adjusted vfx in general to look more like lightning instead of spaguetti, added custom vfx for ult transform and spitfire blast and adjusted burnt offering blast and spitfire load to be less overwhelming
TMOD MetadataShow
Author: Cr0nicl3D3str0y3r
Notes: I'll make it brief: Dan Pan said something of an electrified bread on trovesaurus discord, "sparkolyte" came to mind, I did it, nothing more nothing les
Mod FilesShow
- pkfx 6+
- character_pc_dracolyte_02shadowskin_ability_flamethrower_buffed_stream_01
- character_pc_dracolyte_02shadowskin_ability_flamethrower_stream_01
- character_pc_dracolyte_02shadowskin_ability_idol_explosion_01
- character_pc_dracolyte_02shadowskin_ability_transform_spawn_01
- character_pc_dracolyte_02shadowskin_pet_ability_shoot_active_01
- character_pc_dracolyte_02shadowskin_pet_ability_shoot_projectile_01
- png 1+
- sparkolyte
Some of the Shadow Maw and Pyromagical Prankster costumes' VFX
Created: November 9, 2021
Updated: November 10, 2021
Type: TMOD
Originality: Original Work
Trovesaurus Views: 2,363
Steam Workshop Views: 460
Downloads: 111
Visible on TroveTools