We've updated the Trovesaurus database to the Depth Charge patch.
CollectionsTop ^
- NEW:
Indurion, the Unwavering - PLACEHOLDER - Q'BTHULHU DRAGON (InProgress)
- NEW:
Baesmuth, the Shaper's Gift - Inspired by Zehyra flying overhead as he worked, the Shaper created another dragon in her image and presented it to the Sun God (InProgress)
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Rachnaphon, the Silent Spectator - It is said Rachnaphon's web is connected to all other webs, and every night a hundred thousand secrets are woven into it for safekeeping (InProgress)
- NEW:
Petallura, Nature's Beckoning - When spring flowers begin to bloom, Petallura cannot be far away - but beware her presence if you have a pollen allergy.\n\nHaving this Dragon unlocked grants a permanent +20% Max Health, +500 Magic Damage and +50 Magic Find. (InProgress)
- NEW:
Cycling Cell - Ride this trusted energy cell everywhere. (InProgress)
- NEW:
Apathetic Armagant - Unusually disinterested in any kind of conflict or confrontation (InProgress)
- NEW:
4-T Assembled Souser - Like a good tea, the best ideas should be left to stew a while before pouring (Extra Life)
- NEW:
Dessert Dromintoceros - This relative of the armagant is favored in Candoria for its role in sieges and field charges (Extra Life)
Crisopeia, The Crucible of Souls category changed from 'READY_FOR_GAME' to 'InProgress'
Aurym, Keeper of Histories category changed from 'READY_FOR_GAME' to 'Legendary Dragon'
Tanbleddyn of the Western Peaks desc changed from '@The tales of his battles against monsters and invaders are sung to this day' to 'The tales of his battles against monsters and invaders are sung to this day. \n\nHaving this Dragon unlocked grants a permanent +3% Critical Damage, +1000 Max Health, +500 Physical Damage and +50 Magic Find.'
Tanbleddyn of the Western Peaks category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Legendary Dragon'
Fulguras, the Lightning Blade category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Legendary Dragon'
Powered Wheelchair category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Extra Life'
Light Gunship category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Extra Life'
Bouncing Beehive category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Extra Life'
Verlis Wolf category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Extra Life'
Roast Rider desc changed from 'It doesn't appreciate being snacked on, no exceptions' to 'It doesn't appreciate being snacked on, no exceptions.'
Hyper Pinata EX category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Seasonal'
Storm Strider category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Promo'
Wild C.A.T. category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Promo'
- NEW:
Burning Bantam - It's live performances combine cutting-edge audio and pyrotechnics (InProgress)
- NEW:
Minerbot Qubesly - Looks dangerous at first, but not to worry, it's just a drill (Seasonal)
Tweetania category changed from 'Hidden' to 'InProgress'
Goat'Guud of Eil'Zaewynn name changed from 'goat_goatguud[Morgana]' to 'Goat'Guud of Eil'Zaewynn'
Goat'Guud of Eil'Zaewynn desc changed from '' to 'It's dark pact with Shrub-Goatoloth bestowed upon it the power to crush all foes, giving rise to the Seasons of Salt'
BomBock name changed from 'goat_bombock[Brasse]' to 'BomBok'
BomBock desc changed from '' to 'Not to be confused with the Bawk Bomb, which has a much more volatile demeanor'
Yearling Rooster name changed from 'rooster_lny2017' to 'Yearling Rooster'
Yearling Rooster desc changed from '' to 'A little young, but ready for the spotlight'
Silverfang Pup category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Extra Life'
Husky Pup category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Extra Life'
Snowsquall Strigid category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Extra Life'
Viridescent Hummingbird category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Extra Life'
Tuxedo Cat category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Extra Life'
Moon Dreamer category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Extra Life'
Bloxx the Playful category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Extra Life'
Flittermouse Familiar name changed from 'bat_orangescarf[Aviarei]' to 'Flittermouse Familiar'
Flittermouse Familiar desc changed from '' to 'Wizards appreciate its company and its ability to detect unseen enemies'
Flittermouse Familiar category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Extra Life'
Planing Possum name changed from 'zardille_sugarglider' to 'Planing Possum'
Planing Possum desc changed from '' to 'It glides from tree to tree seeking sweet treats of any kind'
Planing Possum category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Extra Life'
Zephyrian Zardille name changed from 'zardille_windfox' to 'Zephyrian Zardille'
Zephyrian Zardille desc changed from '' to 'Impossible to tame, these headstrong creatures nonetheless have an affinity for those who embrace nature'
Zephyrian Zardille category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Extra Life'
Wee Wheekie name changed from 'guineapig_cuy' to 'Wee Wheekie'
Wee Wheekie desc changed from '' to 'This lovable little mammal squees with happiness whenever you are near'
Wee Wheekie category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Extra Life'
Cherry Chibi Chompbox name changed from 'mimic_red' to 'Cherry Chibi Chompbox'
Cherry Chibi Chompbox desc changed from '' to 'A smaller, highly intelligent cousin of the mimic, it can be befriended with gifts of food and valuables'
Cherry Chibi Chompbox category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Extra Life'
Starsheen Seahorse name changed from 'seahorse_violet' to 'Starsheen Seahorse'
Starsheen Seahorse desc changed from '' to 'On occasion, herds of these magical beings rise to the ocean surface to perform intricate dances under the moonlight'
Starsheen Seahorse category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Extra Life'
Scapes Goat name changed from 'goat_scapes' to 'Scapes Goat'
Scapes Goat desc changed from '' to 'Good luck trying to pin the blame on this goat'
Scapes Goat category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Extra Life'
Sun-Touched Shimmerwing desc changed from 'Intelligent and highly magical, there may more to this creature than meets the eye' to 'Intelligent and highly magical, there may be more to this creature than meets the eye'
Sun-Touched Shimmerwing category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Seasonal'
Argent Avenger desc changed from 'Perfect for exacting punishment in the name of the moon.' to 'A costume for the Knight.\n\nPerfect for exacting punishment in the name of the moon.'
Sunset Slinger desc changed from 'Perfect for skillful pistoleers with a propensity for moonlit duels on the stroke of midnight.' to 'A costume for the Gunslinger.\n\nPerfect for skillful pistoleers with a propensity for moonlit duels on the stroke of midnight.'
Twilight Trickster desc changed from 'Perfect for playing pranks and making mischief in the moonlight.' to 'A costume for the Fae Trickster.\n\nPerfect for playing pranks and making mischief in the moonlight.'
