To help support our regional communities we have created a Country Communities section, where you can set your association with a country and find other users, artists, modders and streamers from your area. News and guides can also be listed in your own language if you follow the instructions.


  • Join a country community by visiting the community page when logged in, and press Join
  • Let us know what you think about these community pages in the comments below, what you'd like to see added or improved

Visit Country Communities page

Note: Please note, this page only lists users which has a country set, if your country is missing, edit your profile and set it there.


  • Saturday, July 29, 2017 to Saturday, August 12, 2017


  • 11 random users who have joined a country community will receive 1x Reward Token
  • 11 random commenters (on topic, not generic message) who have left feedback on this page will receive 1x Reward Token


Comments and Likes Comments 135

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Where are the other 136 countries?

Note: Please note, this page only lists users which has a country set, if your country is missing, edit your profile and set it there.

Quem ganhou?

uh when are the winners being announced o3o?? , just curious :'D


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Its cool how u can talk to other people from the same country as you as i only met a few in trove itself


I think it's pretty neat. Just a place to to talk to others in the sam region as you.

Good a token, good luck all

the feature is okey and is pretty good to find people who wants to play that are from the same country like you but only thing i have to say there is no argentina community. it will we great if you add argentina to the community country


wow, this feature was cool, so sad. there's only few indonesia people here.i mean in this site. and yeah, maybe you should make more cool looking ui and maybe like "Welcome [your name]" in the country community page?. in their own language [woah, that must be hard]

Hey, Russia here! x)

e.e Brasil huehue

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Love The country communities page it is the best 



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The country communities has ade me realize how many asians really play Trove, and honestly, indonesia's community is kinda sad...

saya tau perasaan anda.

What would be cool is a better way to communicate eachother, the direct messages and comments aren't the best way to do it, maybe a forum ?

Not sure if I joined it or not, but hello! Neat idea by the way! :D

Edit: I did join it, it's all good :)

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 No moder in russia's community yet(

I really like the idea of having country communities, and it would be really nice if there were a own online chat for each country, Even though there are currently only 2 ppl in the finnish country community C:

!! hey. wow

It's pretty neat to have communities. but I'm not a fan of it being based on where you were born. We are all Trovians at heart. We should come together, not be seperated by our birth place. :)

You can pick whatever country you like, I encourage you to pick the country you live. This allows you to find other Trovians in your area and language.

Well... I joined.. what now? Doesnt feel any rewarding or anything :p

 I want rare fish :<

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There is no adequate CIS community, if there is, then quite a bit, alas.

- Fix the server lag, is all we want!!

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Maybe, add some online chat or something to talk and know each other can be nice on those pages

It will be nice to see explanation on Country Communities page for what exactly that page exist.

too bad there is no greek people in Community  :(

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What I like most is that I can see the general specialties of each country, and they really aren't too different. A good reminder that all countries are talented and can create amazing things.

Achei muito legal essas comunidades!! Vai Brasil!!

It's a really cool idea. seeing other players in the same country like you. 

Deez nuts


Now, we can help each other with our native language, niceidea

Good idea!

Amazing idea ! We need more closer talk and this will help each other in some ways :)

BR no comando !

idea is nice, will be better for adding ways to attract people to react to each other within the community, either contests or sth else, making people want to continuously coming back and using this section. ;3

This idea is fantastic, good job guys 

Very nice this idea now  i can join party whit anothers Peruvians =D

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hmmm the idea is lovely but maybe have a more involved way of the countries getting involved with each other? like co-ops or contests based around trove in each country?? something that would make people more connected and getting over the language barrier :P and of course to have fun at the same time

I really LOVED this idea, good job! Forza Italia

This is a great idea !!! i find one other artists :D

French trove !!!!...  ho.... is just me R.I.P

This is a great way to help make everyone closer. As a community, most of us are so self absorbed that we dont even bother asking anyone about nationalities. Being able to see the list of countries and where certain players are located is really cool. Thanks

What a great idea! I absolutely love the new page for Country Communities! It's really nice to see an organized layout of all of the artists and modders and such for each country. And I've always been curious of some people's nationality, and this is a great way to display it. I hope to see more awesome features like this in the future! Keep up the great work!

great addition! :)

Vai sair nos consoles junto?

Sair oq?? Nao tem nada a ver com o jogo isso è so dentro do trovesaurus 

Nice idea!! My suggestion is maybe add a "Join Community" button and make it automatically set your nationality? I think that's easier than getting people to go and edit their profile settings.

Keep up the excellent work Etaew

There is a Join button on each country page.

