Jurassic JungleBiome
Found in Adventure Worlds starting at Uber-4 difficulty (Power Rank 700). This biome is a prehistoric jungle filled with dinosaurs and trogs, native homeland of Dino Tamer. Defeat enemies and complete quests here to obtain Jurassic Jungle styles and Jurassic Jungle deco recipes. The only biome to collect [item=item/crafting/meteor_fragment] and loot [item=item/dragon/egg/green_notrade_fragment_new] .
Jurassic Jungle Patches
Rising Tides - Patch Notes
Trove Forums June 18, 2024 0
PTS Update - June 13, 2024
Trove Forums June 13, 2024 0
The Trouble with Titles - Patch Notes
Trove Forums October 8, 2023 3
PTS – The Trouble with Titles PATCH NOTES
With this update we wanted to give players another opportunity to customize their Trovians, showing off their accomplishments by adding on to their nameplates. We also wanted to give players an opportunity to check out controller support for the PC – while this is still in progress and not entirely supported yet, we feel like it’s a significant improvement over the previous experience.
Trove Forums September 14, 2023 0
Fluxion - Patch Notes
Trove Forums July 11, 2023 0
PTS – Fluxion PATCH NOTES – June 14, 2023
With this update we wanted to address player concerns around Luxion, specifically the frequency of some collection appearances. To this end, we’re introducing Fluxion – allowing players to vote on his contents. Additionally, a new Delve biome has been introduced: Castle Catastra! Roam through the halls of Fiona Catastra’s domain in search of Cat’s Eye Gemeralds to trade for her finest goods.
Trove Forums June 14, 2023 2
PTS Update April 3, 2023
Trove Forums April 4, 2023 0
Gunslinger Noscope - Patch Notes
Trove Forums February 28, 2023 0
PTS Update 2/21/2023 and 2/22/2023
Trove Forums February 23, 2023 1
PTS Update 2/17/2023
Trove Forums February 18, 2023 0
Boomeranger Blowup - Patch Notes
Trove Forums October 4, 2022 1
Boomeranger Blowup - PTS Patch Notes
When thinking about the Boomeranger, a core identifying feature of the class is choosing what weapon to use, so when considering how to update the class we wanted to make this choice matter more. Now the Boomeranger gains different versions of the Boomerang and Big Bomb abilities depending on whether a Melee weapon or Bow is equipped. Each has a slightly different playstyle, and we’d encourage players to experiment with them. Additionally, a version of the subclass ability has been added to the main class – a fairy companion will now help the player when at low health. The intent here was to increase incentives for playing at closer ranges. Finally, new effects have been added to the Mystery Urn – we’re interested to see player reactions!
Trove Forums September 15, 2022 0
Bomber Royale Season 3 is now live on PC!
We’re proud to announce that Bomber Royale Season 3 is now live for PC!
Jump into action and discover new Bomber Royale rewards, maps, bombs and a brand-new queue system.
The update does not stop there as it comes with new player made dungeons, styles, a plethora of bugfixes & much more!
Here is an overview of today’s patch notes (PC only):
Trove Forums May 3, 2022 0
Bomber Royale Season 3 - PTS Patch Notes
Previously, no matter how much Stability was obtained by players, nearly all damaging hits would still knock them back a tiny amount. These changes make it so that the damage done (relative to a target’s max health) and Stability are both able to reduce the effect of knockback from attacks, even to the point of nullifying it completely.
Trove Forums April 14, 2022 0
PC - Lunar Leap - October 12, 2021
Did you have time to test the Lunar Lancer revamp on the PTS? Do you like to test on the PTS in general when it is opened?
Trove Forums October 12, 2021 0
PTS Patch Notes - Lunar Leap - 9/28/2021
Trove Forums September 28, 2021 0
Delves - Console Patch Notes - July 7, 2020
• Delves are dangerous, and death matters! Each time a Trovian dies, they must wait 5+ seconds before they can release. This time increases each time the Trovian dies. This timer is reset each time a boss is reached, and has no impact on how long it takes to resurrect other players.
• Releasing in a Delve will return the player to the beginning of that Tier.
• An "Intra-Delve Transport"--conveniently placed at the beginning of each Delve Tier--can be interacted with to transport a player to the forward-most checkpoint in the Delve.
• Clearing any room of all its enemies in a Delve Tier will make it a checkpoint, as indicated by a shaded-in blue background on the Delve-room display (where the compass is normally).
• When a boss is activated, any players still working their way through the path to the lair will be offered a teleport to the lair room to join in the fight. If the prompt is missed (possibly due to food delivery!), the player might miss out on the loot but will still teleport you to the group in deeper depths.