Moonfire Mystic desc changed from 'Perfect for those who fan the flames of destruction in pursuit of a greater goal.' to 'A costume for the Dracolyte.\n\nPerfect for those who fan the flames of destruction in pursuit of a greater goal.'
Midnight Marauder desc changed from 'Perfect for imperceptible prowling under the cover of night.' to 'A costume for the Neon Ninja.\n\nPerfect for imperceptible prowling under the cover of night.'
Lunar Berserker desc changed from 'A costume for the Candy Barbarian. Perfect for sweet and savage warriors who embrace the lunacy in their hearts.' to 'A costume for the Candy Barbarian.\n\nPerfect for sweet and savage warriors who embrace the lunacy in their hearts.'
Selenic Sage desc changed from 'Perfect for pondering confounding conundrums by candlelight.' to 'A costume for the Ice Sage.\n\nPerfect for pondering confounding conundrums by candlelight.'
Nightfall Stalker desc changed from 'Perfect for stalking prey under the auspices of the Hunter's Moon.' to 'A costume for the Shadow Hunter.\n\nPerfect for stalking prey under the auspices of the Hunter's Moon.'
Captain Moonsilver desc changed from 'Perfect for pillage and plunder on the moonlit seas.' to 'A costume for the Pirate Captain.\n\nPerfect for pillage and plunder on the moonlit seas.'
Dusk Dervish desc changed from 'Perfect for powerhouses packed with surprises.' to 'A costume for the Boomeranger.\n\nPerfect for powerhouses packed with surprises.'
Eclipse Evoker desc changed from 'Perfect for apportioning an army of soldiers from a moonlit cemetery.' to 'A costume for the Tomb Raiser.\n\nPerfect for apportioning an army of soldiers from a moonlit cemetery.'
Impish Tormentor desc changed from 'A devilish costume perfect for punishing those who stray from the light' to 'A costume for the Lunar Lancer.\n\nA devilish costume perfect for punishing those who stray from the light.'
Lunar Legionnaire desc changed from 'Perfect for protectors whose power surges in prickly predicaments.' to 'A costume for the Lunar Lancer.\n\nPerfect for protectors whose power surges in prickly predicaments.'
Crimson Corsair desc changed from 'A boldly-colored costume for fearless seafarers' to 'A costume for the Lunar Lancer.\n\nA boldly-colored costume for fearless seafarers.'
Crescent Chloromancer desc changed from 'Rare and magical is the flower that blossoms in moonlight' to 'A costume for the Chloromancer.\n\nRare and magical is the flower that blossoms in moonlight.'
Twilight Tamer desc changed from 'Creatures of day and night, all must serve the Twilight Tamer' to 'A costume for the Dino Tamer.\n\nCreatures of day and night, all must serve the Twilight Tamer.'
Shadowmoon Shieldmaster desc changed from 'Perfect for those who take a stand against the darkness' to 'A costume for the Revenant.\n\nPerfect for those who take a stand against the darkness.'
Delicacy Dealer desc changed from 'Dish out tasty treats to your friends, or spicy smackdowns to your enemies' to 'A costume for the Knight.\n\nDish out tasty treats to your friends, or spicy smackdowns to your enemies.'
Trovian Guard desc changed from 'A costume for the Knight. Well-maintained armor, worn by a just and righteous Trovian in the protection of his traveling companions.' to 'A costume for the Knight.\n\nWell-maintained armor, worn by a just and righteous Trovian in the protection of his traveling companions.'
Dragon Knight desc changed from 'A costume for the Knight. Reinforced by perilously-obtained red dragonscales, this armor shimmers with contained heat.' to 'A costume for the Knight.\n\nReinforced by perilously-obtained red dragonscales, this armor shimmers with contained heat.'
Blood Knight desc changed from 'A costume for the Knight. Nobody knows exactly where this style originated from. Ominous.' to 'A costume for the Knight.\n\nNobody knows exactly where this style originated from. Ominous.'
Bone Knight desc changed from 'A costume for the Knight. A grim collection of skulls adorns this costume.' to 'A costume for the Knight.\n\nA grim collection of skulls adorns this costume.'
Elysian Guardian desc changed from 'A costume for the Knight. This costume represents the purity of the guardians.' to 'A costume for the Knight.\n\nThis costume represents the purity of the guardians.'
Trovian Defender desc changed from 'A costume for the Knight. Flaunt some classic colors in the name of justice!' to 'A costume for the Knight.\n\nFlaunt some classic colors in the name of justice!'
Dashing Duelist desc changed from 'Dazzle your foes in this fencing outfit with a flair for the dramatic' to 'A costume for the Knight.\n\nDazzle your foes in this fencing outfit with a flair for the dramatic.'
Dashing Duelist category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Knight'
Steel Sultan desc changed from 'A stylish outfit that will make you stand out against the desert sands' to 'A costume for the Knight.\n\nA stylish outfit that will make you stand out against the desert sands.'
Steel Sultan category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Knight'
Platinum Paladin desc changed from 'A costume for the Knight. A gleaming guardian of justice that abides no evil.' to 'A costume for the Knight.\n\nA gleaming guardian of justice that abides no evil.'
Platinum Paladin category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Knight'
Regal Rebel desc changed from 'A costume for the Gunslinger. Enhanced with rare fabrics and golden trim, this outfit ensures that no acquaintances will ever doubt your sharp sense of fashion.' to 'A costume for the Gunslinger.\n\nEnhanced with rare fabrics and golden trim, this outfit ensures that no acquaintances will ever doubt your sharp sense of fashion.'
Revolver Ranger desc changed from 'A costume for the Gunslinger. Modified to better blend into the wilderness, this garb is worn by hunters of men and beasts alike.' to 'A costume for the Gunslinger.\n\nModified to better blend into the wilderness, this garb is worn by hunters of men and beasts alike.'
Hotdog Hero desc changed from 'A costume for the Gunslinger. Allows for sneak attacks from picnic tables.' to 'A costume for the Gunslinger.\n\nAllows for sneak attacks from picnic tables.'
Uberman desc changed from 'A costume for the Gunslinger. Neither a bird or a plane.' to 'A costume for the Gunslinger.\n\nNeither a bird or a plane.'
Heartbreaker desc changed from 'A costume for the Gunslinger. This heart-attacking garb will have your allies head over heels for your firepower and leave your foes in a daze.' to 'A costume for the Gunslinger.\n\nThis heart-attacking garb will have your allies head over heels for your firepower and leave your foes in a daze.'
