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T-257: Boomeranger 3rd consecutive attack no applying bonus damage

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Can't Reproduce
We can't reproduce this bug, please let us know if there are more specific steps needed.






Jul 29, 2022

Jul 29, 2022




Issue Details



Fighting enemies in u11


As the ability description (Final Bow [passive ability]) states, "Every third attack done by the Boomeranger does extra damage."


You can try it on a target dummy, but they are kind of bugged at the moment, so the best way to do it is on mobs that you don't necessarily one shot. Test rotations multiple times and consistently result in the same damage on every hit.
2 years ago MeanMug changed status from Reported to Can't Reproduce

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I'm seeing extra damage numbers pop off of enemies for every third attack I do as a boomeranger on target dummies and on normal enemies. Can you provide a video reproducing this?

If there's a separate issue with the target dummies as you mentioned, I would also appreciate details about that.


There is no bug specific to target dummies, but what they are most likely referring to is that club worlds with a high cumulative uptime begin to have delayed updates when processing some things. The most easily noticeable things that are affected by this are combat, crafting, and world item drops. It is especially noticeable when shooting target dummies as it looks like 50% or more of your attacks do not register at all. I can't give an exact timeframe as to when this begins happening, but it seems to have affected most clubs that have been used on a daily basis for around a year or longer on PC.
It is working as intended. A more accurate description for the ability might be "every third shot fires three arrows at once". The numbers displayed for the amount of damage dealt will never change, but every third shot will deal that amount of damage 3 times at once.


This makes a lot more sense. Thank you so much for the clarification.


Also, I just realized that I had the "Better damage number" mod, so it only registers the 3rd attack as 1 hit. When I disable it, it shows all 3. Nonetheless, I'm glad I now know that they're just 3 separate attacks, not 1 burst amount.