Space Invaders - Minigame Not Submitted

Mod Description
A take on the classic retro game "Space Invaders" made fully playable inside Trove

Instructions of the game
To start the game type /zzz or /sleep on chat, the board will always appear facing north from you
The game ends when:
-You have lost all of your HP
-An enemy has reached the end of the screen
-You have killed all the enemies on screen

-The player ship has a total of 5 HP represented by the color of the ship and the counter on the top left of the screen, if the counter goes to 0 the ship will explode and the board will be deleted (afk prevention)

-The player is able to move by aiming at the half of the screen which direction you want to move (for example: if you want to move left, aim at the left half), a line splits the two halfs to make it easier to see and an arrow below the ship indicates where you're moving

-Each time the player moves a shot is fired, this movement and consequently shooting rate increases as time passes by

-Enemies have a total of 10 HP represented by their color and the board is always filled with 150 of them

-After some seconds of the game being started, enemies will start shooting randomly everytime they move

-Enemies scroll horizontally and each time they reach a border will also do vertically by 1 unit

-Every enemy killed increases the speed of those still standing

-Last enemy standing will receive an absurd amount of speed in order to try and reach the end, make sure to stop it

Thanks to Ylva for making the meshes used

Versions Different versions of files for this mod.
enemies animation has been fixed
changed behaviour of the erasing tool

1.2 MB

1.2 MB

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Quick TMOD

TMOD MetadataShow

Author: Cr0nicl3D3str0y3r

Notes: Start the game by typing /sleep or /zzz, control the player by aiming at the sides of the screen, 5 lives, 150 enemies, game continuosly going faster and faste

Mod FilesShow

  • dds 1+
    • victory
  • pkfx 1+
    • character_common_sleep_zzz
  • png 1+
    • spaceinvaders
Info Extra information for this mod.

Created: February 17, 2023

Updated: March 5, 2023

Type: TMOD

Originality: Inspired Work

Trovesaurus Views: 2,748

Steam Workshop Views: 503

Downloads: 129

Inspired Work

This idea or design of this mod has been inspired by something else.

Space Invaders (1978)

Visible on TroveTools