• Delves have modifiers signified by Deltaliths, visible in the first room and in the lair room. There are many of these modifiers, including ones that make enemies only take damage in melee range, have reduced health and take extra damage, increase or reduce their Darkness stat, and many more.
• Deltaliths at the entrance of Delves will appear next to the trophy of the enemy they affect.
• Delve themed Adventures can be found in the Delve building in the hub as well as occasionally after a delve level is completed.
• Delves are themed around existing biomes with a few surprises.
• The hive delves introduce a new liquid, honey! Honey increases health regen for players who stand in it, but will also dismount and slow down movement. (There are no fish that can survive in honey – it’s the birds and the bees, not the fish and the bees.)
• Before the Cursed Skulls will spawn in a given Delve Tier, players must complete an objective such as defeating a certain number of enemies, gathering Crystals, or gathering Ore,
• A boss trophy appears before every Boss Lair to give a quick indication of what boss players will be facing. The lair will also have Deltaliths indicating what challenges will accompany the boss.
• If the boss is reached and defeated fast enough, a Ready Station will appear. Interact with it and stay close by to speed up how fast the portal to the next level will appear!
• If the team took too long to reach or defeat the boss, a sign will appear and not allow access to the next delve level. Don’t worry – the next delve is always just a queue away.
• Flasks automatically refill once the boss is summoned and at the start of each new Delve Tier.
• Pell is available after the lair boss is defeated to allow players to switch between modules. Other NPCs and helpful adventuring objects might also appear after the boss is defeated.
• Expert Delvers may learn to spot signs in the Delve path that will indicate which way leads to the lair – it can be easy to get turned around in the middle of combat. Note that while these indicators are useful, some harder delves may have this indicator removed.
• Only 78 consecutive depths can be completed in a single delve run; upon reaching the 78th consecutive depth players will receive a message asking them to restart the delve and not allowing them to progress further.
• Stealthed Neon Ninjas can walk through the Blocky Components present in the Neon Underground delve biome.
Public Delves
• To enter a Public Delve, find the Public Delve Queue Portal in the hub where the Bomber Royale building used to be located, then just interact with the portal to enter the queue. The maximum amount of time spent in the queue should be no more than 10 minutes. Interact with the portal again at any time to unqueue from the public delve.
• A Delve entrance can also be found in the Geode hub down by the Geode cave portals.
• The difficulty of Public Delves is determined by the Public Delve Score for the queued class of each player that ends up in the Delve group.
• When queuing for a public delve, be aware that only the class active when queuing will be allowed. Private and Challenge Delves allow switching between classes at any time.
• The Bomber Royale portal is still available in the hub – look for it and the merchants in a small tent near where they used to be located.
• /joinme can be used to reinvite players who may have disconnected, but cannot be used to invite new players into a Public Delve.
Private Delves
• The difficulty of Private Delves is determined by the Public Delve Score for the queued classes at the time the Delve starts.
• A “Delve Gateway (Private)” – craftable at the Delve Workbench in the hub – can be placed anywhere, but once placed anyone can use it to register for that Delve.
• A single Gateway can be placed while in build mode. Placing the Gateway will automatically queue the player for the Private Delve. Up to seven more players can use the placed Gateway to be queued with the owner.
• The owner of a Private Delve Gateway can interact with it to proceed; the first interaction will send a message to all queued players to get ready, and the second interaction will rush the queue and send everyone in to the Delve. If at any time a full set of eight players are queued, the Gateway will immediately trigger and force everyone in to the Delve.
• If a Gateway is broken using the mining laser, it will return to the destroyer’s inventory and unqueue all queued players. If at any point there are no players nearby, it will unqueue everyone and destroy itself.
• Private Delves allow players to change their class at will.
• The /joinme command can be used to invite more players (up to a maximum of eight unique players can join a single Delve).
• Note that Private Delves are much stricter on what items and mounts can be used. Only Delve mounts and wings may be used.
Challenge Delves
• Challenge Delves are a fair playing field for all teams of delvers to compete against each other to see who can go furthest.
• “Delve Gateway (Challenge Mode)” and “Delve Gateway (Challenge Easy)” can both be crafted at the Delve Workbench in the hub.
• In standard Delves, every new Depth gives you a random Biome. You may find bees at Depth 110 in one Delve, and the Neon Underground at Depth 110 in another Delve. A “new” “Depth 110” is generated each time you visit a Depth 110 Public or Private Delve. In Challenge Delves, though, Depth 110 is only generated once each week, and all players must compete against the same monsters, the same objectives, and the same bosses to see who can get the Deepest, and who can do so the Fastest.
• Challenge Delves start at Depth 110.
• Any time a group successfully moves past a floor in Challenge Mode, the Challenge Delve Depth is saved. Every time a “Delve Gateway (Challenge Mode)” is placed it starts at the saved Challenge Delve Depth. “Delve Gateway (Challenge Easy)” always opens at Depth 110.
