Notes from the most recent Trove Livestream containing future updates, changes and weekly Q&A Segments.
Source: http://forums.trovegame.com/showthread.php?113902-Trove-Livestream-Notes-16-12-16
Trove Livestream Notes 16/12/16
Welcome to the latest live stream notes thread!
Discussed about the console beta and patches that will be getting applied for certain bugs such as crashes.
UI changes from the PC to go live onto the console too such as the loot collector.
There will be no sever wipe once the launch is done, you will keep everything you earned during the beta.
Dino Tamer will be added early next year with a future patch.
Any bugs/queries, please see the XBOX1/PS4 forum threads.
Upcoming codes will work on the consoles such as streamer dreams.
Snowfest event:
A few costumes were shown that we can assume are in the Snowfest pack. The event itself is in phases as mentioned last week.
Detail into anything we have to do was not given but from the F1 info screen, that would appear how we get the G.R.Y.P.H mount.
Minigames due to come out next week on live and the wing race game was shown.
Fly through the coloured rings as best as you can while competing against the other flyers for the best time.The rings reduce the overall time score and different coloured rings have bonuses in but may be slightly out of the course path.
You can earn rewards from them through the challenge option hourly if they show up.
Inventory update will fall alongside these updates including the separate inventory tab for currency. This will be implemented into the consoles in a later patch.
Tannenbomber the Christmas dragon was shown off briefly but was only mentioned regards to it being crafted. We believe it to be in the Snowfest pack.
Some carpet mounts will soon have flyable actions added to them
Questions and Answers Session
New fishing related profession expansion?
We want to at some point expand....maybe plasma fishing... and see what the demand is
Please add custom club ranks?
Something its going to be worked on for 2017, it is on the hotlist, just needs tech sorting, its a good idea.
Will chaos coins remain in the untradeable chaos chests?
Club contests?
Definately on the list, sounds incredibly fun.
Existing chaos chests will become untradeable?
No, they will remain tradeable.
How will we get the christmas dragon egg?
It is tradeable, it is craftable
Will the codex change due to the upcoming changes?
No plans to change that, chests and factor value will be looked at over the next few weeks regarding value.
More clarity on the selling of codes and autoclickers?
Few of the devs are discussing what the unified answer to this will be due to things said in the past. Do not use anything that automates your gameplay. Account action can/will be taken against you.
Why is pearl of wisdom drop late so low?
Theyll be a bit more common in the upcoming update.
Functional decorations like sittable chairs, openable chests, working pianos?
Regarding the upcoming minigames, those item functionalities can be built as of next week but right now focused more on the gameplay decorations than the cosmetic ones.
When/If the gem re-roll event comes, will it be permanent feature or one time repeatable?
It will be permanent but will work in a different way to the way gear does. Will talk more about it early next year.
Will mastery increase to 400 or 500 next due to the amount of mastery people will soon have due to changes?
We have to increase it to something meaningful.First half of next year it will be looked at.
New minigame, inventory and chaos chest stuff all next week?
Yes all next week, a monster patch.
More group dungeons?
Group fights are fun, weve already talked about shadow tower 2.0 and expanding it for more rewards, types of activities in it. Will be one of the focuses of a patch next year on expanding the group content.
Party system?
Yes its a fun thing to add and would be useful the devs agree. If anything it would be around next year with those grouping updates.
Fishing getting added back to patron?
Interesting idea
Shadow pins to return?
Ye we need to make them return back
How common are Chaos Chest drops going to be now?
The drop rate has been slightly increased for over time accumulation and it was mentioned there is now a very rare chance to get a Golden Chaos Chest as well