Colour Code: #000000
Type: 70
Style: 0
Placeable Material. Glowy robot goo.
Obtained by throwing a Plasma Sponge at Plasma. Sponges can be crafted at the Gardening Bench.
제작자: Trove Team
Database Links
Community Links
We've updated the Trovesaurus database to the Depth Charge patch....
April 11, 2017 Database Update
We've updated the Trovesaurus Database to the St. Qubeslick's Day patch....
March 14, 2017 Database Update
Notes from the most recent Trove Livestream containing future updates, changes and weekly Q&A Segments. Source:
January 20, 2017 Livestream
Notes from the most recent Trove Livestream containing future updates, changes and weekly Q&A Segments. Source:
December 16, 2016 Livestream
We've updated the Trovesaurus database to the latest client, beware, spoilers are here....
October 28, 2016 Database Update
Thanks to Shirokiri who has posted the notes for this livestream on the Trove Forums. Source: ...
October 1, 2016 Livestream
Yesterday Avarem was on reddit answering your questions, here is a summary. Source: ...
July 11, 2016 Developer Interview
The Trove developers hosted a livestream this afternoon, talking about the upcoming Shadow Tower update! Forum thread here!...
September 11, 2015