• At the end of the week, each player's achieved challenge depth will decay by 8, but will never drop below 110.
• Leaderboards will track not only the deepest depths, but also which group cleared any 3 consecutive tiers in the fastest time. The purple name is now associated with the top 100 players who reach the deepest challenge depths.
• Class switching is allowed in Challenge Delves, but only players who were in the original queue can join or be invited.
• Only Delve mounts or wings may be used.
Delve Rewards
• After defeating the Boss, a Pressurized Chest will appear! Every 3rd consecutive Tier this will be a Heavy Pressurized Chest with additional loot.
• After Depth 25, when a Heavy Pressurized Chest appears, a Shadowy Soul Vault will also appear, containing special rewards like Titan Souls, Lunar Souls, Despoiled Divinity, and Shadow Caches.
• A Delve Shadowkey is required to open the Shadowy Soul Vault. Delve Shadowkeys can be crafted at the Delve Workbench in the hub or at the Shadow Key Mold that appears within the Boss Lair after the Boss is defeated.
• Shadowy Soul Vaults can be opened an unlimited number of times, but players will only receive Titan Souls, Lunar Souls, and Despoiled Divinity from the first 6 Shadowy Soul Vaults opened each week.
• Shadowy Soul Vaults will only appear on specified depths in challenge delves after the completion of at least 3 consecutive depths.
• Binding Darkness can be found in chests and additionally has a small chance to drop from enemies in Delves.
• Shadow Shards are now available from picking up the crystals inside of delves after a certain depth.
• A new currency – Inert Geodes – can be acquired inside the Delves. Only a certain amount of this currency can be obtained at any given time, so make sure to use it before hitting the cap!
• The currency cap for Inert Geodes can be increased by obtaining an Inert Geode Wallet. Three wallets are available: two on Rokatan, the large merchant in the Delve building in the hub and a third on the Store under the “Geode” tab.
• Inert Geodes can be used to purchase mounts and wings that will work in Private and Challenge Delves or to craft a variety of objects at the Delve Workbench.
• "Pressure-Locked Delve Caches" can be purchased for Inert Geodes from a Geodian merchant trapped within Delves - open them to find exciting new Delve-related goodies! They can also be obtained as drops from Heavy Pressurized Chests, as a reward for donating Inert Geodes, and occasionally sold or exchanged for other Delve related goods.
• New delve recipes for advanced tracking potions can be found on Geodian Merchants that are also trapped within Delves. Trapped Geodians are freed occasionally when defeating Delve Lair Bosses.
• A new type of collectible can be found in Delves – Mementos. Each Memento grants mastery and is based on the enemies encountered in the Delve Tier.
• Mementos decay after 3 hours of online time if they are not learnt, but can be deconstructed in to Pressure-Locked Delve Caches.
• New Banners can be obtained through Delves. These banners can be crafted by combining poles, flags, and Inert Geodes at the Delve Workbench in the Hub.
• Decorative versions of these banners can also be obtained for players who want to decorate their cornerstones and club worlds. These recipes are sold by Pebble traders found when defeating Delve Lair Bosses.
• In addition to the Light Banners craftable at the Delve Workbench, for those with Enchanted Seasinew Torches or Enshadowed Tendril Torches, new recipes to upgrade these items can be found on the Sunseeker's Crystalforge in Geode Topside. These new upgrades can be deconstructed back in to the Enchanted Seasinew Torch or Enshadowed Tendril Torch.
• Delve allies can be rarely found in appropriate biomes within Delves or crafted at the Delve Workbench.
• Some of the Shadow Tower bosses have crept in to Delves and in the process have picked up some new mounts! Hydrakken has been unable to move his wall underground, but the others can occasionally be found. Daughter of the Moon has acquired 3 new mounts, while Pinata God, Spikewalker, and Weeping Prophet have all acquired 1 new mount.
• In addition to Crystal gear, Delves is the only place where Crystal 4 is available, but only for the most intrepid and hardened of explorers!
• Delves also give 6 badges for completion of Public, Private, and Challenge delves.
Vaca-matic Module
• The Vaca-Matic, a new module, is now craftable at the Module Workbench. The Vaca-matic sucks in nearby crystals in Geode Caves and nearby enemies in Delves.
• Crystals now have a small internal cooldown on giving back energy and reducing grappling hook cost.
Delve Day
• Shadow Day is now known as Delve Day!
• The bonuses for Delve Day are:
Trove Forums July 6, 2020 0
Crystal Combat Patch Notes
Featuring Geode Topside Adventure Worlds, 5-Star Dungeons, Light and Dark, Gems, Cosmic Gems, Crystal Rarity, New Expertise Threads, Atlas, Store, Star Bar, Dragons, New Styles and Additional Updates.
