Boomeranger Blowup PTS Patch Notes
When thinking about the Boomeranger, a core identifying feature of the class is choosing what weapon to use, so when considering how to update the class we wanted to make this choice matter more. Now the Boomeranger gains different versions of the Boomerang and Big Bomb abilities depending on whether a Melee weapon or Bow is equipped. Each has a slightly different playstyle, and we’d encourage players to experiment with them. Additionally, a version of the subclass ability has been added to the main class – a fairy companion will now help the player when at low health. The intent here was to increase incentives for playing at closer ranges. Finally, new effects have been added to the Mystery Urn – we’re interested to see player reactions!
Boomeranger Updates
- Passive – Final Fairy – Boomeranger can equip ether a bow or melee weapons. Basic attacks and abilities change based on what weapon the Boomeranger has equipped. With the Bow equipped basic attacks will shoot Fire Arrows, Ice Arrows, and Bomb Arrows in that order. Fire Arrows deal damage over time, Ice slow enemies, and bomb arrows deal damage in an area. With Melee equipped, every 3rd attack summons a cyclone at your location dealing damage over time for a short time. Additionally, a fairy companion will heal and grant 100% damage reduction for a short time when the Boomeranger is at low health.
- Basic Attack (Bow) – The Boomeranger fires arrows at the target dealing 240% physical damage each attack. Arrows now have a related element and fire in a sequence. First Fire Arrows that apply a damage over time effect, then Ice Arrows that apply a slowing effect, and finally Bomb arrows that fire 3 at a time and deal damage in an area.
- Basic Attack (Melee) – The Boomeranger melee attacks deal 270% physical damage each swing. Every 3rd attack the Boomeranger will perform a spin attack that summons a cyclone dealing 100% physical damage every 0.5 seconds for 1.5 seconds.
- Primary Ability – Big Bomb (Bow) – Throws a timed bomb that deals 750% physical damage and causes knockback to enemies damaged by it.
- Primary Ability – Big Bomb (Melee) – Throws out small, timed bombs that explode, dealing 250% physical damage to targets. This ability has a stock of 5.
- Secondary Ability – Bomerangs!!!! (Bow) – Throw three boomerangs that deal 450% physical damage and return after hitting an enemy or wall. Every 3rd basic attack recharges this ability. If caught the player will gain increased attack speed and damage for a short time. Boomerangs have a chance to stun. This ability has a stock of 4.
- Secondary Ability – Bomerang of the Wind (Melee) – Throws a large boomerang that deals 550% physical damage to enemies it passes through. If caught the player will gain increased attack speed and damage for a short time. The Boomerang has a chance to stun.
- Ultimate Ability – Mysterious Urn – Throws a mysterious urn for area damage and a random bonus.
- The Class Gem affects the Secondary Abilities in the following ways:
- Big Bawk Bomb (Bow) – Throws a timed bomb that deals 800% physical damage and causes knockback to enemies damaged by it. These spawn chickens that attack enemies for a brief duration.
- Tiny Bawn Bombs (Melee) – Throws out small, timed bombs that explodes dealing 300% physical damage to targets. These spawn chickens that attack enemies for a brief duration. This ability has a stock of 5.
- Fixed a bug where some costumes for the Boomeranger were not using the correct Bawk Bomb models.
- Reduced the sound of Blast Bow Explosion.
New User Experience Updates
- The tutorial has undergone adjustments to improve flow and reduce points of confusion.
- Yellow arrows in the tutorial have been replaced with purple.
- Players are no longer asked to construct and place a Loot Collector to complete the first Island of the Tutorial.
- We now make it easier and more friendly to follow the starting quests by having markers on the compass, map, and new VFX in game.
- Qubesly (and many of his relatives) have INCREASED IN SIZE to become more noticeable. Please politely allow them to bring this up first during conversation. I, for one, welcome our new Hugesly overlords.
- Reduced the amount of shine on the Trove logo in the middle of the Trove Hub.
- The Trove Hub now has a new graphical map to display the different areas of the hub and their contents. The normal map will display once outside of the Trove Hub area.
Chaos Crafting Updates
- The Chaos Core Crafter has now been split in to two different workbenches:
- Chaos Crafter, which has all of the collections which are also found in Chaos Chests
- Chaotic Combinator, which has all of the classes, costumes, and Light/Dark Vault recipes
- Both workbenches can be found in the Hub or crafted from the Novice and Builder’s Crafting Benches.
- Adjusted how workbenches load to reduce wait time when opening benches like the Chaos Crafter.
- New costumes have been added to the Chaotic Combinator!
- Added the Fiery Champion for the Knight by meekoz!
- Added the Tricksy Bat for the Fae Trickster by _FutureHero_ and Swizz!
- Added the Punkin’ Prankster for the Fae Trickster by SkyTheVirus!
- Added the Mycellum Master for the Dracolyte by Jusiv!
- Added the FrostByte for the Ice Sage by LippyLapras!
- Added the Chubbster’s Captain for the Pirate Captain by Evilagician and Ylva!
- Added the Buff Howlung Berserker for the Vanguardian by maleeBEAUTIFUL!
