I don't understand this report at all. I can't tell if you're trying to report an issue with the Trovesaurus site, or a bug in-game. It kind of seems like you've rebound the key for accessing the leaderboards menu, you should be able to reset it to default in the settings menu.
I'm seeing extra damage numbers pop off of enemies for every third attack I do as a boomeranger on target dummies and on normal enemies. Can you provide a video reproducing this?
If there's a separate issue with the target dummies as you mentioned, I would also appreciate details about that.
After looking into this, it seems like what's happening is that when you search for sails, you are seeing any unlockers that either are just a sail or are a boat unlocker that comes with a sail. If there are any cases where a search of the sail category returns a boat unlocker that doesn't include a sail, that would be a bug.
Looking at the history of the file where this string is stored, I don't see any changes to this area in over a year. It's been the way it is now for a long time.
I cannot reproduce this issue. The Wednesday bonus is a chance to receive an additional gem box from a dungeon chest, so it won't occur from every one. It does seem to be occurring at the expected rate to grant extra Uber-11 Cosmic Gem Boxes in Uber-11 Geode Topside worlds.
This occurred a long time ago and there's no telling what might have been going on at the time, and I haven't been able to reproduce this based on the details that are here. Please update this if it does still occur.
I can't reproduce this with the information provided. Please let me know if there are any more specific conditions required in order to reproduce this.