Out of Date - This mod has been marked as out of date on July 11, 2023. This is likely due to the original file being changed by the Trove Team, it is unlikely to continue working and the mod author will need to submit a new version.

If there are no subsequent updates to the UI files, you can then support another update of 38 Tome. is still a beta version.
The spelling of 'Tome' in the name is incorrect.
The 'Unable to use' button is not displayed when there is a cfg file and the content is normal
After all Legendary Tomes are full, switch to normal Tomes (default is Cybernetics Catalog).
The cfg file needs to be renamed ‘Auto Replace Tome’ or downloaded again.
cfg文件需要重新改名字成Auto Replace Tome或者重新下载。

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Created: May 10, 2023
Updated: November 20, 2023
Type: TMOD
Original Work
Trovesaurus Views: 15,534
Downloads: 6,400
Visible on TroveTools