- Added the Meowy Mecha for the Vanguardian by GadgetCAT!
- Added the FL1GHT-3R for the Vanguardian by Acculluz!
- Added the Albardian for the Bard by SkyTheVirus!
- Added the Skeliachi for the Bard by MojoTaega!
- Added the B4RD for the Bard by PROfessOriginal!
New Dungeons
- New Geode Topside 1-Star dungeon by ABprice!
- New Geode Topside 1-Star dungeon by Cyekie!
- New Permafrost 1-Star dungeon by Cyekie!
- New Dragonfire Peaks 1-Star dungeon by Foodfight2!
New Styles
- Added Crocodile Smile Helmet by SkyTheVirus to Stash Exclusive.
- Added Uncatchable Epic Helmet by Ranuribufo to Stash Exclusive.
- Added Curious Chimp Helmet by PROfessOriginal to Stash Exclusive.
- Added Headbutt Expert Helmet by _FutureHero_ to Stash Exclusive.
- Added Sea Unicorn Helmet by Sergetoo to Stash Exclusive.
- Added Slow Sheller Gun by siisawesome to Jurassic Jungle.
- Added Drilling Punch Fist by siisawesome to Neon City.
- Added Balanced Power Fist by galaxoman to Forbidden Spires.
- Added Lollipop Hearts Bow by Wind_Caller to Candy.
- Added Lavish Lance Spear by KingDrav to Highlands.
- Added Incarnation Of Moonlight Staff by dre4ml1ght to Shadow.
- Added T(rove)-Rex Staff by Nezz to Shadow.
- Added Feathered Duckness Staff by 0sita to Fae.
- Added Hope’s End Melee by Nezz to Undead.
- Added Emberdrake’s Rage Melee by RepoioZhukulemtho to Dragon.
- Added Orange Axe Melee by psmahmoud60 to Candy.
- Added Sky Breaker Melee by Kuula to Radiant.
- Added Emanation Melee by Nezz to Forbidden Spires.
New Decorations
- Added Dusky Lantern by _FutureHero_ to the Haunted Workbench.
- Added Tiny Fungolith by Cyekie to the Geodian Workbench.
- Added Garden Lantern by _FutureHero_ to the Faerie Workbench.
- Added Garden Moon by _FutureHero_ to the Faerie Workbench.
- dded Garden Turtle by _FutureHero_ to the Faerie Workbench.
Additional Updates
- Daily login quests during events now correctly give experience as they say they will.
- The maximum flux listing price on the Marketplace is now 50,000,000 flux.
- Fixed an issue with the Fae Trickster Hidden Effect Mobilize.
- The Chloromancer ability Green Gatling now does less damage to blocks.
- The Berserker Emblem now displays VFX when flasks are consumed.
- NPCs which spawn Ice Comets now only change the terrain temporarily.
- The wings for Mastery 850 and 900 have been updated.
- The shields for Power Rank 40,000 have been added.
- Fixed an issue where trying to craft rings in higher rank uber worlds as a lower power rank character would prevent the craft from succeeding.
- Challenges asking players to complete dungeons in specific biomes will now correctly advance in Uber 10 and 11 worlds, giving a 6x bonus multiplier.
- Delve Shadowkey Fragments can now drop from Uber-11 Geode Topside dungeons.
- The small chests in the Sundered Uplands 5-Star dungeons can now also very rarely drop crystal gear.
- The Rampage Challenge alert now displays correct requirements when inside Delves or Geode Caves.
- Vines can now be seen (and rarely looted from NPCs) within the following Delve Biomes:
- Subnautic Passage
- Toxic tunnels
- Outrageous Trovian Delve
- Extreme Trovian Delve
- Corners of Q’bthulhu’s Realm
- Three variants exist for each of these vine types:
- Pink Bulbcolony
- Blue Bulbcolony
- Cave Strangler
- Poison Applevine
- Pink Cave Creeper (wall)
- Blue Cave Creeper (wall)
- Placeable signs now use a wall-mounted version of themselves when placed on walls.
- Club channel numbers should now display in numerical order when loading in to a world.
- Each biome’s workbench now appears on the Outpost, next to the quest giver. Additionally, all Medieval Highlants Outposts now have a quest giver as well.
- Allies are now auto-looted when harvested from habitats.
- Updated the VFX for the Framework Fabricator’s net.
- Updated some VFX for Raymon the Ever-Puffed.
- “Search for this item on workbench” buttons have been added to many recipes on many workbenches across the game!
- Fixed an issue with the Shinkira, the Cinderwing unlocker causing it to unlock the Ashen Wanderer instead.
- Fauna from the Jurassic Jungle somehow made it into the Everdark. The Shadow has utilized their Fauna-B-Gone and rid their realm of the invasive plant life.
- Block previews for training dummies will now show an accurate preview of the dummy.
- Fixed an issue where spectators in Bomber Royale could cause team trail VFX to persist.
- The description for Worn Sails no longer directs the player to find Saltwater Sam. He’s tired of telling everyone he doesn’t have them.
- The Cosmic Cranium icon in collections is no longer pretending to be the Starry Daze icon.