ATMOS C-TAC Armor desc changed from 'Gunslinger craftable costume.\n\nTilt the balance of battle in your favour with superior armor and armaments.' to 'A costume for the Gunslinger.\n\nTilt the balance of battle in your favour with superior armor and armaments.'
Jet Jammer desc changed from 'Navigate the skies of Neon City as this gun-slinging vigilante' to 'A costume for the Gunslinger.\n\nNavigate the skies of Neon City as this gun-slinging vigilante.'
Jet Jammer category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Gunslinger'
Dark Fae desc changed from 'A costume for the Fae Trickster. These robes have been imbued with the power of the Dark Fae, so don't be surprised if you start having evil thoughts while wearing them.' to 'A costume for the Fae Trickster.\n\nThese robes have been imbued with the power of the Dark Fae, so don't be surprised if you start having evil thoughts while wearing them.'
Ice Cold desc changed from 'A costume for the Fae Trickster. Woven from threads of enchanted ice, this robe is a must for visiting Dragonfire Peaks in the summer.' to 'A costume for the Fae Trickster.\n\nWoven from threads of enchanted ice, this robe is a must for visiting Dragonfire Peaks in the summer.'
Bee Trickster desc changed from 'A costume for the Fae Trickster. Keepers of the wild wear this sweet garb, tending to forests and meadows in safety and style.' to 'A costume for the Fae Trickster.\n\nKeepers of the wild wear this sweet garb, tending to forests and meadows in safety and style.'
F43 Trickster desc changed from 'A costume for the Fae Trickster. Trick, troll, and rickroll your foes with this advanced garb that protects both your physical and digital personas.' to 'A costume for the Fae Trickster.\n\nTrick, troll, and rickroll your foes with this advanced garb that protects both your physical and digital personas.'
Guardian Angel desc changed from 'A costume for the Fae Trickster. Dress for victory with this heavenly garb.' to 'A costume for the Fae Trickster.\n\nDress for victory with this heavenly garb.'
Night Owl desc changed from 'A costume for the Fae Trickster. Whooo haunts the night? You do!' to 'A costume for the Fae Trickster.\n\nWhooo haunts the night? You do!'
Shining Sidhe desc changed from 'Add a spot of sunshine to your fae magicks with this radiant reglia' to 'A costume for the Fae Trickster.\n\nAdd a spot of sunshine to your fae magicks with this radiant reglia.'
Shining Sidhe category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Fae Trickster'
Chaos Cultist desc changed from 'You can beseech the darkness for power, but who is it answering your invocations?' to 'A costume for the Fae Trickster.\n\nYou can beseech the darkness for power, but who is it answering your invocations?'
Chaos Cultist category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Fae Trickster'
Ashen Beast desc changed from 'A costume for the Dracolyte. These well-worn ceremonial robes have been blessed by a powerful and ancient dragon lord.' to 'A costume for the Dracolyte.\n\nThese well-worn ceremonial robes have been blessed by a powerful and ancient dragon lord.'
Shadow Maw desc changed from 'A costume for the Dracolyte. Enchanted by mystic runes of dark power, these robes also darken your dragonling familiar and ultimate form.' to 'A costume for the Dracolyte.\n\nEnchanted by mystic runes of dark power, these robes also darken your dragonling familiar and ultimate form.'
Balefire Beast desc changed from 'A costume for the Dracolyte. Infused with dread balefire, these robes also add a touch of chaos to your dragonling familiar and ultimate form.' to 'A costume for the Dracolyte.\n\nInfused with dread balefire, these robes also add a touch of chaos to your dragonling familiar and ultimate form.'
Dreamolyte desc changed from 'A costume for the Dracolyte. How dreamy do you want to be?' to 'A costume for the Dracolyte.\n\nHow dreamy do you want to be?'
Mecha-Dracolyte desc changed from 'A costume for the Dracolyte. Mech or treat.' to 'A costume for the Dracolyte.\n\nMech or treat.'
Turtleborn desc changed from 'A costume for the Dracolyte. Side with your aquatic reptilian brethren.' to 'A costume for the Dracolyte.\n\nSide with your aquatic reptilian brethren.'
S'more Sweetness desc changed from 'A costume for the Dracolyte. Weaponized marshmallow and chocolate? Yum! How about s'more!' to 'A costume for the Dracolyte.\n\nWeaponized marshmallow and chocolate? Yum! How about s'more!'
Plum Powerhouse desc changed from 'A costume for the Dracolyte. Channels the power of a legendary Candorian ruler' to 'A costume for the Dracolyte.\n\nChannels the power of a legendary Candorian ruler.'
Macedoine Master desc changed from 'Juice up your draconic magic with this fruit-melange finery' to 'A costume for the Dracolyte.\n\nJuice up your draconic magic with this fruit-melange finery.'
Macedoine Master category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Dracolyte'
Partisan Pinatrician desc changed from 'Channel your inner party animal and light the night on fire' to 'A costume for the Dracolyte.\n\nChannel your inner party animal and light the night on fire.'
Partisan Pinatrician category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Dracolyte'
Nightshade desc changed from 'A costume for the Neon Ninja. A combat suit particularly well-adapted to missions of stealth and subterfuge.' to 'A costume for the Neon Ninja.\n\nA combat suit particularly well-adapted to missions of stealth and subterfuge.'
Magenta Master desc changed from 'A costume for the Neon Ninja. This flashy combat suit is perfect for when you want your enemies to know you're coming.' to 'A costume for the Neon Ninja.\n\nThis flashy combat suit is perfect for when you want your enemies to know you're coming.'
Lunar Ronin desc changed from 'A costume for the Neon Ninja. Forsaken by the Moon Goddess after her betrayal, the Lunar Ronin seeks a new path towards honor and unity.' to 'A costume for the Neon Ninja.\n\nForsaken by the Moon Goddess after her betrayal, the Lunar Ronin seeks a new path towards honor and unity.'
Heartbleed desc changed from 'A costume for the Neon Ninja. Ninja masters know that the shortest path to victory is through another's heart.' to 'A costume for the Neon Ninja.\n\nNinja masters know that the shortest path to victory is through another's heart.'
Reboot desc changed from 'A costume for the Neon Ninja. Connect with the denizens of Neon City with this robotic reboot!' to 'A costume for the Neon Ninja.\n\nConnect with the denizens of Neon City with this robotic reboot!'
