
- A new invader replaces the Shadow Giant inside the Sundered Uplands.
5 Star Dungeons
(Ongoing work in progress – 5 star dungeons are not spawning yet) 5 star dungeons appear in the Sundered Uplands.
- These 5 star dungeons can be completed once per day for gold results, twice per day for silver results, and an unlimited number of times for bronze results. Gold and Silver reward Sundercharge Crystals, while Bronze rewards something repeatable.
Defeat the new waves of enemies mechanics in order to face one of the new bosses:
- Watt, Son of Stars has arrived to challenge the would-be champions of Trove.
- Dream Bro has gotten an upgrade and returned with his Frost Bro and Fire Bro brothers to guard the Sundercharge Crystals with their lives.
Sundered Uplands Workbench
The Sundered Uplands Workbench can be found on Outposts and allows players to craft collectables as well as useful items for the biome. Sundercharged Crystals can also be donated at this workbench.
- A terraformer for Sundered Uplands can be crafted at the Wheel of Seasons and the Sundered Uplands Workbench.
- (Ongoing work in progress) New styles, recipes, and decorations have been introduced and can be obtained from Sundered Uplands.
- (Ongoing work in progress – dragon fragments are not yet available) Four new dragons can be acquired in the Sundered Uplands:
- Raymon the Ever-Puffed is a new Legendary Dragon and can be obtained through the dragon effigy or dragon fragments.
- Behrne, the Lurking Fiend is a new Legendary Dragon and can be obtained through the dragon effigy or dragon fragments.
- Ariel, the Ashen Reborn is a new Ancestral Dragon.
- Dragon Fragments for Ariel can be obtained through Sundered Uplands.
- Zeuztian, the Eternal Irradiance is a new Ancestral Dragon.
- Dragon Fragments for Zeuztian can be obtained through Sundered Uplands.
Crystal Gems
- Crystal Gems can now be found in Uber-11 worlds and have a maximum level of 30.
- Max level Stellar Gems can be upgraded into Crystal Gems by using a Crystal Gem Converter from the Gems tab in the character sheet.
- Crystal Gem Converters can be purchased from the store for 1,500 credits or 15,000 cubits. Alternatively they can be crafted at the Sundered Uplands Workbench or Adventurer’s Workbench.
- Stellar Gems converted to Crystal Gems retain their power – a gem converted in this way will immediately become a Level 25 Crystal Gem. They will retain existing stat bumps and any applied focuses. A Gem with applied focuses will retain the increases granted by those focuses.
- Leveling Crystal Gems will require new materials in the form of Gem Sparks. These can be crafted from Gem Dust on the Adventurer’s Workbench or the Sundered Uplands Workbench.
- New Crystal Empowered Gem Boxes can be constructed on the Adventurer’s Workbench or the Sundered Uplands Workbench.
- Shores of the Everdark now drops Radiant and Stellar Class Gems in Uber-8, while Stellar and Crystal Class Gems come from Uber-9.
- New Gem boxes can be found in Uber-10 and Uber-11. Uber-10 boxes drop stellar gems and dust. Uber-11 gem boxes have a rare chance to drop Crystal Gems and Gem Sparks which are needed for gem crafting.
Uber 11 Worlds
- The generic “Uber 7” portal is now a “Sundered Uplands (Uber-7) World” portal.
- Many additional Uber portals have been added to the Builder’s Crafting Bench, including Uber-11 World, Drowned (Uber-11) World, Cursed Skylands (Uber-11) World, and Igneous Islands (Uber-11) World.
- Crystal 4 gear can drop from 5 Star Dungeons in Uber-11 Geode Topside and Prime Worlds.
- Leviathan’s Lairs in Uber 11 Geode Topside will spawn a random Leviathan that can also drop any Leviathan’s loot.
- Beginning in Uber-10, all adventure worlds now benefit from Light. Geode Topside worlds still give benefits for Light starting at Uber-8.
