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Alternative Cosmic Dragon VFXCosmetics

Gives the cosmic dragon some custom VFX replacing the current reused ones and also fixes some of its positionings
Biome Environmental OverhaulCosmetics

Changes many of the environmental VFX to make the game more pleasing to watch, those changes can be seen in:
- All biomes with the general VFX (sun, moon and clouds)
- Permafrost
- Luminopolis & Neon City
- Jurassic Jungle
- Dragonfire Peaks
- Forbidden Spires
- Sundered Uplands
- Shores of the Everdark
- Radiant Ruins
- Igneous Islands
- Cursed Skylands
- Geode Topside surface & underground (cave systems under Hollow Dunes sub-biome)
As an additional change, this mod also changes the texture of Geode Topside's surface making its tone darker while still feeling true to vanilla
- All biomes with the general VFX (sun, moon and clouds)
- Permafrost
- Luminopolis & Neon City
- Jurassic Jungle
- Dragonfire Peaks
- Forbidden Spires
- Sundered Uplands
- Shores of the Everdark
- Radiant Ruins
- Igneous Islands
- Cursed Skylands
- Geode Topside surface & underground (cave systems under Hollow Dunes sub-biome)
As an additional change, this mod also changes the texture of Geode Topside's surface making its tone darker while still feeling true to vanilla
"La Creatura"Allies

"When you stare at the void..."
Space Invaders - MinigameCosmetics

A take on the classic retro game "Space Invaders" made fully playable inside Trove
Instructions of the game
To start the game type /zzz or /sleep on chat, the board will always appear facing north from you
The game ends when:
-You have lost all of your HP
-An enemy has reached the end of the screen
-You have killed all the enemies on screen
-The player ship has a total of 5 HP represented by the color of the ship and the counter on the top left of the screen, if the counter goes to 0 the ship will explode and the board will be deleted (afk prevention)
-The player is able to move by aiming at the half of the screen which direction you want to move (for example: if you want to move left, aim at the left half), a line splits the two halfs to make it easier to see and an arrow below the ship indicates where you're moving
-Each time the player moves a shot is fired, this movement and consequently shooting rate increases as time passes by
-Enemies have a total of 10 HP represented by their color and the board is always filled with 150 of them
-After some seconds of the game being started, enemies will start shooting randomly everytime they move
-Enemies scroll horizontally and each time they reach a border will also do vertically by 1 unit
-Every enemy killed increases the speed of those still standing
-Last enemy standing will receive an absurd amount of speed in order to try and reach the end, make sure to stop it
Thanks to Ylva for making the meshes used
Instructions of the game
To start the game type /zzz or /sleep on chat, the board will always appear facing north from you
The game ends when:
-You have lost all of your HP
-An enemy has reached the end of the screen
-You have killed all the enemies on screen
-The player ship has a total of 5 HP represented by the color of the ship and the counter on the top left of the screen, if the counter goes to 0 the ship will explode and the board will be deleted (afk prevention)
-The player is able to move by aiming at the half of the screen which direction you want to move (for example: if you want to move left, aim at the left half), a line splits the two halfs to make it easier to see and an arrow below the ship indicates where you're moving
-Each time the player moves a shot is fired, this movement and consequently shooting rate increases as time passes by
-Enemies have a total of 10 HP represented by their color and the board is always filled with 150 of them
-After some seconds of the game being started, enemies will start shooting randomly everytime they move
-Enemies scroll horizontally and each time they reach a border will also do vertically by 1 unit
-Every enemy killed increases the speed of those still standing
-Last enemy standing will receive an absurd amount of speed in order to try and reach the end, make sure to stop it
Thanks to Ylva for making the meshes used
iZac, The classy NinjaCostumes (Neon Ninja)
Accepted 2 years ago
iZac, The classy Ninja
Party's SoulCosmetics

