

16 minutes ago

by Sergetoo Home Files

Model Viewer: Open in Troxel

*Bonk*, Straight to jail.




Created 4 hours ago

Updated 16 minutes ago

Active 16 minutes ago
This Creation is Active and is being worked on.

Bonk status has been set to Active

Ylva 16 minutes ago

Bonk status has been set to Needs Review

Sergetoo 4 hours ago

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Bonk status has been set to Active


The idea of a bonk hammer seems very fun and fit for Trove, but please make sure that the model itself also fits in the required dimensions - at the moment it is a bit too big.


You can check things like this by yourself, open the model in Troxel, find the Trove Creations on the right side bar, select the type of your creation and click on Lint and Export - it will automatically highlight all the technical issues, if there are any.

Also it could be good to add a bit of a texture to the top and bottom sides of the hammer, just so it is not a big flat surface with nothing on it. Something like this for example, im sure you can make it look better:


Im going to change the status of this creation to Active, but please remember to set it back to Needs Review if you upload any changes.

Bonk status has been set to Needs Review