Neon Stroke desc changed from 'A costume for the Neon Ninja. Heavy, orange armor with intimidating headgear!' to 'A costume for the Neon Ninja.\n\nHeavy, orange armor with intimidating headgear!'
Inferno Infiltrator desc changed from 'Neon Ninja craftable costume.\n\nFire is no deterrent when you are this lit.' to 'A costume for the Neon Ninja.\n\nFire is no deterrent when you are this lit.'
Anubian Assassin desc changed from 'Usher the souls of the unworthy into the afterlife in this ceremonial armour' to 'A costume for the Neon Ninja.\n\nUsher the souls of the unworthy into the afterlife in this ceremonial armour.'
Anubian Assassin category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Neon Ninja'
Bushin Beatmaster desc changed from 'Combine the ways of music and martial arts into a deadly repertoire' to 'A costume for the Neon Ninja.\n\nCombine the ways of music and martial arts into a deadly repertoire.'
Bushin Beatmaster category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Neon Ninja'
Ice Cream Crusher desc changed from 'A costume for the Candy Barbarian. This sweet suit of armor keeps you cool in the heat of battle.' to 'A costume for the Candy Barbarian.\n\nThis sweet suit of armor keeps you cool in the heat of battle.'
Licorice Lord desc changed from 'A costume for the Candy Barbarian. This painstakingly braided armor is as delicious as it is intimidating.' to 'A costume for the Candy Barbarian.\n\nThis painstakingly braided armor is as delicious as it is intimidating.'
Dark Infineon desc changed from 'A costume for the Candy Barbarian. Found in a faraway land, this savage armor strikes a precarious balance between light and dark.' to 'A costume for the Candy Barbarian.\n\nFound in a faraway land, this savage armor strikes a precarious balance between light and dark.'
Sugar Skull desc changed from 'A costume for the Candy Barbarian. Crafted by a master confectioner with a soft spot for Shadow's Eve, it perfectly captures the spirit of the holiday.' to 'A costume for the Candy Barbarian.\n\nCrafted by a master confectioner with a soft spot for Shadow's Eve, it perfectly captures the spirit of the event.'
Santa Barbarian desc changed from 'A costume for the Candy Barbarian. Bring the slay with this classic costume' to 'A costume for the Candy Barbarian.\n\nBring the slay with this classic costume.'
Pink Gummy Barbearian desc changed from 'A costume for the Candy Barbarian. Channel the spirit of the mighty Candorian Jelly Bear with this Candy Barbarian costume' to 'A costume for the Candy Barbarian.\n\nChannel the spirit of the mighty Candorian Jelly Bear with this Candy Barbarian costume.'
Blue Gummy Barbearian desc changed from 'A costume for the Candy Barbarian. Channel the spirit of the mighty Candorian Jelly Bear with this Candy Barbarian costume' to 'A costume for the Candy Barbarian.\n\nChannel the spirit of the mighty Candorian Jelly Bear with this Candy Barbarian costume.'
Chimeric Cubist desc changed from 'Candy Barbarian craftable costume.\n\nA mirage, an illusion, wrought from primordial chaos and made manifest' to 'A costume for the Candy Barbarian.\n\nA mirage, an illusion, wrought from primordial chaos and made manifest.'
Shaggy Yeti desc changed from 'Candy Barbarian craftable costume.\n\nThe fluffy exterior hides the heart of a beast.' to 'A costume for the Candy Barbarian.\n\nThe fluffy exterior hides the heart of a beast.'
Frigid Fiend desc changed from 'Candy Barbarian craftable costume.\n\nEmbodies the old adage 'No rest for the wicked.'' to 'A costume for the Candy Barbarian.\n\nEmbodies the old adage 'No rest for the wicked.''
Darkheart Destroyer desc changed from 'Bring redemption to those whose hearts have succumbed to darkness' to 'A costume for the Candy Barbarian.\n\nBring redemption to those whose hearts have succumbed to darkness.'
Darkheart Destroyer category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Candy Barbarian'
Bathys Barbarian desc changed from 'This ingenious design protects the user from physical attacks and deep sea environments' to 'A costume for the Candy Barbarian.\n\nThis ingenious design protects the user from physical attacks and deep sea environments.'
Bathys Barbarian category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Candy Barbarian'
Daybreak Daimyo desc changed from 'With steel and fire, bring the Sun Goddess's judgement whereever shadows prowl' to 'A costume for the Candy Barbarian.\n\nWith steel and fire, bring the Sun Goddess's judgement wherever shadows prowl.'
Daybreak Daimyo category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Candy Barbarian'
Black Ice desc changed from 'A costume for the Ice Sage. After aeons of strife even the purest snow will darken, but a little grit adds a lot to your legend.' to 'A costume for the Ice Sage.\n\nAfter aeons of strife even the purest snow will darken, but a little grit adds a lot to your legend.'
Nice Sage desc changed from 'A costume for the Ice Sage. These enchanted runes show that a chilly exterior can still house a merciful heart, but that doesn't mean you can't still kill them with kindness.' to 'A costume for the Ice Sage.\n\nThese enchanted runes show that a chilly exterior can still house a merciful heart, but that doesn't mean you can't still kill them with kindness.'
Shadow's Disciple desc changed from 'A costume for the Ice Sage. Knowledge may bring enlightenment, but some secrets should remain buried, for their power comes at great cost to those who unearth them.' to 'A costume for the Ice Sage.\n\nKnowledge may bring enlightenment, but some secrets should remain buried, for their power comes at great cost to those who unearth them.'
Molten Fury desc changed from 'A costume for the Ice Sage. Tired of being left out on the cold? Turn up the heat!' to 'A costume for the Ice Sage.\n\nTired of being left out on the cold? Turn up the heat!'
Sakura Sage desc changed from 'A costume for the Ice Sage. Formalwear for the distinguished Sage.' to 'A costume for the Ice Sage.\n\nFormalwear for the distinguished Sage.'
Time Sage desc changed from 'A costume for the Ice Sage. Bend time itself to your will.' to 'A costume for the Ice Sage.\n\nBend time itself to your will.'
Mermaid desc changed from 'A costume for the Ice Sage. You'll shorely coast through your foes in this get-up!' to 'A costume for the Ice Sage.\n\nYou'll shorely coast through your foes in this get-up!'
Mesozoic Meteomancer desc changed from 'Ice Sage craftable costume.\n\nIn the sky rocks lies the power to shape the future of the world.' to 'A costume for the Ice Sage.\n\nIn the sky rocks lies the power to shape the future of the world.'