Trove Forums December 17, 2018 4
PTS Patch Notes - Crystal Combat Update
Hey folks. Please be aware that we are currently moving offices, so the dev team will not be able to respond as quickly to issues on PTS as we usually try to do. We didn't want to hold back PTS any longer, but we likely will not be able to patch for several days. Once we're back from the move, we'll also take a look at addressing an issue preventing Mac users from accessing PTS. Please bear with us in the meantime as you explore the Crystal Combat Update.
Trove Forums November 29, 2018 2
Improvements Patch Notes - August 7, 2018
Trove Forums August 1, 2018 2
Adventures Patch Notes - November 14, 2017
The huge Trove - Adventures update includes Clubs 2.0, Club Adventures, Hero NPCs, Club Fixtures, Club Ranks and Permissions, Adventures Window, Frameworks, Forbidden Spires Biome, Tethering, Mastery, Leaderboards, Trophies, Badges and Achievements, Store Updates, Luxion of the GOlden Hoard, Dragons, Knight Updates, Radiant and Stellar Rings, Plasma Fishing, Early Game Changes, LED Blocks, Music Note Blocks, New Dungeons and some Additional Updates.
Trove Forums November 10, 2017 1
PTS Patch Notes - Trove Adventures - October 19, 2017
PTS has been updated with the Trove - Adventures expansion including the following major changes; Character Copy to PTS, Clubs 2.0, Club Adventures, Hero NPCs, Club Fixtures, Club Ranks and Permissions, Adventures Window, Frameworks, Tethering, Mastery, Leaderboards, Trophies, Badges and Steam Achievements, Store, Luxion of the Golden Hoard, Dragons, Knight Updates, Radiant and Stellar Rings, Plasma Fishing, Early Game Changes, LED Blocks, Music Note Blocks and New Dungeons.
Trove Forums October 19, 2017 18
Eclipse Patch Notes - August 22, 2017
Eclipse patch notes introduces Gem Stat Augment and Reroll System, Subclasses, Shadow Tower Foyer, Shadow Hydrakken, Darknik Dreadnought, New Dragons, Trovian Atlas updates to the Fae Trickster and more.
Trove Forums August 18, 2017 11
PTS Patch Notes
PTS is planned to be up this long weekend, due to be shut down Wednesday morning. Test the new Trovian Atlas and Sub Classes.
Trove Forums June 30, 2017 13
Megalithic Update: Console Patch Notes
The Megalithic Update arrives June 27, and will bring Consoles in sync with PC/Mac features. This includes the Dino Tamer class, the Jurassic Jungle Biome and more.
Trove Forums June 23, 2017 0
Patch Notes - Depth Charge - April 11, 2017
Depth Charge is an event that runs from April 18, to May 2 and features a quest series with mining robots and Qubesly.
Trove Forums April 7, 2017 0
Patch Notes - Valentine's Day! - Febuary 14, 2017
Source: http://forums.trovegame.com/showthread.php?117593-Patch-Notes-Valentine-s-Day!-Febuary-14-2017
Trove Forums February 14, 2017 0
PC/Mac Patch Notes - Snowfest & Get Crafty! - December 20, 2016
Chaos Chests have been revamped, Crafting Inventory added, Challenges and Minigames updates as well as Snowfest.
Trove Forums December 20, 2016 3
Patch Notes - Shadow's Eve, Mods, and Dragonite - Oct 11, 2016
Shadow's Eve is Back and Even Better!
Trove Forums October 10, 2016 4
Patch Notes - Dracocolatly Day - Sept 27, 2016
This page was created automatically from http://forums.trovegame.com/showthread.php?109373-Patch-Notes-Dracocolatly-Day-Sept-27-2016
Trove Forums September 23, 2016 0
New Download - Crash Fix, Biome Recipe Fix - Sep 13, 2016
This page was created automatically from http://forums.trovegame.com/showthread.php?108820-New-Download-Crash-Fix-Biome-Recipe-Fix-Sep-13-2016
Trove Forums September 14, 2016 0
Patch - The Mighty Jungle - Sep 13, 2016
This page was created automatically from http://forums.trovegame.com/showthread.php?108697-Patch-The-Mighty-Jungle-Sep-13-2016
Trove Forums September 13, 2016 2
[PT-BR] Patch - Prehistoric Preview - August 30, 2016
Tradução das informações do patch notes da atualização de 30/08/2016
Talita August 30, 2016
Club: Gamesguts Brasil
Patch - Prehistoric Preview - August 30, 2016
This page was created automatically from http://forums.trovegame.com/showthread.php?108020-Patch-Prehistoric-Preview-August-30-2016
Trove Forums August 30, 2016 1