
Comments that this user has made.

Commented on: Disable Outline Effect by ExoDave mod


Tested now, and it's still working.

On top of that, it even works when paired with a lot (40+) of mods.

Commented on: Heckbugs in Love 2021 page

Fellas report that this event is broken atm (the Preserved Pow Meat disappears).

Commented on: Corruxion and Charl the Chaos Dragon page

They should've put the info about the total amount of items on a separate place, instead of putting a "(10)" on each item, indicating that we can purchase 10 items each (by common logic). I got 10 Bound Brilliance before I realized that I should've went for 10 dragon fragments (for the first 5 visits) instead. =D

Commented on:

In #3/7 the NPC can also be a centaur (and seems that also any other Neon biome NPC).

Commented on: CrazyOnly Bunfest EGG Waypoint mod

That mod (its waypoint style) pairs nicely with the KawaiiCaretaker's waypoints mod. =)

Commented on: Animal Heads - Creation Challenge page

So far my favs are Mallard Duck (will fit perfectly to green costumes, like Hatphibian hat style does - also very cute), Pink Flamingo, Clawson (nice design), Giraffe (awesome detail), Slithering Snoot (snek!), Ram (perfect for Knight and Rev) and Peacock hat styles. =)

Commented on:

Just discovered that likes/comments were turned off (probably by default) on the profile. Dang.

Commented on: Pixel collection

"50 Dark"? o_O

Commented on: Derpony giveaway

Oh, wow! A new and improved chat! =D

Commented on:

liked this!


Sorry for the late reply (haven't seen it, there seriously has to be a notification for those). The link would work only if you have the app ("TroveTools.NET", not a website), and, as you already have it installed - make sure to bind those links to that app (which can be done in the app's settings). Without doing that, the app won't be able to hook to these links (like when you have to bind .torrent files to your torrent client to automatically "send" torrent files from your browser into the client).

It works similar to special links like "steam://" (Origin, GOG, ect) - they are sent into their apps only if they are present (and configured) on your PC. You can install the mods one by one manually even without the app, but it'll be much easier (all the mods in one go) to install them in a single click - that's what modpacks are for, in the first place. =)


Sadly, this mod doesn't (hopefully, yet) support Crystal gear, and the author hasn't logged in for a while...

I still use it, though, because I like its VFX, but for a public modpack I'll probably switch to an another mod, which supports Crystal gear. =)

Commented on: Easy To See Critter's Desires mod

Thank you!

One of these kind of mods, when you install them, and can't figure out how you had played without them before. =)

Commented on: Better Racing Rings mod

After they (hopefully) fix that Bloom glitch (which makes fog oversaturated) - this mod will still be useful, as new ring color is cool. =)

Commented on: Remove quest backround mod

Isn't working together with Clock mod.

Commented on: Map Icons Edit v2 mod

It's neat and all, but the player arrow is a bit off - it's almost an equilateral triangle, e.g. you can't easily tell which way you're facing. I used it in an hourly chall, and had to check the compass. =)

Maybe if the arrow would be more like a isosceles triangle, and had a different color on the tip - then it would be much easier to use.