
Comments that this user has made.

Commented on: Mod Settings - Companion mod


Usually when the [info.swf] being erased the game was running when the config files were created or was closed recently that the game still writes to them. All i can say is try and have the game/launcher closed while adding the .cfg files and once done open the game and immediately save the settings without changing anything at first and close the game to see if it saves correctly.

Commented on: Minimap mod


Thanks for the report, should be fixed now in 1.5.1.

Commented on: Item Per Hour Tracker mod


Lost Ark happened.

Commented on: TheSymbols Chat Mod mod

liked this!


Gonna try and squeeze that into next update.

Commented on: Super Hotbar mod


Energy value is not available in the UI file, and the 100 energy is really % filled and not actual energy (as it goes below 0 if you have more than 100 energy).

Commented on: Mod Settings - Companion mod


No it does not auto invite the other person, it only adds them to the list of users so you can quickly click invite to invite them.

Commented on: Mod Settings - Companion mod


p_ikw is just to auto populate the names in the party list of "TheSymbol's Chat Mod", all you need is to have configs working for both mods on your client to get people to get added to the list to be invited manually.

Commented on: Mod Settings - Companion mod


You have to setup the .cfg files in ModCfgs folder.

Read the description of the mod, it is explained there.

Commented on: Minimap mod


I have added an option in "Mod Settings - Companion" mod to always show the minimap on startup, this includes world changes too.

Commented on: Minimap mod


If you mean that the minimap gets disabled when you change world?

That is due to the UI reloading, i didn't want to make it persist on loading since if someone starts trove they might not want the minimap to be enabled all the time causing UI interaction issues.

Commented on: Mod Settings - Companion mod


You can try just doing %appdata% and see if that navigates you to the appdata folder then you have to find the Trove folder manually.

Or you can go there yourself, its usually in C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Trove

Commented on: Enhanced UI mod


This should now be fixed, sorry for taking so long to get around to adding it.

Commented on: Better invites - Configurable mod

here should now be an option for this.

Commented on: Better invites - Configurable mod


No there is not at this time.

Commented on: Clock+ mod


Thanks for the notification, updated, should now work again.