Strife Sage desc changed from 'Ice Sage craftable costume.\n\nUpon the fields of war roam I, my staff and banner raised to the sky.' to 'A costume for the Ice Sage.\n\nUpon the fields of war roam I, my staff and banner raised to the sky.'
Relic of the Past desc changed from 'A costume for the Shadow Hunter. This unearthed raiment has classical stylings not seen since the great Sundering. Truly a rare find!' to 'A costume for the Shadow Hunter.\n\nThis unearthed raiment has classical stylings not seen since the great Sundering. Truly a rare find!'
Dead Shot desc changed from 'A costume for the Shadow Hunter. No-one knows if the Shadows feel fear, but this sombre raiment shakes the resolve of the fiercest mortal foes.' to 'A costume for the Shadow Hunter.\n\nNo-one knows if the Shadows feel fear, but this sombre raiment shakes the resolve of the fiercest mortal foes.'
Sharp Shooter desc changed from 'A costume for the Shadow Hunter. Pierce your foes with the power of music.' to 'A costume for the Shadow Hunter.\n\nPierce your foes with the power of music.'
Shadow's Shroud desc changed from 'A costume for the Shadow Hunter. Shield yourself from the creeping shadow!' to 'A costume for the Shadow Hunter.\n\nShield yourself from the creeping shadow!'
Nut Cracker desc changed from 'A costume for the Shadow Hunter. Fashioned after the warrior who ousted the Rat Dynasty from Candorian lands' to 'A costume for the Shadow Hunter.\n\nFashioned after the warrior who ousted the Rat Dynasty from Candorian lands.'
Modish Marksman desc changed from 'Shadow Hunter craftable costume.\n\nBe the envy of all your fashionista friends with these top-tailored threads.' to 'A costume for the Shadow Hunter.\n\nBe the envy of all your fashionista friends with these top-tailored threads.'
Royal Ranger desc changed from 'Shadow Hunter craftable costume.\n\nPrincely in stature, yet rugged as the mountains.' to 'A costume for the Shadow Hunter.\n\nPrincely in stature, yet rugged as the mountains.'
Amorous Archer desc changed from 'A costume for the Shadow Hunter. Aim for the heart with this enthralling outfit, but keep an eye on what arrows you use.' to 'A costume for the Shadow Hunter.\n\nAim for the heart with this enthralling outfit, but keep an eye on what arrows you use.'
A.M.O.K. Aimbot desc changed from 'Everything is a target when all you have is a bow and bad code' to 'A costume for the Shadow Hunter.\n\nEverything is a target when all you have is a bow and bad code.'
A.M.O.K. Aimbot category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Shadow Hunter'
Rosewood Huntress desc changed from 'Exemplary in elegance and grace, both on and off the battlefield' to 'A costume for the Shadow Hunter.\n\nExemplary in elegance and grace, both on and off the battlefield.'
Rosewood Huntress category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Shadow Hunter'
Photon Phantom desc changed from 'Adopt the guise of this plasma-based predator to hunt down your robotic prey in the Neon City' to 'A costume for the Shadow Hunter.\n\nAdopt the guise of this plasma-based predator to hunt down your robotic prey in the Neon City.'
Photon Phantom category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Shadow Hunter'
Skysunder Sniper desc changed from 'A costume for the Shadow Hunter. Wield the wrath of the heavens, and lay your foes low with thunderous fury.' to 'A costume for the Shadow Hunter.\n\nWield the wrath of the heavens, and lay your foes low with thunderous fury.'
Skysunder Sniper category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Shadow Hunter'
Master of Commanding desc changed from 'A costume for the Pirate Captain. Master the seas in style and magnificence with this finest of captainly uniforms.' to 'A costume for the Pirate Captain.\n\nMaster the seas in style and magnificence with this finest of captainly uniforms.'
Ghost Pirate desc changed from 'A costume for the Pirate Captain. It may be a little worse for wear, but this uniform commands the undying loyalty of any ship's crew.' to 'A costume for the Pirate Captain.\n\nIt may be a little worse for wear, but this uniform commands the undying loyalty of any ship's crew.'
Mad Scientist desc changed from 'A costume for the Pirate Captain. Has science gone too far? Find out!' to 'A costume for the Pirate Captain.\n\nHas science gone too far? Find out!'
Shipyard Scavenger desc changed from 'A costume for the Pirate Captain. Dive deep to find treasure!' to 'A costume for the Pirate Captain.\n\nDive deep to find treasure!'
Rat Royale desc changed from 'A costume for the Pirate Captain. In ages past, the Rat Dynasty held sway over vast swaths of Candoria' to 'A costume for the Pirate Captain.\n\nIn ages past, the Rat Dynasty held sway over vast swaths of Candoria.'
Arcanium Admiral desc changed from 'Plunder the riches of seas and skies as the commander of a mighty steamship fleet' to 'A costume for the Pirate Captain.\n\nPlunder the riches of seas and skies as the commander of a mighty steamship fleet.'
Arcanium Admiral category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Pirate Captain'
Star Skipper desc changed from 'With the stars out of reach, it is time to take to the seas!' to 'A costume for the Pirate Captain.\n\nWith the stars out of reach, it is time to take to the seas!'
Star Skipper category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Pirate Captain'
Winter Boomeranger desc changed from 'A costume for the Boomeranger. With this sleek snow camouflage print you are right at home in the Permafrost.' to 'A costume for the Boomeranger.\n\nWith this sleek snow camouflage print you are right at home in the Permafrost.'
Dark Boomeranger desc changed from 'A costume for the Boomeranger. Stalk your enemies in stealth with these black pajamas.' to 'A costume for the Boomeranger.\n\nStalk your enemies in stealth with these black pajamas.'
Comic Hero desc changed from 'A costume for the Boomeranger. Be the hero you were born to be!' to 'A costume for the Boomeranger.\n\nBe the hero you were born to be!'
Magic Man desc changed from 'A costume for the Boomeranger. Sleight of hand, across the land!' to 'A costume for the Boomeranger.\n\nSleight of hand, across the land!'
Blastcap Builder desc changed from 'Craftable costume for the Boomeranger.\n\nBuilds things or blows them up as the situation requires.' to 'A costume for the Boomeranger.\n\nBuilds things or blows them up as the situation requires.'
Soulkeeper desc changed from 'A costume for the Tomb Raiser. Become the ultimate keeper of souls!' to 'A costume for the Tomb Raiser.\n\nBecome the ultimate keeper of souls!'
