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Comments that this user has made.
Commented on: Windcatcher Webwings Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: Godly Golden Armor Mod mod
Commented on: Cinnabar Squad Quad Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: Etaewday Celebrations page
Commented on: Quest chain - Shadow Escalation (AUG 22th - SEP 5th) page
Commented on: Community Draws SkyRider3217 page
Commented on: Celestial Harbinger of Divinity mod
Commented on: Country Communities page
Commented on: Country Communities page
for now it's not really that good, as there aren't manny menbers in each comunity, mainly, but once the "menberbase" grows, the potential is huge, with the adition of subforums or something of sorts for each community, then...
i already saw that the communities have managers (the bigger ones, at least), but as they grow they are likely to need moderators and such, if that's not a feature yet, i would highly recommend adding it soon.
as a side note, it makes me really happy that the brzilian community is the 2nd biggest as of now :3
Commented on: Positivity Fortnight page
Commented on: Trovesaurus Community Tasks - June page
This site is already amazing, but the things that i think should be improved are item pages.
All items should have a description of what they are/do and how to get them, as quite a lot of them are virtually blank.
the second thing is that there should be a better item viewer for those who can't open the current one, sketchfab, for example.
Commented on: Pinata Protector Giveaway giveaway
Commented on: Shadairn, Voice of Nightfall (first mod and brazillian mod) mod