Thanks for taking part in our Trove Trailer contest, we can reveal the entries to you now. We had 7 entries to this contest, so we made sure that they all had a fair chance at winning a prize, some is attached to certain feedback.
Trove by _BoTeR_
- Good use of music
- No title or captions on video
- Video looked too light in most parts
- Smooth movement
- Good progression through the video
- Outro could have done with the Trove logo coming into focus, then with some text
Dance! by Darkpineapple58
- The music and animations fit well as a trailer
- The start of the video didn't have a caption / video title
- Was no captions on scenes naming each of the actors
- The exit Trove logo could have done with some accompanying text
Shadow Tower Trailer by Caslex
- The music fit the Trove theme
- Was good use of titles, captions and intro
- I liked the outro
The Duty of the Light - AltariosM
- Great attempt at a trailer
- Fly-in sound at the start was a bit repetative and annoying
- Loved the story presented
- Some scene movement was pretty choppy when panning, but I know that is super hard to do well
- Really loved the travel through biome clips
- Could have done with some intro text, maybe some "captions" on each scene, especially the text
- The boss fight shown had some jerky circling and movement, it might have been cleaner to have a fixed view there
- Music transition was abrupt during boss fight
- Would have liked to see some sort of outro with logo / credit
Dino Tamer Abilities and Costumes Trailer by pendk
- Music worked in some parts, but then got a little annoying :)
- Good video progression
- Some spelling errors on the text
- Liked the plain grey area when demonstrating the abilities
- Captions could have used a solid background, struggled to read some of the white, and moved on too quickly in some parts of the video, consider cutting down the text displayed.
- Costume display could have done with a zoomed in view, was too much background on them, and an awkward transition to the fighting in background between some of them.
- I liked the fade into the moon, would have liked a Trove logo to appear after it
Dino Tamer Preview by mhepz
- Good title and appropriate music used
- Nice progression and overview
- Text at the end of the video said visit trove website, but didn't give a URL, would have been a good thing to do after the logo at the end
- Weird point of view with hidden character from below, gives a sort of distorted image, could have been better to act as a camera and film someone else
Nightshade Ninja Part 2 by Andrewthemist
- Didn't have an intro, or any captions
- Was pretty choppy for a lot of movement, might be worth adjusting settings to smooth that out.
- Only had game sound
- Lacked any explanation for a story
- The death screen at the end was a good outro, but no Trove logo or text displayed
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Etaew, would you like me to edit my video to help it fit your commentary? I can do so.
I found out one day before the end of the event, did not have time to do something better, but I feel I did the best I could and I like that. Thank you for criticism, help me to grow in editing and make the best next.