Acidic desc changed from 'A costume for the Tomb Raiser. Burn your enemies with the corrosive liquid of death.' to 'A costume for the Tomb Raiser.\n\nBurn your enemies with the corrosive liquid of death.'
Funereal Pharaoh desc changed from 'A costume for the Tomb Raiser. Rise from your sarcophagus and haunt the night!' to 'A costume for the Tomb Raiser.\n\nRise from your sarcophagus and haunt the night!'
Everdark Emissary desc changed from 'Tomb Raiser craftable costume.\n\nBringing Q'bthulhu's message of madness to the masses since the dawn of time.' to 'A costume for the Tomb Raiser.\n\nBringing Q'bthulhu's message of madness to the masses since the dawn of time.'
Winter Waker desc changed from 'Tomb Raiser craftable costume.\n\nSummon up a squadron of smiley snowmen to smother your foes.' to 'A costume for the Tomb Raiser.\n\nSummon up a squadron of smiley snowmen to smother your foes.'
Heart Eater desc changed from 'A costume for the Tomb Raiser. Show your significant other undying love, or teach your enemies to hate the undying.' to 'A costume for the Tomb Raiser.\n\nShow your significant other undying love, or teach your enemies to hate the undying.'
Stone Shaper desc changed from 'A costume for the Tomb Raiser. Transform a common element into an extraordinary fighting force with this ore-iginal outfit' to 'A costume for the Tomb Raiser.\n\nTransform a common element into an extraordinary fighting force with this ore-iginal outfit.'
Stone Shaper category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Tomb Raiser'
Twilight Temperance desc changed from 'A costume for the Lunar Lancer. An outfit signifying stoicism during the Moon's dark phases, it has taken on a new, more somber meaning in recent times.' to 'A costume for the Lunar Lancer.\n\nAn outfit signifying stoicism during the Moon's dark phases, it has taken on a new, more somber meaning in recent times.'
Burnished Bronze desc changed from 'A costume for the Lunar Lancer. This ancestral armor has been worn with pride by many generations of Lancers.' to 'A costume for the Lunar Lancer.\n\nThis ancestral armor has been worn with pride by many generations of Lancers.'
Monkey King desc changed from 'A costume for the Lunar Lancer. Begin your westward journey.' to 'A costume for the Lunar Lancer.\n\nBegin your westward journey.'
Duskrider Dragoon desc changed from 'A costume for the Lunar Lancer. Duskrider Dragoons can call upon the power of their mounts to transform into a fearsome hybrid.' to 'A costume for the Lunar Lancer.\n\nDuskrider Dragoons can call upon the power of their mounts to transform into a fearsome hybrid.'
Shadowscorn Saboteur desc changed from 'Lunar Lancer craftable costume.\n\nA vicious covert operative with no qualms about getting their hands dirty.' to 'A costume for the Lunar Lancer.\n\nA vicious covert operative with no qualms about getting their hands dirty.'
Demersal Marine desc changed from 'Deploy at any depth with this distinguished diving suit' to 'A costume for the Lunar Lancer.\n\nDeploy at any depth with this distinguished diving suit.'
Demersal Marine category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Lunar Lancer'
Golden Glaivesinger desc changed from 'Glaivesingers hold watch through the night, and greet Albairn's passing by joining him in song' to 'A costume for the Lunar Lancer.\n\nGlaivesingers hold watch through the night, and greet Albairn's passing by joining him in song.'
Golden Glaivesinger category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Lunar Lancer'
Scion of Cygnus desc changed from 'A costume for the Revenant. Those of exceptional valor and nobility are chosen by Cygnus himself to watch over the Sun Goddess's domain.' to 'A costume for the Revenant.\n\nThose of exceptional valor and nobility are chosen by Cygnus himself to watch over the Sun Goddess's domain.'
Candorian Praetorian desc changed from 'A costume for the Revenant. Throughout Candorian history, retinues of Praetorians have turned the tides of many battles.' to 'A costume for the Revenant.\n\nThroughout Candorian history, retinues of Praetorians have turned the tides of many battles.'
Super Magical desc changed from 'Revenant craftable costume.\n\nThe most mystical myrmidon magic ever did make.' to 'A costume for the Revenant.\n\nThe most mystical myrmidon magic ever did make.'
Guardian Golem desc changed from 'Revenant craftable costume.\n\nAn ancient automaton, tasked with guarding its creator's lab from intruders and interlopers.' to 'A costume for the Revenant.\n\nAn ancient automaton, tasked with guarding its creator's lab from intruders and interlopers.'
Workshop Watcher desc changed from 'Revenant craftable costume.\n\nWatches over a top-secret facility with an extremely time-sensitive schedule.' to 'A costume for the Revenant.\n\nWatches over a top-secret facility with an extremely time-sensitive schedule.'
Chrono Construct desc changed from 'A timeless automaton tasked with taking the battle to the enemy's doorstep' to 'A costume for the Revenant.\n\nA timeless automaton tasked with taking the battle to the enemy's doorstep.'
Chrono Construct category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Revenant'
Myco Medic desc changed from 'A costume for the Chloromancer. Use the healing powers of mushrooms to grow strong.' to 'A costume for the Chloromancer.\n\nUse the healing powers of mushrooms to grow strong.'
Evergreen Evoker desc changed from 'A costume for the Chloromancer. Sow some Snowfest spirit with this festive finery' to 'A costume for the Chloromancer.\n\nSow some Snowfest spirit with this festive finery.'
Dub-O-Mancer desc changed from 'A costume for the Chloromancer. Drop the bass while you drop your foes.' to 'A costume for the Chloromancer.\n\nDrop the bass while you drop your foes.'
Alchemancer desc changed from 'Chloromancer craftable costume.\n\nHarness the power of alchemy to explosive effect!' to 'A costume for the Chloromancer.\n\nHarness the power of alchemy to explosive effect!'
Crystal Cultivator desc changed from 'Chloromancer craftable costume.\n\nCrystal Cultivators tend to the unique flora of the Shaper's underground realm.' to 'A costume for the Chloromancer.\n\nCrystal Cultivators tend to the unique flora of the Shaper's underground realm.'
Rosy Ravisher desc changed from 'A costume for the Chloromancer. Grab your crush's attention with a bouquet of beautiful flowers... Or crush your enemies and turn them into fertilizer.' to 'A costume for the Chloromancer.\n\nGrab your crush's attention with a bouquet of beautiful flowers... Or crush your enemies and turn them into fertilizer.'
