We've updated the database to the Launch is Coming Update.
- Platinum Boxes Opened Badge -
- Diamond Boxes Opened Badge -
- Obsidian Boxes Opened Badge
- Platinum Consecutive Days Logged In Badge
- Diamond Consecutive Days Logged In Badge
- Obsidian Consecutive Days Logged In Badge
- Platinum Total Days Logged In Badge
- Diamond Total Days Logged In Badge
- Platinum Fishing Badge -
- Diamond Fishing Badge -
- Obsidian Fishing Badge -
Azulian Dragon Ascension
- Arcanium Steamboat - Clipper class ship.
Badge Reward
- Trovian Trawler category changed from Ships to Badge Reward
- Frenzied Fisher - If it swims, shoot it.
- Kami of Cursed Counsel - Its guidance leads to greatness and the aggravation of your foes
In Progress
- Rampage Raptor category changed from Store to InProgress
- Fae Wildweaver - Fae children learn early to fly low beneath the forest canopy
- Ruffian Tumbler name changed from Trove-mobile
Fledgling Dragon
- Monarch Dragon Fledgling - Rulers among dragonkind, Monarch dragons are noble, sage and equanimous
Adult Dragon
- Monarch Dragon - As they mature, Monarch dragons spend less time on the prime, and more tending to matters of import in remote locales
Legendary Dragon
- Valkizer, King of Dragons - Zehira herself appointed him to rule for ten thousand years
- Arcanium Crawler - This rugged all-terrain arachnid can handle the rigors of the road
- Boneweaver - Spins its web with silk and bone, a gloomy tapestry to call a home
- Spite Biter - Someone tried to wash it. Once.
- Questing Equestrian category changed from Store to Badges
- Infineon Charger category changed from InProgress to Badges
- Radiant Rainmaker name changed from Radiant Ruminant
- Radiant Rainmaker category changed from InProgress to Badges
- Striding Starchaser name changed from Serene Starchaser
- Striding Starchaser category changed from InProgress to Badges
- Monarch Dragonling - Very proper and well-behaved, as behooves royalty
- Bounding Boot category changed from Fishing to Crafted
- Qubeta v0.1 name changed from Qubrix
- Qubeta v0.1 category changed from Hidden to Promo
- Companion Cube - It would never dump you into a furnace. You monster.
- quarble - color wheel
- Faerie - Hey, Listen!
- Frenzied Fisher - If it swims, shoot it.
- Pearlescent Pinions - The truth is revealed to those who seek long enough.
- Soulfire Wings - Be borne aloft by the spirits of the dead.
- Arcanium Discord - Steam-powered science gone bad.
- Defender's Drape name changed from Defender's Wings
- Pet: Faerie - -
- Pet: Chameleon - -
- Acidic - Tomb Raiser Costume -
- Soulkeeper - Tomb Raiser Costume -
- The Orange Block - Use it to unlock the Headcrab hat style, Crowbar melee style, and the Companion Cube ally! -
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