Atlas Updates
- The Atlas map has been adjusted to include Sundered Uplands (Uber-7) World.
- Elemental Worlds and Prime Worlds now only have one node on the Atlas.
- Instead of highlighting individual nodes, players use a dropdown to determine what Uber Level the player wishes to travel to.
- This dropdown defaults to the highest difficulty the user can access.
Subclass Power Rank Updates
Subclass abilities have had new ranks added for 35,000 and 40,000 Power Rank. Some abilities have been adjusted to be more effective.
Boomeranger Subclass “Fae Companion” |
Bard Subclass “Personal Song” |
Candy Barbarian Subclass “Sugar Rush” |
Chloromancer Subclass “Prickly Persona” |
Dino Tamer Subclass “Research Net” |
Dracolyte Subclass “Burning Zealot” |
Fae Trickster Subclass “Sparkle Grenade” |
Gunslinger Subclass “Rain Destruction” |
Ice Mage Subclass “Glacial ward” |
Knight Subclass “Mounted Cavalry” |
Now additionally grants a shield that spawns at low health.
Lunar Lancer Subclass “Sorta Crazy” |
Neon Ninja Subclass “Assassinate” |
Pirate Captain Subclass “Naval Gunfire” |
Shadow Hunter Subclass “Searing Light” |
Revenant Subclass “Hatred of the Oathbound” |
Tomb Raiser Subclass “Corpse Run” |
Vanguardian Subclass “Up and Away” |
Store Updates
- Crystal Gem Converters can be found on the Gems tab for 1,500 credits or 15,000 cubits. (Please note that the art for this is still placeholder – it is currently cosplaying as a Re-Gemerator.)
- 3 Solarion Packs are available:
- Solarion Spark Pack
- unlocks the Solarion class along with the Floral Fowler costume and the Port A. Bella ally for 1,500 credits.
- Solarion Ember Pack
- unlocks the Solarion class along with the Fanatical Phoenix costume, the Disarmed Airmine ally, the Giant Ashen Crawler Larva mount, the Unnatural Devices Ominous Omnibus Legendary Tome and 50 Sundercharge Crystals for 3,500 credits.
- Solarion Flare Pack
- unlocks the Solarion class along with the DJ Dub Sol costume, the Phoemini ally, the Complacent Ashen Devourer mount, the Fiery Feathers wings (which fly unaffected in Sundered Uplands), the Sundercharge Crystal Compendium Legendary Tome, the Ashen Sporeling Normal Tome, and 50 Sundercharge Crystals for 5,000 credits
- Solarion Spark Pack
- The store should now properly consistently hide products the player already owns on the Deals tab.
Additional Updates
- Paragon Level Leaderboards have been added. These contests will rotate weekly and reward players with the most paragon levels gained for a specific class that week.
- Many Hidden Effects have been adjusted to apply in Discovery mode in Delves, although they will not apply inside Geode Caves.
- Removing equipped gems no longer requires Re-Gemerators.
- Updated some of the ore found in Geode Caves to properly glow.
- The Shadow Hunter’s Shadowmark should no longer erroneously apply to harmless NPCs like those appearing on the Featured Items Workbench.
- Cave milk should now properly grant energy regeneration to all classes in Geode Caves.
- Cave milk should now properly grant energy regeneration to all classes except Pirate Captain and Lunar Lancer in Delves. Cave milk does not grant energy regeneration for Pirate Captain and Lunar Lancer since they do not normally regenerate energy over time.
- Fixed an issue with the Critter Bomb Secondary Style where the VFX was not being updated.
- Gems below Crystal rarity now default to being loot collectable.
- Fixed an issue where hairstyle icons would not load when the player was headless but previewing the appearance of another head style.
- The ignore list will now properly continue to prevent messages after a player uses a Name Changer.
- Fixed an issue where players on low level classes might not see their health regenerate.
- Fixed an issue that could make some icons turn invisible in build mode for Dino Tamers.

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