Plaguepurge Pollinator desc changed from 'Fight off the festering darkness with science and a bouquet of medicinal plants' to 'A costume for the Chloromancer.\n\nFight off the festering darkness with science and a bouquet of medicinal plants.'
Plaguepurge Pollinator category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Chloromancer'
Road Wrangler desc changed from 'A costume for the Dino Tamer. Saurians may be a little more temperamental than a road hog, but a ride is a ride.' to 'A costume for the Dino Tamer.\n\nSaurians may be a little more temperamental than a road hog, but a ride is a ride.'
Jurassic Jungler desc changed from 'A costume for the Dino Tamer. Ideal for stalking the one dinosaur that keeps eluding you.' to 'A costume for the Dino Tamer.\n\nIdeal for stalking the one dinosaur that keeps eluding you.'
Time-Stranded Paleontologist desc changed from 'A costume for the Dino Tamer. One moment you're studying fossils, and the next you're hurtling through some wormhole in time and space.' to 'A costume for the Dino Tamer.\n\nOne moment you're studying fossils, and the next you're hurtling through some wormhole in time and space.'
Cyberian Survivor desc changed from 'A costume for the Dino Tamer. Wield technology from your long-forgotten tundra home to survive!' to 'A costume for the Dino Tamer.\n\nWield technology from your long-forgotten tundra home to survive!'
Pinata Protector desc changed from 'Prepped and ready to party after arduous training in a mysterious garden on a faraway island' to 'A costume for the Dino Tamer.\n\nPrepped and ready to party after arduous training in a mysterious garden on a faraway island.'
Pinata Protector category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Dino Tamer'
Shadow Sauromancer desc changed from 'Exert your will over your pack of saurian shadows to devastating effect' to 'A costume for the Dino Tamer.\n\nExert your will over your pack of saurian shadows to devastating effect.'
Shadow Sauromancer category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Dino Tamer'
Dominating Dracomaster desc changed from 'Force your foes to flee before the might of your personal flight of dragons' to 'A costume for the Dino Tamer.\n\nForce your foes to flee before the might of your personal flight of dragons.'
Dominating Dracomaster category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Dino Tamer'
Jeweled Jaeger desc changed from 'Command a horde of crystalline creatures to bring calamity to your foes' to 'A costume for the Dino Tamer.\n\nCommand a horde of crystalline creatures to bring calamity to your foes.'
Jeweled Jaeger category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Dino Tamer'
The Blocktor desc changed from 'A costume for the Dino Tamer. Not an actual medical professional, but still manages to save the day, every day.' to 'A costume for the Dino Tamer.\n\nNot an actual medical professional, but still manages to save the day, every day.'
The Blocktor category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Dino Tamer'
ItemsTop ^
Diamond description changed from 'Crafting Material. Created through ringcrafting' to 'Crafting Material. Created at the Ringcrafting Bench.'
Shadow Diamond description changed from 'Crafting Material. Created through ringcrafting.' to 'Crafting Material. Created at the Ringcrafting Bench.'
Tradable Golden Key description changed from 'Get the rarest rewards from select lockboxes! Loot Collect to transform into a Golden Key, which works on Adventure, Holiday, Mining, and Pet lockboxes.' to 'Get the rarest rewards from select lockboxes! Loot Collect to transform into a Golden Key, which works on Adventure, Event, Mining, and Pet lockboxes.'
crafting">Golden Key description changed from 'Use to get the rarest rewards from Adventure, Holiday, Mining, and Pet lockboxes.' to 'Use to get the rarest rewards from Adventure, Event, Mining, and Pet lockboxes.'
Robotic Salvage description changed from 'Crafting Material. Found by defeating robots found in the Neon City biome.' to 'Crafting Material. Drops from robot enemies found in the Neon City biome.'
Ancient Scale description changed from 'Crafting Material. Obtained by Collecting rare fish.' to 'Crafting Material. Obtained by Loot Collecting rare fish.'
Mount: Roast Rider description changed from 'It doesn''t appreciate being snacked on, no exceptions' to 'It doesn't appreciate being snacked on, no exceptions.'
Chestnut Seed description changed from 'Harvest this for a chestnut. Grows only during Winter' to 'Harvest this for a chestnut.'
Spring Bloom Seed description changed from 'Harvest this for a Spring Bloom. Grows only during Spring' to 'Harvest this for a Spring Bloom.'
Wild Windchime Seed description changed from 'Decorative. Grows only during Spring. Its blossoms emit crystal clear notes when rocked by the wind' to 'Decorative. Its blossoms emit crystal clear notes when rocked by the wind'
Springbulb Seed description changed from 'Decorative. Grows only during Spring. These pretty flowers pop up as soon as spring arrives' to 'Decorative. These pretty flowers pop up as soon as spring arrives'
Spring Chalice Seed description changed from 'Decorative. Grows only during Spring. This spring flower collects dew inside its blossom, hence its name' to 'Decorative. This spring flower collects dew inside its blossom, hence its name'
Crown Crocus Seed description changed from 'Decorative. Grows only during Spring. A regal shade of purple makes this flower a favourite to fashion crowns from' to 'Decorative. A regal shade of purple makes this flower a favourite to fashion crowns from'
Dancing Daffodil Seed description changed from 'Decorative. Grows only during Spring. This flower appears to dance in the wind' to 'Decorative. This flower appears to dance in the wind'
Fae Crown Seed Bundle description changed from 'Decorative. Grows only during Spring. These seeds have had their sprouts entwined so they will grow together into a Fae Crown' to 'Decorative. These seeds have had their sprouts entwined so they will grow together into a Fae Crown'
Spring Reed Seed description changed from 'Decorative. Grows only during Spring. This tall grass makes a great toy for restless kittens.' to 'Decorative. This tall grass makes a great toy for restless kittens.'
Arcanaegis Seed description changed from 'Decorative. Grows only during Spring. This flower purportedly wards off evil' to 'Decorative. This flower purportedly wards off evil'
Constellated Crocus Seed description changed from 'Decorative. Grows only during Spring. This rare flower's petals mirror the star-filled night sky. Requires light to grow, but not too much' to 'Decorative. This rare flower's petals mirror the star-filled night sky. Requires light to grow, but not too much'
Winter's Chalice Seed description changed from 'Decorative. Grows only during Winter. This sturdy flower collects frost inside it, hence its name.' to 'Decorative. This sturdy flower collects frost inside it, hence its name.'