Always thinking on the next big event
Cr0nicl3's Boss RadarUtility

Makes a trail going from your camera to:
Cursed Skulls
5-Star activators
Disclaimer: this mod uses a technology that has been introduced on Trove Sunrise update and hence is still in a bit of a work in progress, making the effect to flicker/delay. This may change some time in the future but it will have to be on the game's end, else there's no way to prevent it, I've tried my best to but to no avail. I ask for patience as the developer in charge of this is doing it by will
I do not give permission to publish a custom version of this mod, you can do your own to keep for yourself though, I'm fine with that
Cursed skulls doesn't show to me
Check your VFX quantity and set it higher if not already at max, cursed skulls VFX are low-priority VFX and if there's a lot of VFX around it won't show, the mod has the function to always show cursed skulls as long as its VFX are displaying, this can't be made in any other way and has always been the way in other boss radars
The mod makes my game crash
This is actually not because of the mod's fault at all, Trove Sunrise update has made the game more unstable in terms of keeping itself up, the mod is no more than 2 particles for each instance and 2 lines of real code, it couldn't be more optimised
Why bosses have more than one line
This is because bosses can have multiple attachment points for its buffs, and each one is located in either its head, torso or feet. Buffs are what is replaced for the radar's lines so they point to those attachments. (Then prevent it) I can't, there's no way to tell them appart, specially when they are different instances
The mod doesn't work for me
Check if you have any other boss radar mod installed or any other that makes it to conflict, two mods overriding the same thing can't coexist as one will disable the other, if it's not the case, try checking your VFX quantity setting. If any of this work maybe it's because you're doing dungeons on a low-tier portal, making bosses to not have any power-up yet which is what this mod uses to be displayed and hence making it untraceable
Is this a hack?
No it's not, this mod has been able to be done thanks to a dev itself willingly implementing the technology needed for it inside the game and fully knowing what it was first thought for, which was this kind of mod exactly. There's nothing wrong on using it and doesn't go against the game's terms of service
Can you set it up so I can customize it?
No, not because I don't want to, but because it's impossible. Things such as .cfg's are only usable by UI and UI only, VFX changes can't be done by a regular user unless it is done from the inside
Cursed Skulls
5-Star activators
Disclaimer: this mod uses a technology that has been introduced on Trove Sunrise update and hence is still in a bit of a work in progress, making the effect to flicker/delay. This may change some time in the future but it will have to be on the game's end, else there's no way to prevent it, I've tried my best to but to no avail. I ask for patience as the developer in charge of this is doing it by will
I do not give permission to publish a custom version of this mod, you can do your own to keep for yourself though, I'm fine with that
Cursed skulls doesn't show to me
Check your VFX quantity and set it higher if not already at max, cursed skulls VFX are low-priority VFX and if there's a lot of VFX around it won't show, the mod has the function to always show cursed skulls as long as its VFX are displaying, this can't be made in any other way and has always been the way in other boss radars
The mod makes my game crash
This is actually not because of the mod's fault at all, Trove Sunrise update has made the game more unstable in terms of keeping itself up, the mod is no more than 2 particles for each instance and 2 lines of real code, it couldn't be more optimised
Why bosses have more than one line
This is because bosses can have multiple attachment points for its buffs, and each one is located in either its head, torso or feet. Buffs are what is replaced for the radar's lines so they point to those attachments. (Then prevent it) I can't, there's no way to tell them appart, specially when they are different instances
The mod doesn't work for me
Check if you have any other boss radar mod installed or any other that makes it to conflict, two mods overriding the same thing can't coexist as one will disable the other, if it's not the case, try checking your VFX quantity setting. If any of this work maybe it's because you're doing dungeons on a low-tier portal, making bosses to not have any power-up yet which is what this mod uses to be displayed and hence making it untraceable
Is this a hack?
No it's not, this mod has been able to be done thanks to a dev itself willingly implementing the technology needed for it inside the game and fully knowing what it was first thought for, which was this kind of mod exactly. There's nothing wrong on using it and doesn't go against the game's terms of service
Can you set it up so I can customize it?
No, not because I don't want to, but because it's impossible. Things such as .cfg's are only usable by UI and UI only, VFX changes can't be done by a regular user unless it is done from the inside
Ifera's getting in the holiday spirit with a new hat, festive lights, and even some mistletoe! [Disclaimer: Ifera is still as aggressive. Approach with caution.] Thanks to TFM, Sly, Sirin, and Stimer for advice, and helping me out during a few moments of.. let's call it subpar brainpower. xDThis was fun to make, I hope you enjoy it!Steam page link: helo
Lightning Dracolyte VFXCosmetics

I'll make it brief: Dan Pan said something of an electrified bread on trovesaurus discord, "sparkolyte" came to mind, I did it, nothing more nothing less
Dream ShadodileMounts
Accepted 3 years ago
Leviathan Torches With Beta FireCosmetics

Makes all 3 tier of leviathan torches to have a more nostalgic look
Originally Planned Lunar LeapCosmetics

Changes the lunar leap effect into a moon as it was first thought to be according to the layer name of that said VFX
Bring Old Sprites BackCosmetics

Brings back the old look of delve food and private portals