Great addition! It's nice and subtle way to know people from your own country. I hope this community to grow even more :)

maybe we would set our country AND also the langages we are able to speak/read/writte ...
so the sorting option would give us more options ;)

só vai galera

Why is Hong Kong listed as a country even though it is a part of China?

it's complicated, it is and at the same time it isn't part of china, for more details, ask uncle google

Best trove page <3

Italy ????????

brazilian comunity <3

Russian community, Loves all <3

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 Interesting feature!! This will help the community connect a little easier

Great feature will also help people looking for their first language, - club :)

vai brasiliam

Go brasil

 Interesting feature!! This will help the community connect a little easier

Vai Brasil! Go brazil!

Vai Braziliam


Congratulations to everyone for this idea. That will help a lot!

liked this!

This is incredible and can help players a lot. Congratulations. XD

It was a great idea to create regional communities.
This can help many ppls ,not only the younger players, but also the older ones.
Whether it's looking for a club or a channel on discord, videos and streamers looking for tutorials and builds.
I think it only needs more divulgation, few players know about the existence page

really nice iniciative! quero ver cada vez mais brasileiros botando a cara aqui (:

Viva Austria!!!


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It's exciting seeing where people are from, especially when its unexpected :D

Kamusta? Hello :)


very nice idea.




Hi I'm new here! Interesting feature. Would be interesting to find other locals who play! 

I really wish the site able to let us translate all parts and article page.

Very interesting feature. It seems a bit empty right now, but it looks like it will become very useful for finding clubs as more people participate. Keep up the good work, guys!

I really like the idea, but I think there's something missing... Like a tutorial telling us how to use the country communities or at least some kind of list of what we can do there and where to start. Maybe you should get more people who could help translating everything. I know this is a big deal, and there's a lot to go through yet, but at least you'll always have our support! Keep up with the good work, I really think this is a great improvement :3

someone else from swiss?

Esto sera muy interesante, ya que nos permitira conocer a jugadores de nuestro pais con los cuales poder interactuar de mejor manera :)! . Gracias por esta gran oportunidad que nos brinda esta pagina para concer a gente hispanohablante. 

Great idea. Now we can see who's from where.

Nice to know who the person plays is and what country they are currently in.

Buena idea

I think it is a very good idea :)  

It seems like a pretty helpful idea! There are many Trove  players around the world that don't have the benefit of seeking out a detailed guide/wiki for the game in their language! With Country Communities, these players can chat with people that speak their language and people that can potentially help them out! 

I myself would love to, and will, join a country community with a spanish language and help out those in need! :D

Good idea. This will help the community connect a little easier and help define native languages.

Good idea but I think that not many players come from Poland, but who knows maybe I'm wrong ;)


Nice! Good idea :)

 that nice^^

How nice :D ! I hope the communites will grow up.

this is great idea :o

It's a great idea , i can see all the people has a same country as me !

Niice! Good idea, now i can find some friends easier!! <3

Thats nice! I would like to see a list of the discord servers from these countries.

Country managers can add links to the page :)

for now it's not really that good, as there aren't manny menbers in each comunity, mainly, but once the "menberbase" grows, the potential is huge, with the adition of subforums or something of sorts for each community, then...

i already saw that the communities have managers (the bigger ones, at least), but as they grow they are likely to need moderators and such, if that's not a feature yet, i would highly recommend adding it soon.


as a side note, it makes me really happy that the brzilian community is the 2nd biggest as of now :3

For now, we just launched it? :p

And yes there is the ability to add managers.

nice that I get to know people I can talk on my native language :]

Great concept! Now I know some people living in the same country as me

Any chance we get a direct link to do so

To do what?

This is a pretty good idea to me as you can dm them and play together as you are in the same time zones

About the same time zones, not all places have the time zones, lol

In NA for example, there's Pacific, Mountain, Central, and Eastern Time zones.

 Awesome concept

Great concept! Nice to see the variety of worldwide people.

This is awesome!  Glad people know where I'm from!

This is a great improvement to the page, and it should specify the main club of a especific Country Community.

Trove Israel :P

If your country isn't listed, edit your profile and choose one. We only list countries which people have picked.

I think it s a great ideea :).

 I hope many Hungarian player will join to the Trove Hungary  ^-^

Really great idea! Maybe add the option to join multiple countries?

Do you live in multiple countries?

Was thinking in terms of identifying with the place of origin along with where you currently live, but I see your point

 I would add the search tool if countries community start to have more countries

Really cool idea, is there any possibility if you could just show the country flags and their respective names so it'll be easier to look for countries? Also a search button at the top would be nice o3o

 I can't join brazilian's community page

Can finally enjoy the huge community of denmark, (o.o)

 It is very sad when there are VERY few people from my country (Malaysia) playing this game ;-;

And I'm the only one active in the game.

Wow This is nice

Sounds like a great idea to help us find people to play with etc.