Snow Queen's Crown Seed description changed from 'Decorative. Grows only during Winter. It is customary to gift garlands of these flowers to one's beloved during Snowfest.' to 'Decorative. It is customary to gift garlands of these flowers to one's beloved during Snowfest.'
Frostflake Seed description changed from 'Decorative. Grows only during Winter. This flower thrives in the cold, getting larger the more it snows.' to 'Decorative. This flower thrives in the cold, getting larger the more it snows.'
Lilac Lamp Seeds description changed from 'Decorative. Grows only during Winter. These tiny flowers generate light and heat to attract pollinators' to 'Decorative. These tiny flowers generate light and heat to attract pollinators'
Frost Freckle Seeds description changed from 'Decorative. Grows only during Winter. These diminutive flowers add a touch of color to snowy landscapes' to 'Decorative. These diminutive flowers add a touch of color to snowy landscapes'
Snow Puff Seeds description changed from 'Decorative. Grows only during Winter. These fluffy flowers scatter their seeds with the winter winds' to 'Decorative. These fluffy flowers scatter their seeds with the winter winds'
Solstice Sunflower Seed description changed from 'Decorative. Grows only during Winter. These wintry sunflowers bloom only after the days start getting longer again' to 'Decorative. These wintry sunflowers bloom only after the days start getting longer again'
Costume: Dusk Dervish description changed from 'A rare lunar Boomeranger costume' to 'A rare lunar Boomeranger costume.'
Costume: Moonfire Mystic description changed from 'A rare lunar dracolyte costume' to 'A rare lunar dracolyte costume.'
Costume: Stone Shaper description changed from 'A costume for the Tomb Raiser. Transform a common element into an extraordinary fighting force with this ore-iginal outfit' to 'A costume for the Tomb Raiser. Transform a common element into an extraordinary fighting force with this ore-iginal outfit.'
DecoTop ^
Mysterious Portal (Uber-4) - Press [HK:Loot] to go...somewhere ominous.
Mysterious Portal (Uber-9) - Press [HK:Loot] to go...somewhere ominous.
Mysterious Portal - Press [HK:Loot] to go...somewhere ominous.
Mysterious Portal (Uber-7) - Press [HK:Loot] to go...somewhere ominous.
Mysterious Portal (Uber-1) - Press [HK:Loot] to go...somewhere ominous.
Wheel of Seasons description changed from 'Used to craft seasonal decorations.' to 'Used to craft event decorations.'
Minigame Teleporter - A portal that will teleport to other portals of the same type in a minigame.
Minigame Class - Placing this in a minigame map forces the selected class to be used
Minigame Movement - Placing this in a minigame map allows the selected mount type to be used
Pinata NPC block - Hero block
Darknik Warbot Trophy -
StylesTop ^
Dripping Dango by Trove Team (InProgress) -
Void Pounder by Trove Team (Event) -
Platinum Pride] by MineTechniker (Costume) -
Unseen Assailant] category changed from 'ReadyForGame' to 'Extra Life'
Steel Sultan's Scimitar] by Anibaal (Costume) -
Darkheart Destroyer Blade] by LippyLapras (Costume) -
Daybreak Daimyo Daikatana] category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Costume'
Daybreak Daimyo Daikatana] name changed from 'PLACEHOLDER - SHOGUN SWORD' to 'Daybreak Daimyo Daikatana'
Daybreak Daimyo Daikatana] description changed from 'PLACEHOLDER - SHOGUN SWORD' to ''
Anubian Assassin's Blade] by Galeneos (Costume) -
Bushin Beatmaster Blade] category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Costume'
Fluxwave Adjustor] category changed from 'ReadyForGame' to 'Costume'
Robo-Raider Gunsabre] by highlancer54 (Extra Life) -
Voidcoil Raygun by Trove Team (Event) -
Hue Saturator] by President_Eden (Neon City) -
Batter Splattergun] description changed from 'It may be a half-baked prototyphe, but by Eis-Crom, it works' to 'It may be a half-baked prototype, but by Eis-Crom, it works'
ATMOS C-TAC Hand Cannon] name changed from 'ATOMS C-TAC Armor Pistol 1' to 'ATMOS C-TAC Hand Cannon'
ATMOS C-TAC Light Repeater] name changed from 'ATOMS C-TAC Armor Pistol 2' to 'ATMOS C-TAC Light Repeater'
ATMOS C-TAC Assault Minigun] name changed from 'ATOMS C-TAC Armor Pistol 3' to 'ATMOS C-TAC Assault Minigun'
Jet Jammer Hammerwave Cannon] by Ainogommon (Costume) -
Pinata Protector Popper] by Anibaal (Costume) -
Shadow Sauromancer Pistol] by Zeptimus (Costume) -
Dominating Dracomaster's Dartgun] category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Costume'
Chaotic Conk Buster by Trove Team (Event) -
Shaper's Stone Staff] by Zimanta (Costume) -
Caustic Caster] category changed from 'ReadyForGame' to 'Extra Life'
Candle Handler] by Roxforbraynz (Uncommon) -
Safety Firestarter] description changed from 'Used as a teaching age for young pyromancers-in-training' to 'Used as a teaching aid for young pyromancers-in-training'
Primitive Prototaxian description changed from 'Once the largest organism of its time, they are now merely considered 'large-ish'' to 'Once the largest organisms of its time, they are now merely considered 'large-ish''
Rising Rosy Staff by Trove Team (Costume) -
Plaguepurge Musket] by Galeneos (Costume) -
Macedoine Master's Mace] by Ainogommon (Costume) -
Partisan Pinatrician Party Pike] by gaugekelley1 (Costume) -
Shining Sidhe Shillelagh] by Anibaal (Costume) -
Chaos Cultist Cudgel] category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Costume'
Chrono Construct Spear] category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Costume'
Chrono Construct Spear] name changed from 'PLACEHOLDER - TIME MASTER SPEAR' to 'Chrono Construct Spear'
Fractal Fighting Fork by Trove Team (Event) -
Soulstone Skewer] by Yeeke (Undead) -
Azure Auspice] by Fizzinc (Tundra) -
Muzzled Maulberd] by panoukos (Dragon) -
In-Line Video Connector] by Rossaroni (Neon City) -
Plasma Pike] by Deimondou (Neon City) -
Dawn Watcher] by GogestickCJ (Radiant) -
Demersal Diving Spear] by 3motions (Costume) -
Anubian Spear] by Galeneos (Costume) -
Golden Singlaive] category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Costume'
- [style=equipment_weapon_bow
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